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File metadata and controls

26 lines (20 loc) · 1.54 KB


Can be used in the library page for all consumption platforms targeting web platform

import { SbLibraryCardsGrid } form '@project-sunbird/common-consumption/layout/gridcards';

Selector: sb-library-cards-grid Exported as: SbLibraryCardsGrid


Name Description
@Input() title: boolean Name that represents the section
@Input() type: LibraryCardGridTypes import the interface LibraryCardGridTypes, to know different possible values of card types.Example: infinite_card_grid OR Example: LibraryCardGridTypes.infinite_card_grid,
@Input() contentList: collection Collection of contents, where each content is a object from server API. Note: Add cardImg property for each item in list before passing contentList
Optional @Input() maxCardCount: Number Number of cards to display the viewing area Default value is 3
Optional @Input() viewMoreButtonText: string custom text to show in place of view all button, if there are more number of cards than "maxCardCount" then a button needs to be displayed. Default value is "View All"
Optional @Input() isLoading: boolean Flag to handle Lazy Loading Default value is false
Optional @Input('hover-template') gridTemplate: TemplateRef; When card has hover data, the template reference of the hover component needs to be injected


Name Description
@Output() viewMoreClick Emits this event when view all button is clicked
@Output() cardClick Emits this event when card is clicked