The following project has 3 RPC services
- GetUserByName (on port:9000)
- GetUser (on port:9001)
- GetMockUserData (on port:10000)
The client inputs name from the user then sends it GetUserByName and so on, the diagram below explains the sequence of methods called
client ---RPC--> (GetUserByName)orchestrator_1(:9000) ---RPC--> (GetUser)orchestrator_2(:9001) ---RPC--> (GetMockUserData)mock_data_service(:10000)
- protos -> the proto file and the generated code are present here
- client -> the client function is present here
- logic -> orchestration logic resides
- datamock -> dummy data service resides here
git clone
enter the folder
cd orchestrator-service
There is a server.go file present which starts the three RPC services
go run server.go
open another terminal in orchestrator-service folder then enter client folder and run client.go
cd client
go run client.go
you will now be asked to enter a name and will be returned with a response or an error if is length is less than 6
- Operating System - Linux (PopOs v21)
= $HOME/go- repository path -> home/Desktop