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[Feature:Logging] Preferred name logging sysadmin script (#16)
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* Create preferred_name_logging.php

Sysadmin tool portion as part of the logging request under Submitty/Submitty#3273 ("Preferred name is forgotten/removed without any indication why")

Initial code entry.  Testing and tweaking needed.  WIP.

* Update preferred_name_logging.php

Psql can generate several logfiles that need to be parsed.

* Update preferred_name_logging.php


* Update preferred_name_logging.php


* Update preferred_name_logging.php


* Update preferred_name_logging.php


* Update preferred_name_logging.php

PR Candidate

* Delete preferred_name_logging.php~

Unneeded temp file

* Update submitty_student_auto_feed.php

Add AUTH(entication) logging to student auto feed for preferred name change tracking.

* Create

Instructions on using the preferred name logging tool.

* Update preferred_name_logging.php

Update to log USER_ID token.
  • Loading branch information
pbailie authored and bmcutler committed Jul 30, 2019
1 parent 45a3964 commit 7867846
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Showing 3 changed files with 326 additions and 0 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions preferred_name_logging/preferred_name_logging.php
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@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
* Preferred Name Logging syadmin tool for Submitty
* This script is to be run on the same server as Postgresql. When run, it
* will parse Postgresql's CSV logs for the previous day and compile a new
* log of any changes to a user's preferred first and last names.
* @author Peter Bailie

/** Main class */
class main {

* Config
* @var const array
* @access private
private const CONFIG = array(
'timezone' => "America/New_York",
'postgresql_logfile_path' => "/var/log/postgresql/",
'submitty_logfile_path' => "/var/log/submitty/",
'postgresql_logfile' => "postgresql",
'submitty_logfile' => "submitty_preferred_names",
'submitty_log_retention' => 7

private const CONSTANTS = array(
'postgresql_log_row_count' => 23,
'psql_validation_update' => 7,
'psql_validation_log' => 11,
'psql_validation_pfn' => 13,
'psql_data_date' => 8,
'psql_data_auth' => 19,
'psql_data_pfn' => 14

* Method to invoke to run this program: main::run()
* @access public
* @static
public static function run() {
// make sure we are running as root from cli
switch (true) {
case posix_getuid() !== 0:
case PHP_SAPI !== 'cli':
fprintf(STDERR, "This is a command line script. Root required.%s", PHP_EOL);




* Process method
* @access private
* @static
private static function parse_and_write_logs() {
//Check to make sure Submitty log directory path exists. Create it if needed.
if (file_exists(self::CONFIG['submitty_logfile_path']) === false) {
if (mkdir(self::CONFIG['submitty_logfile_path'], 0700) === false) {
self::log("Submitty log folder needed, mkdir failed.");

//Prepare submitty preferred name change log file for today.
$submitty_logfile = sprintf("%s%s_%s.log", self::CONFIG['submitty_logfile_path'], self::CONFIG['submitty_logfile'], date("Y-m-d"));
$submitty_fh = fopen($submitty_logfile, 'w');
if ($submitty_fh === false) {
self::log("Cannot create Submitty logfile.");
} else {
fwrite($submitty_fh, "Log opened." . PHP_EOL);

//There can be multiple psql log files that need to be read.
//But we want the ones dated one day prior (hence subtract 86400 seconds which is one day)
$preg_str = sprintf("~^%s\-%s_\d{6}\.csv$~", self::CONFIG['postgresql_logfile'], preg_quote(date("Y-m-d", time() - 86400)));
$logfiles = preg_grep($preg_str, scandir(self::CONFIG['postgresql_logfile_path']));

foreach ($logfiles as $logfile) {
$psql_fh = fopen(self::CONFIG['postgresql_logfile_path'] . $logfile, 'r');
if ($psql_fh === false) {
self::log("Cannot open {$logfile}.");

