diff --git a/bsc/AST.py b/bsc/AST.py
index c663da7..d14b07b 100644
--- a/bsc/AST.py
+++ b/bsc/AST.py
@@ -147,13 +147,17 @@ def __str__(self):
         return f"{', '.join([str(left) for left in self.lefts])} {self.op} {str(self.right)}"
 class WhileStmt:
-    def __init__(self, cond, stmt, pos):
+    def __init__(self, cond, stmts, pos):
         self.cond = cond
-        self.stmt = stmt
+        self.stmts = stmts
         self.pos = pos
     def __str__(self):
-        return f"while ({self.cond}) {self.stmt}"
+        res = f"while {self.cond} {{\n"
+        for stmt in self.stmts:
+            res += f"    {stmt}\n"
+        res += "}"
+        return res
 class BlockStmt:
     def __init__(self, stmts, pos):
@@ -439,21 +443,27 @@ def __str__(self):
         s = ""
         for i, branch in enumerate(self.branches):
             if branch.is_else:
-                s += f"else {branch.stmt}"
+                s += " else {\n"
+                for stmt in branch.stmts:
+                    s += f"    {stmt}\n"
+                s += "}"
             if i > 0:
-                s += "else "
-            s += f"if ({branch.cond}) {branch.stmt}" + "\n"
+                s += " else "
+            s += f"if {branch.cond} {{\n"
+            for stmt in branch.stmts:
+                s += f"    {stmt}\n"
+            s += "}"
         return s
     def __repr__(self):
         return str(self)
 class IfBranch:
-    def __init__(self, cond, is_else, stmt, pos):
+    def __init__(self, cond, is_else, stmts, pos):
         self.cond = cond
         self.is_else = is_else
-        self.stmt = stmt
+        self.stmts = stmts
         self.pos = pos
 class MatchExpr:
@@ -464,7 +474,7 @@ def __init__(self, expr, branches, pos):
     def __str__(self):
         if self.expr:
-            s = f"match ({self.expr}) {{\n"
+            s = f"match {self.expr} {{\n"
             s = "match {\n"
         for i, branch in enumerate(self.branches):
diff --git a/bsc/astgen.py b/bsc/astgen.py
index 0fea830..ae7c0cf 100644
--- a/bsc/astgen.py
+++ b/bsc/astgen.py
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ def fn_decl(self, *nodes):
                       ) or isinstance(ret_type, Token) or not ret_type:
             ret_type = self.ctx.void_type
         stmts = []
-        if nodes[-1] == None:
-            stmts = None
-        else:
+        if nodes[-1]:
             stmts = nodes[-1]
+        else:
+            stmts = None
         return FnDecl(
             access_modifier, name, args, is_method, ret_type, stmts,
             name == "main" and self.file == self.ctx.prefs.input, pos
@@ -127,12 +127,6 @@ def fn_args(self, *nodes):
     def fn_arg(self, *nodes):
         return FnArg(nodes[0].name, nodes[2], nodes[-1])
-    def fn_body(self, *nodes):
-        stmts = []
-        if len(nodes) != 2:
-            stmts = list(nodes[1:-1])
-        return stmts
     def var_decl(self, *nodes):
         pos = self.mkpos(nodes[1])
         access_modifier = self.get_access_modifier(nodes[0])
@@ -189,14 +183,14 @@ def op_assign(self, *nodes):
         return op_assign
     def block(self, *nodes):
+        return list(nodes[1:-1])
+    def block_stmt(self, *nodes):
         stmts = list(nodes[1:-1])
         return BlockStmt(stmts, self.mkpos(nodes[0]) + self.mkpos(nodes[-1]))
     def while_stmt(self, *nodes):
-        return WhileStmt(
-            nodes[1], nodes[3],
-            self.mkpos(nodes[0]) + nodes[-1].pos
-        )
+        return WhileStmt(nodes[1], nodes[2], self.mkpos(nodes[0]))
     # Expressions
     def par_expr(self, *nodes):
@@ -438,29 +432,19 @@ def if_expr(self, *nodes):
         return IfExpr(list(nodes), nodes[0].pos + nodes[-1].pos)
     def if_header(self, *nodes):
-        cond = nodes[2]
-        stmt = nodes[4]
-        return IfBranch(cond, False, stmt, self.mkpos(nodes[0]) + nodes[-1].pos)
+        return IfBranch(nodes[1], False, nodes[2], self.mkpos(nodes[0]))
     def else_if_expr(self, *nodes):
-        cond = nodes[3]
-        stmt = nodes[5]
-        return IfBranch(cond, False, stmt, self.mkpos(nodes[0]) + nodes[-1].pos)
+        return IfBranch(nodes[2], False, nodes[3], self.mkpos(nodes[0]))
     def else_stmt(self, *nodes):
-        return IfBranch(
-            None, True, nodes[1],
-            self.mkpos(nodes[0]) + nodes[-1].pos
-        )
+        return IfBranch(None, True, nodes[1], self.mkpos(nodes[0]))
