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A description of the Abacus proof-of-stake protocol

Proof of stake

The Abacus proof-of-stake protocol is responsible for determining and securing the validator set responsible for passing messages from the Outbox on a source chain to an Inbox on a destination chain.

This protocol is implemented entirely in smart contracts. An instance of these smart contracts is deployed on every Abacus-supported chain.

{% hint style="info" %} Each Abacus-supported chain has its own validator set, and runs its own instance of proof-of-stake. For clarity and simplicity, the following documentation describes a single instance of the protocol. {% endhint %}



To be eligible to receive delegations, validators must first register their public key on the StakingRegistry. To register, validators provide a proof-of-possession of their private key [1] and specify a commission as a percentage of staking rewards.

Each registered validator has a corresponding StakingPool contract, responsible for managing ABC tokens delegated to that validator.

  * @notice Registers the validator's public key and deploys staking and withdrawal
  * pools.
  * @param _publicKey The validator's public key.
  * @param _commission The validator's staking reward commission.
  * @param _pop A proof-of-possession of the validator's private key.
  * @return Returns true upon success.
function register(
  bytes32 _publicKey,
  uint256 _commission,
  bytes calldata _pop
) external returns (bool);


Users can delegate to a validator by calling StakingPool.delegate(), which transfers ABC tokens from the user to the pool. In return, the user receives ERC20-compatible StakingTokens, representing their proportional share of the ABC held by the pool [2].

These StakingTokens represent a pro-rata claim on the ABC held by the StakingPool.

  * @notice Delegates `amount` ABC to the pool's validator.
  * @param _amount The amount of ABC to delegate.
  * @return Returns the number of StakingTokens minted to msg.sender.
function delegate(uint256 _amount) external returns (uint256);


Users can withdraw their stake from a pool by calling StakingPool.withdraw(), which burns the user's StakingTokens and transfers the corresponding share of the pool's ABC to the validator's WithdrawalPool.

The WithdrawalPool mints an ERC721-compatible WithdrawalToken to the user, representing the user's proportional share of ABC in the WithdrawalPool and the timestamp at which that share can be withdrawn [3].

  * @notice Withdraws ABC from the StakingPool and deposits it in the
  * WithdrawalPool.
  * @param _amount The amount of StakingTokens to burn.
  * @return The amount of ABC transferred to the staking pool.
  * @return The ID of the WithdrawalToken minted to msg.sender
function withdraw(uint256 _amount) external returns (uint256, uint256);

Users can withdraw their ABC by calling WithdrawalPool.withdraw(), which checks the timestamp on their WithdrawalToken, burns it, and transfers the corresponding share of the pool's ABC to the user.

  * @notice Withdraws ABC from the WithdrawalPool.
  * @param _id The ID of the WithdrawalToken.
  * @return The amount of ABC transferred to msg.sender.
function withdraw(uint256 _id) external returns (uint256);


Abacus partitions time up into Epochs, a period of time during which the validator set remains fixed. Epochs are numbered, and the length of an epoch is a governable parameter of the protocol.

Epochs are tracked by the EpochManager contract, which exposes functions to modify the length of an epoch, and to query a particular epoch's start and end timestamps.


The Abacus protocol provides economic incentives that reward users for delegating their ABC and that punish delegators for validator misbehavior.


Validators and delegators are rewarded for their role in securing the network in the form of newly-minted ABC tokens.

The protocol specifies a governable rewardsRate, the number of ABC tokens that should be minted every epoch for each validator in the validator set.

Rewards are split between validators and their delegators. Validators receive a percentage of the rewards as a commission [4], and the rest is transferred to their StakingPool, which effectively distributes rewards pro-rata to delegators [5].

The RewardsManager contract manages the rewardsRate and is responsible for distributing staking rewards to validators and their delegators. Anyone can distribute staking rewards by specifying a validator and calling RewardsManager.reward().

{% hint style="warning" %} StakingRewards does not have a view into the history of validator sets for previous epochs, and thus can only distribute rewards for the current epoch. StakingRewards.reward() should be called once for each validator, every epoch, in order to ensure all rewards are properly distributed. {% endhint %}

  * @notice Mints `rewardsRate` ABC tokens and divides them proportionally between
  * _validator and its staking pool according to its commission.
  * @param _validator The validator public key.
  * @return True upon success.
function reward(bytes32 _validator) external returns(bool);


If a validator signs anything other than a valid Outbox checkpoint, the stake delegated to that validator can be slashed.

Anyone can present evidence in the form of a signed checkpoint by calling SlashingManager.slash(). The contract verifies the signature, checks that the checkpoint is not present in the Outbox, and that this evidence has not already been presented to the SlashingManager.

If the evidence is accepted, the SlashingManager withdraws and burns half of the ABC held by the StakingPool and WithdrawalPool, which effectively slashes each delegator pro-rata [6].

