- Fix: remove unused parameters from formatTooltipLabel
- Theming components taken from somrepre-oficinavirtual
- GlobalTheming: A wrapper to reset css, set the global theme,
and control the color mode (light/dark)
- Renamed SomRepre GlobalTheme -> GlobalTheming
- Added a customTheme attribute to inject other than SomEnergia
- Fix: SomEnergiaTheme was not properly exported
- LocalStorage hook to set and depend on shared LocalStorage data
- ColorModeButton: A button to toggle the color mode
- GlobalTheming: A wrapper to reset css, set the global theme,
and control the color mode (light/dark)
- Fix dependencies recharts-scale
- Remove minimum Yaxis value validation
- When average is grater than maximum value and minimum is possitive, minimum Y axis should be 0
- Force 0 value in Y axis when negative values
- TableEditor: Optimized to work well with 200 rows
- InnerRow as component to isolate unrequired row renders
- Memoizing rows to avoid such unrequired rerenders
- Using custom css instead slow Mui Collapse
- Cache sorting and paging with useMemo
- Handlers defined with useCallback to avoid rerenders
- Using lambda based setX state changes, to avoid single row callbacks to depend on all the rows.
- Using sets for selected and filtered
- Extracted inner components as files
- CustomToolTip
- Fix: Add alpha channel, and set to 1, to avoid opacity
- CustomToolTip
- Fix: Use
as default decimal separator
- Fix: Use
- SomDatePicker
- Parameterize styles
- Chart
- Parameterize tickcounter and max yAxis value
- Date picker
- Fix: add min width
- Fix: Add missing
- Fix: node version github action
- Fix: Add missing
- Fix: Parameterize decimal separator establishing
as default value
- Fix: Parameterize decimal separator establishing
- Fix: formatDecimal with 2 decimals by default parametrized
- New component: SomDatePicker
- New component: DizzyError (cuca marejada)
- New component: SumPricesDisplay
- Chart: added reference lines
- Chart: added custom legend
- Cypress test for SomDatePicker
- BarChart changes:
- Bars between x lines
- Changes in tooltip (add possibility to hide the keys in tooltip)
- Enable to pass the Y legend
- Fix: chart tooltip for 0 values
- New component: Chart
- New components: SumDisplay
- New component SnackbarMessages
- New service: messages
- Fix: proptypes required -> isRequired
- Docs: how to add dependencies
- Fixed duplication of modules causing multiple problems
- Translations on production build disappeared due to duplicated i18next-react instance
- In some occasions react simbols were not found
- TableEditor:
- Singular texts for filter and selected items
- Breaking change: noDataPlaceHolder should not include TR/TD wrapping
- Pagination moved back down
- Catalan translation
- TableEditor:
- Softer filter animation (padding, borders and the filter counter row changed abruptly)
- Fix: some styles were misspelled.
- Loading:
- Parametrization and simplification
- Fix: Removed bad keyframe selector warning
- Some weird interaction with other styles
made the browser complaint on the transform
rotate animation. Using
- Some weird interaction with other styles
made the browser complaint on the transform
rotate animation. Using
- Fix: On some circumstances the ball and the line dealigned
- Now they are attached to the same animated parent. this eases the layout.
- All children made concentric and absolute positioned.
- Duplicate all dependencies are peer dependencies
- Fix: glob package broke interface
- Main application styles clean up
- CI: Publish on tag
- Packaging metadata
- Fix: Actual files not included in package
- Fix: dependnecies have to be dev and peer
- Packaging corrections
- First version
- Includes components: Loading and TableEditor from somrepresenta-oficinavirtual
- Manages translations and themes