     def match_expr(self, *nodes):
         expr = None
         if nodes[1]:
-            expr = nodes[2]
-        return MatchExpr(
-            expr, nodes[5],
-            self.mkpos(nodes[0]) + self.mkpos(nodes[-1])
-        )
+            expr = nodes[1]
+        return MatchExpr(expr, nodes[3], self.mkpos(nodes[0]))
     def match_branches(self, *nodes):
         branches = []
@@ -481,7 +465,7 @@ def match_branch(self, *nodes):
             for case in nodes:
                 if str(case) == ",":
-                if str(case) == "->":
+                if str(case) == "=>":
             stmt = nodes[-1]
diff --git a/bsc/grammar.lark b/bsc/grammar.lark
index 53573f8..ca279aa 100644
--- a/bsc/grammar.lark
+++ b/bsc/grammar.lark
@@ -39,16 +39,15 @@ var_ident: NAME [COLON type]
 const_decl: [access_modifier] KW_CONST NAME [COLON type] OP_ASSIGN expr
-enum_decl: [access_modifier] KW_ENUM NAME LBRACE (enum_field)* RBRACE
+enum_decl: [access_modifier] KW_ENUM NAME LBRACE enum_field* decl* RBRACE
 enum_field: NAME [OP_ASSIGN expr]
 class_decl: [access_modifier] KW_CLASS NAME LBRACE (class_field | decl)* RBRACE
 class_field: [access_modifier] NAME COLON type [OP_ASSIGN expr]
-fn_decl: [access_modifier] KW_FN NAME LPAREN [fn_args] RPAREN [BANG | type] [fn_body]
+fn_decl: [access_modifier] KW_FN NAME LPAREN [fn_args] RPAREN [BANG | type] [block]
 fn_args: (KW_SELF | fn_arg) (COMMA fn_arg)*
 fn_arg: NAME COLON type [OP_ASSIGN expr]
-fn_body: LBRACE stmt* RBRACE
 access_modifier: KW_PUB [LPAREN KW_PKG RPAREN] | KW_PROT
@@ -72,10 +71,12 @@ primitive_type: "any"
        | var_decl
        | const_decl
        | assignment
-       | block
-       | KW_WHILE LPAREN expr RPAREN stmt -> while_stmt
+       | block_stmt
+       | KW_WHILE expr block -> while_stmt
+block: LBRACE stmt* RBRACE // returns array of stmts in AstGen
+block_stmt: LBRACE stmt* RBRACE // returns BlockStmt in AstGen
-block: LBRACE stmt* RBRACE
 assignment: expr (COMMA expr)* op_assign expr
 op_assign: OP_ASSIGN
        | OP_ASSIGN
@@ -124,11 +125,11 @@ par_expr: LPAREN expr RPAREN
 if_expr: if_header else_if_expr* else_stmt?
-if_header: KW_IF LPAREN expr RPAREN stmt
-else_if_expr: KW_ELSE KW_IF LPAREN expr RPAREN stmt
-else_stmt: KW_ELSE stmt
+if_header: KW_IF expr block
+else_if_expr: KW_ELSE KW_IF expr block
+else_stmt: KW_ELSE block
-match_expr: KW_MATCH [LPAREN expr RPAREN] LBRACE match_branches RBRACE
+match_expr: KW_MATCH [expr] LBRACE match_branches RBRACE
 match_branches: match_branch (COMMA match_branch)*
 match_branch: expr (COMMA expr)* ARROW stmt
        | KW_ELSE ARROW stmt
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ DIV: "/"
 MOD: "%"
 AT: "@"
 SLASH: "/"
-ARROW: "->"
+ARROW: "=>"
 COMMA: ","
 DOT: "."
diff --git a/bsc/lua_ast/render.py b/bsc/lua_ast/render.py
index 8b0e6e3..de58fd4 100644
--- a/bsc/lua_ast/render.py
+++ b/bsc/lua_ast/render.py
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def render_mod(self, decl):
             self.writeln(f"-- end module `{decl.name}`\n")
-                f"{decl.name} = require(\"bsc-out.{decl.lua_filename}\") -- load module file\n"
+                f"{decl.name} = require(\"{BSC_OUT_DIR}.{decl.lua_filename}\") -- load module file\n"
     def render_table(self, decl):
diff --git a/tests/syntax.bs b/tests/syntax.bs
index 5e99393..6718a49 100644
--- a/tests/syntax.bs
+++ b/tests/syntax.bs
@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@ enum WorldLevel {
     undefined = 0xFF
+    fn from_string(s: string) Self {
+        return match s {
+            "overworld" => .overworld,
+            "midgard" => .midgard,
+            "underworld" => .underworld,
+            else => .undefined
+        }
+    }
 class Person {
@@ -72,24 +81,28 @@ fn init() {
     println("Hello World!")
     _ = math.pow(2)
-    if (true) q = 3
-    if (false) {
-        s = if (true) {
+    if true {
+        q = 3
+    }
+    if false {
+        s = if true {
-        } else if (99) {
+        } else if 99 {
         } else {
-    while (nil) m += 4
-    match (name) {
-        "holaa" -> m = 99,
-        "wb", "js" -> m = 1000,
-        else -> exit
+    while nil {
+        m += 4
+    }
+    match name {
+        "holaa" => m = 99,
+        "wb", "js" => m = 1000,
+        else => exit
     match {
-        true -> true,
-        false -> false
+        true => true,
+        false => false