var ctx = new VideoContext()
A video context will synchronise all the media being played through it.; //play all
ctx.pause(); //pause all
ctx.currentTime //set to seek through timeline
3 Basic types of nodes are supported. Image, Video, & Canvas. There will be an API for registering custom types and/or a method for attaching listeners to a SourceNode.
Creating via passing a url string implies the context handles the creation/deletion of the underlying element. Creating via passing an elemenet implies the user is responsible for the creation/deletion of the underlying element.
var videoNode = ctx.createVideoSourceNode(element);
var videoNode = ctx.createVideoSourceNode(str);
var imageNode = ctx.createImageSourceNode(element);
var imageNode = ctx.createImageSourceNode(str);
var canvasNode = ctx.createCanvasSourceNode(element);
SourceNodes have a read-only "state" property which is either "waiting", "sequenced", "playing", or "ended".
enum SourceNodePlaybackState {"waiting", "sequenced", "playing", "ended"};
An individual node can only exist on the global timeline once.
Calling start on a source node will add it to the global contexts timeline.
Calling stop on a source node will signal the end of the playback on the global timeline, but not remove it.
Calling start() sets nodes state from "waiting" to "sequenced".
When the node plays its state changes from "sequenced" to "playing".
Once playback has finished the state changes from "playing" to "ended".
start() can only be called when the state of the node is "wating".
stop() can only be called when the state of the node is "sequenced" or "playing".
If stop() is called on a node in the "sequenced" state. The nodes state is set back to "waiting"
Calling clearTimelineState() will set a nodes state to "waiting" and remove it from the timeline.
videoNode.start(); //start playback now.
videoNode.start(10); //start playback in 10 seconds.
videoNode.clearTimelineState(); // stops any upcoming start events and sets state to "waiting"
videoNode.stop(); //stop playback now.
videoNode.stop(10); //stop playback in 10 seconds.
videoNode.clearTimelineState(); // stops playback and sets state to "waiting"
TransitionNode - 2 inputs, 1 output, 1 required parameter.
0 - Video to transistion from.
1 - Video to transistion to.
Required parameters:
progress - value from 0 to 1. 0 is full input 0, 1 is full input 1.
0 - The result of the transition process
EffectNode - 1 Input, 1 Output, 0 required parameters.
0 - Video to apply effect too.
0 - The results of the effect.
CompositionNode - * inputs, 1 output, 0 required parameters
* - Any number of input nodes, render order is determined by index, which can be a float.
0 - The result of the composition.
Max number of 8 framebuffers & 16 or 32 texture units for a single WebGL context. Will need to heavily optimize the render graph. Maybe have a central manager for processing nodes to request free framebuffers or textures.
To minimise resource use effects should be defined as webgl functions
var presenterSource = ctx.createVideoSourceNode("presenter.mp4");
var backgroundSource = ctx.createVideoSourceNode("background.png");
var titleSource = ctx.createVideoSourceNode("title.mp4");
var effectNode = ctx.createEffectNode(VideoContext.Effects.GreenScreen);
var transitionNode = ctx.createTransitionNode(VideoContext.Transitions.Crossfade);
var compositingNode = ctx.createCompositingNode(VideoContext.Composit.AlphaBlend);
0 2 3 5 6 8
| V1 |V1->V2| V2 |V2->V3| V3 |
var v1Node, v2Node, v3Node; //SourcesNodes
var v1v2Tranisition, v2v3Transition = ctx.createTransition(VideoContext.Transitions.XFADE); //Tr
var outputComposit;
v1Node.connect(v1v2Transition, 0);
v2Node.connect(v1v2Transition, 1);
v2Node.connect(v2v3Transition, 0);
v3Node.connect(v2v3Transition, 1);
ctx.registeLisner("render", function(currentTime){
tranistionNode.progres = 0.0 - 1.0;
transistion.transition(time, duration, function(progress){
return 0.0-10;
transiston.progress = 0.5;
VideoContext.Utils.renderTimeline(videoCtx, canvasCtx);