$psql_row = fgetcsv($psql_fh);
$psql_row_num = 1;
while($psql_row !== false) {
//Validation. Any case is true, validation fails and row is ignored.
switch(true) {
case count($psql_row) !== self::CONSTANTS['postgresql_log_row_count']:
self::log(sprintf("NOTICE: PSQL log row %d had %d columns. %d columns expected. Row ignored.%s", $psql_row_num, count($psql_row), self::CONFIG['postgresql_log_row_count']));
case $psql_row[self::CONSTANTS['psql_validation_update']] !== "UPDATE":
case $psql_row[self::CONSTANTS['psql_validation_log']] !== "LOG":
case $psql_row[self::CONSTANTS['psql_validation_pfn']] !== "PREFERRED_NAME DATA UPDATE":
$psql_row = fgetcsv($psql_fh);
continue 2;

//Validation successful, process row.
//Trim all values in the row
$psql_row = array_map('trim', $psql_row);

//Get date token.
$date = $psql_row[self::CONSTANTS['psql_data_date']];

//Get "AUTH" token (who logged the change).
$key = array();
if (preg_match("~/\* AUTH: \"[\w\-]+\" \*/~", $psql_row[19]) === 1) {
$key['start'] = strpos($psql_row[self::CONSTANTS['psql_data_auth']], "/* AUTH: ") + 3;
$key['end'] = strpos($psql_row[self::CONSTANTS['psql_data_auth']], " */");
$auth = " | " . substr($psql_row[self::CONSTANTS['psql_data_auth']], $key['start'], $key['end'] - $key['start']);
} else {
$auth = " | AUTH NOT LOGGED ";
//Anything sent to STDERR gets emailed by cron.
fprintf(STDERR, "WARNING: AUTH NOT LOGGED%s%s", PHP_EOL, var_export($psql_row, true));

//Get user_id and preferred name change tokens.
$preferred_name = array();
$preferred_names_data = explode(" ", $psql_row[self::CONSTANTS['psql_data_pfn']]);

//user_id token
$key = array_search("USER_ID:", $preferred_names_data);
if ($key !== false) {
$user_id = " | USER_ID: {$preferred_names_data[$key+1]} ";
} else {
$user_id = " | USER_ID NOT LOGGED ";
//Anything sent to STDERR gets emailed by cron.
fprintf(STDERR, "WARNING: USER ID NOT LOGGED%s%s", PHP_EOL, var_export($psql_row, true));

$key = array_search("PREFERRED_FIRSTNAME", $preferred_names_data);
if ($key !== false) {
$preferred_name['first']['old'] = $preferred_names_data[$key+2];
$preferred_name['first']['new'] = $preferred_names_data[$key+4];
// It is possible that no Preferred Firstname was logged, in which we can ignore an move on.

$key = array_search("PREFERRED_LASTNAME", $preferred_names_data);
if ($key !== false) {
$preferred_name['last']['old'] = $preferred_names_data[$key+2];
$preferred_name['last']['new'] = $preferred_names_data[$key+4];
// It is possible that no Preferred Lastname was logged, in which we can ignore an move on.

//Build preferred name change log entry.
$submitty_log = $date . $auth . $user_id;
if (isset($preferred_name['first'])) {
$submitty_log .= " | PREFERRED_FIRSTNAME OLD: {$preferred_name['first']['old']} NEW: {$preferred_name['first']['new']}";
} else {

if (isset($preferred_name['last'])) {
$submitty_log .= " | PREFERRED_LASTNAME OLD: {$preferred_name['last']['old']} NEW: {$preferred_name['last']['new']}";
} else {

//Write log entry and go to next row.
fwrite($submitty_fh, $submitty_log . PHP_EOL);
$psql_row = fgetcsv($psql_fh);


fwrite($submitty_fh, "Log closed." . PHP_EOL);

* Automatically remove old logs
* @access private
* @static
private static function log_retention_and_deletion() {
$preg_str = sprintf("~^%s_%s.log$~", self::CONFIG['submitty_logfile'], preg_quote(date("m-d-Y")));
$logfiles = preg_grep($preg_str, scandir(self::CONFIG['submitty_logfile_path']));
$expiration_epoch = (int)(strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) / 86400) - self::CONFIG['submitty_log_retention'];

foreach($logfiles as $logfile) {
$datestamp = substr($logfile, strpos($logfile, "_") + 1, 10);
$datestamp_epoch = (int)(strtotime($datestamp) / 86400);
if ($datestamp_epoch < $expiration_epoch) {
if (unlink(self::CONFIG['submitty_logfile_path'] . $logfile) === false) {
self::log("Could not delete old logfile: {$logfile}");

* Log messages to error log and STDERR.
* @access private
* @static
private static function log(string $msg) {
$datestamp = date("m-d-Y");
error_log(sprintf("%s %s", $datestamp, $msg), 0);
fprintf(STDERR, "%s%s", $msg, PHP_EOL);

// Start processing.