  * @notice Checks that the validator signed an invalid checkpoint and burns ABC
  * held in its Staking and Withdrawal pools.
  * @param _validator The validator public key.
  * @param _root The merkle root of the signed checkpoint.
  * @param _index The index of the signed checkpoint.
  * @param _signature The validator's signature on the checkpoint.
  * @return True upon success.
function slash(
  bytes32 _validator,
  bytes32 _root,
  uint256 _index,
  bytes calldata _signature
) external returns(bool);

The SlashingManager contract exposes a governable function to modify the percentage of stake that can be slashed.


The composition of the Abacus validator set is determined by the stake held in each StakingPool. Every epoch, Abacus broadcasts a cross-chain message to remote chains to ensure that all Inboxes have an up-to-date view of the latest validator set.


The current validator set is managed locally by the LocalValidatorsManager contract. This contract stores an EnumerableSet of public keys representing the validator set for the current epoch, as well as the threshold, the number of validators required to reach a quorum.

During the TransitionWindow, a 24 hour period at the end of each epoch, anyone may propose a validator set for the upcoming epoch by calling LocalValidatorsManager.proposeDiff(). This proposal must contain a ValidatorsDiff, which specifies validators to add and remove from the current set.

Proposals are scored by calculating the minimum stake that would be required in order to achieve a quorum.

  * @notice Proposes a diff to be applied to the validator set for the upcoming
  * epoch.
  * @dev If accepted, stores the proposal as `pendingDiff`.
  * @param _additions The public keys to be added to the validator set.
  * @param _deletions The public keys to be removed from the validator set.
  * @return True upon acceptance.
function proposeDiff(
  bytes32[] calldata _additions,
  bytes32[] calldata _deletions
) external returns(uint256);

After the TransitionWindow is over, anyone may apply the diff to the validator set by calling applyDiff(). The LocalValidatorsManager broadcasts a cross-chain message to all remote Inboxes containing the ValidatorsDiff, and clears the pendingDiff[7].

  * @notice Applies `pendingDiff` to the current validator set, broadcasts it to
  * all `RemoteValidatorsManagers`, and clears it.
  * @return True upon success.
function applyDiff() external returns(bool);

The LocalValidatorsManager contract exposes governable functions to modify the size of the threshold and the maximum validator set size.


The validator set for a remote chain is managed by a RemoteValidatorsManager contract. This contract stores an EnumerableSet of public keys representing the latest validator set for which it is aware, as well as the threshold, the number of validators required to reach a quorum.

When the RemoteValidatorsManager contract receives a cross-chain message from its corresponding LocalValidatorsManager, it updates its view of the validator set accordingly.

The RemoteValidatorsManager contract exposes a number of view functions that can be used by an Inbox to check that a checkpoint was signed by a quorum of validators.

  * @notice Checks whether or not a checkpoint was signed by a quorum of validators.
  * @param _validators The public keys of the validators that signed the checkpoint.
  * @param _root The merkle root of the signed checkpoint.
  * @param _index The index of the signed checkpoint.
  * @param _signatures The validator signatures on the checkpoint.
  * @return True upon acceptance.
function isQuorum(
  bytes32[] _validators,
  bytes32 _root,
  uint256 _index,
  bytes memory signatures
) public view returns (bool);

  * @notice Checks whether or not a checkpoint was signed by `_publicKey`.
  * @param _publicKey The public key to verify the signature against.
  * @param _root The merkle root of the signed checkpoint.
  * @param _index The index of the signed checkpoint.
  * @param _signature A signature on the checkpoint.
  * @return Whether or not signature verification succeeded.
function verifySignature(
  bytes32 _publicKey,
  bytes32 _root,
  uint256 _index,
  bytes memory _signature
) public view returns (bool);

  * @notice Returns whether or not `_publicKey` is in the known validator set.
  * @param _publicKey The public key to check.
  * @return Whether or not `_publicKey` is in the known validator set.
function isValidator(bytes32 _publicKey) public view returns (bool);


  • [1] To protect against rogue key attacks
  • [2] In other words, the users share of the total supply of StakingTokens is equal to the share of ABC they contributed to the pool at the time of delegation.
  • [3] 21 days later
  • [4] As specified during registration
  • [5] Because the StakingTokens tokens held by delegators represent a pro-rata claim on the ABC held by the StakingPool
  • [6] Because theStakingTokens and WithdrawalTokens held by delegators represent pro-rata claims on the ABC held by the respective pools.
  • [7] Note that because message processing is not guaranteed to happen in order, these messages also contain an epoch number, to ensure that the RemoteValidatorsManager applies the diff against the correct validator set. As a fallback, the LocalValidatorsManager exposes a function to send the entire validator set to a RemoteValidatorsManager.