Releases: Stratoscale/skipper
Add support for multiple --env-file
1.29.2 Add support for multiple --env-file
Added project description
1.29.1 Moved project description to setup.cfg
Added publish ports support
Added publish ports support
Set default network to bridge when running on mac
Add env file support
1.28.0 Support using env file by passing option --env-file
support multiple config files
This should allow users to export their own config that will override the default skipper.yaml
Allow running skipper as root
In case skipper username is root set the HOME_DIR env to /root instead of /home/{username}
Fixes for MAC and SELinux
docker group may not exists
SELinux forbit relabeling content in /usr
Remote docker images enhancements
Allow PBR versioning scheme when pushing to registry (So we can have 1.2.3. or 4.5.6.patch. as a version
Support authenticated Registry
Add the hash as tag argument so use can build an image which is based on another image on the same build (So we can have base image and multiple derived images with the same tag)
Better support for Mac (Not finalized yet - some issue the docker user which does not exists on mac - maybe fixed by what you did for podman - need to check)
Enhance podman support
Allow running skipper with podman without root user
Disabled network command while running with podman
Revoming set user in entrypoint while running with podman
Adding special treatment for docker/config and .gitconfig files
Added skipper install test matrix
Allow to install skipper without root permissions
Handle bash-completion differently to support non-root installations.
Adding support for podman.
*If docker and podman are installed , docker will be used as default