// EOF
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions preferred_name_logging/
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# Preferred Name Logging

This tool will help track when user preferred names are changed. It attempts to
log who was authenticated for the change, and what change occurred.

It works by first having Postgresql log the required information as the data is
updated in Submitty's databases. Then the sysadmin tool in this folder will
scrape the Postgresql logfile and record only those entries that showed
preferred name change.


Data processed and logged by this tool may be protected by
[FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g)](
Please consult and abide by your institute's data protection policies.

## Postgresql

Submitty's website code and database schema will instruct Postgresql to log any
`UPDATE` query involving any user's preferred first or last name changes.

### Postgresql Configuration

Postgresql needs to be configured to produce the required logs as the necessary
logging is not enabled by default.

#### Config file

- Config file is `Postgresql.conf`
- In Ubuntu 18.04, it is located in `/etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf`

#### Config options

You will find these options under "ERROR REPORTING AND LOGGING". Please enable
(remove the '#' symbol preceding the line) and set these values:

- `log_destination = 'csvlog'`
- The sysadmin tool will scrape a CSV file.
- `logging_collector = on`
- Postgresql doesn't write logs without. this.
- `log_directory = '/var/log/postgresql'`
- You can use a different folder, if needed.
- `log_filename = 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log'`
- You can change the filename a little, but it **must** end with `-%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S.log`
- `log_file_mode = 0600`
- Limits access to this logfile.
- `log_rotation_age = 2d`
- At least 2 days of logs will be needed since the sysadmin tool is intended
to run the following day.
- `log_rotation_size = 10MB`
- This doesn't need to be changed. Any additional logfiles created for a
single day will be picked up by the sysadmin tool.
- `log_min_messages = log`
- Preferred name changes are logged at the `log` level. You can set any
higher level of detail, but not lower than `log`.
- `log_min_duration_statement = 0`
- We want all log instances regardless of process time.
- `log_line_prefix = '%m [%p] %q%u@%d '`
- This can be changed so long as the very first detail is a timestamp. The
sysadmin tool expects to find a timestamp at the very first column.

## Sysadmin Tool

The sysadmin tool needs to be run on a machine with local file access to the
Postgresql log file. It is written in PHP.

### Sysdamin Tool Config

The configuration is defined as a class constant. Near the top of the code is a
small block starting as `private const CONFIG = array(`. Inside the block will
be a config element in single quotes, an arrow like `=>`, a value possibly
enclosed in double quotes, followed by a comma. (Do not lose the comma!)

- `'timezone' => "America/New_York",`
- Set this to your local timezone. q.v.
for more information.
- `'postgresql_logfile_path' => "/var/log/postgresql/",`
- Set this to the same setting as `log_directory` in `postgresql.conf`.
- `'submitty_logfile_path' => "/var/log/submitty/",`
- Where the sysadmin tool will write the preferred name logfile.
- `'postgresql_logfile' => "postgresql",`
- The name of the logfile created by Postgresql. Do not include the time
stamp. This only needs to be changed when `log_filename` in
`postgresql.conf` is changed.
- `'submitty_logfile' => "submitty_preferred_names",`
- Name of the preferred name change logfile. You can leave this as is.
- `'submitty_log_retention' => 7`
- How many days of preferred name change logs to keep.

### Running the Sysadmin Tool

This tool is meant to be executed on the command line and can be scheduled as a
cron job. Errors will be outputted to `STDERR`, which in a crontab can either
be redirected to `/dev/null` or emailed to a sysadmin. Running as `root` is
required, and there are no command line arguments.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions student_auto_feed/submitty_student_auto_feed.php
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Expand Up @@ -534,6 +534,7 @@ private function upsert_psql() {
FROM upsert_users
WHERE users.user_id=upsert_users.user_id

$sql['registration_section']['update'] = null;
Expand Down

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