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Hash Table


Une Table de Hachage une structure de données qui permet une association clé-valeur. Son but principal est de permettre de retrouver une clé donnée très rapidement, en la cherchant à un emplacement de la table correspondant au résultat d'une fonction de hachage calculée en O(1). Cela constitue un gain de temps très important pour les grosses tables, lors d'une recherche ou d'un besoin d'accès aux données en utilisant la clé définie.

Un annuaire représenté comme une table de hachage. La fonction de hachage transforme les clés en valeurs de hachage indexant les éléments de la table composés de paires clé-valeur:


Label Tags Date
1. Two Sum Array, Hash Table 18-02-2024
13. Roman to Integer Hash Table, Math, String 14-03-2024
141. Linked List Cycle Hash Table, Linked List, Two Pointers 06-03-2024
160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists Hash Table, Linked List, Two Pointers 16-04-2024
169. Majority Element Array, Hash Table, Divide and Conquer, Sorting, Counting 12-04-2024
202. Happy Number Hash Table, Math, Two Pointers 13-04-2024
205. Isomorphic Strings Hash Table, String 30-03-2024
219. Contains Duplicate II Array, Hash Table, Sliding Window 30-03-2024
242. Valid Anagram Hash Table, String, Sorting 30-03-2024
290. Word Pattern Hash Table, String 30-03-2024
349. Intersection of Two Arrays Array, Hash Table, Binary Search, Sorting 10-03-2024
383. Ransom Note Hash Table, String, Counting 30-09-2024
575. Distribute Candies Array, Hash Table 28-04-2024
706. Design HashMap Array, Hash Table, Linked List, Design, Hash Function 09-03-2024
997. Find the Town Judge Array, Hash Table, Graph 22-02-2024
1207. Unique Number of Occurrences Array, Hash Table 16-03-2024
1893. Check if All the Integers in a Range Are Covered Array, Prefix Sum, Hash Table 26-02-2024
2215. Find the Difference of Two Arrays Array, Hash Table 14-03-2024
2418. Sort the People Array, Hash Table, String, Sorting 22-07-2024
2441. Largest Positive Integer That Exists With Its Negative Array, Hash Table, Two Pointers, Sorting 03-05-2024
2540. Minimum Common Value Array, Hash Table, Two Pointers, Binary Search 09-03-2024
3005. Count Elements With Maximum Frequency Array, Hash Table, Counting 08-03-2024
3146. Permutation Difference between Two Strings Hash Table, String 20-05-2024


Label Tags Date
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters String, Hash Table, Sliding Window 18-02-2024
12. Integer to Roman Hash Table, Math, String 13-03-2024
17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Hash Table, String, Backtracking 14-03-2024
36. Valid Sudoku Array, Hash Table, Matrix 25-03-2024
380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Array, Hash Table, Math, Design, Randomized 06-04-2024
442. Find All Duplicates in an Array Array, Hash Table 25-02-2024
752. Open the Lock Array, Hash Table, String, Breadth-First Search 22-04-2024
791. Custom Sort String Hash Table, String, Sorting 11-03-2024
1110. Delete Nodes And Return Forest Array, Hash Table, Tree, Depth-First Search, Binary Tree 17-07-2024
1679. Max Number of K-Sum Pairs Array, Two Pointers, Sorting, Hash Table 13-03-2024
2196. Create Binary Tree From Descriptions Array, Hash Table, Tree, Binary Tree 15-07-2024
2958. Length of Longest Subarray With at Most K Frequency Array,Hash Table, Sliding Window 26-06-2024
3016. Minimum Number of Pushes to Type Word II Hash Table, String, Greedy, Sorting, Counting 06-08-2024
3080. Mark Elements on Array by Performing Queries Array, Hash Table, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Simulation 16-03-2024
3081. Replace Question Marks in String to Minimize Its Value Hash Table, String, Greedy, Sorting, Heap (Priority Queue), Counting 22-03-2024
3128. Right Triangles Array, Hash Table, Math, Combinatorics, Counting 10-05-2024
3143. Maximum Points Inside the Square Array, Hash Table, String, Binary Search, Sorting 06-07-2024
3217. Delete Nodes From Linked List Present in Array Array, Hash Table,Linked List 06-09-2024


Label Tags Date
41. First Missing Positive Array, Hash Table 26-03-2024
726. Number of Atoms Hash Table, String, Stack, Sorting 14-07-2024