Laion high resolution is a >= 1024x1024 subset of laion5B. It is available at It has 170M samples
A good use case is to train a superresolution model.
Download from
mkdir laion-super-resolution && cd laion-super-resolution
for i in {00000..00127}; do wget$i-5d6701c4-b238-4c0a-84e4-fe8e9daea963-c000.snappy.parquet; done
cd ..
img2dataset --url_list laion-high-resolution --input_format "parquet"\
--url_col "URL" --caption_col "TEXT" --output_format webdataset\
--output_folder laion-high-resolution-output --processes_count 16 --thread_count 64 --image_size 1024\
--resize_only_if_bigger=True --resize_mode="keep_ratio" --skip_reencode=True \
--save_additional_columns '["similarity","hash","punsafe","pwatermark","LANGUAGE"]' --enable_wandb True
This can be downloaded at 280 sample/s so it takes 7 days to download with one 32 cores 2Gbps machine. The result is 50TB (high resolution images are big and slow to download!)