English |
開発者スタフォード・レオン様の WordCamp Brisbane 2018でのプレゼンテーション を見ます。
- WordPress.org plugin page
- Marketing site
- Documentation
- Forum
- Slack
- CircleCI master
- 完璧のコードよりパーフォーマンス
- 短い変数名より人間が読めるコード
- 外部ライブラリより自分達の書いたコード
- 意見よりもデータ(ベンチマーク、など)
- クリック数が低い方が良いUX
- 開発者のお好みよりユーザが決める設定
wp wp2static options --help
wp wp2static options
Read / write plugin options
wp wp2static options
<list> [--reveal-sensitive-values]
Get all option names and values (explicitly reveal sensitive values)
<get> <option-name>
Get or set a specific option via name
<set> <option-name> <value>
Set a specific option via name
List all options
wp wp2static options list
List all options (revealing sensitive values)
wp wp2static options list --reveal_sensitive_values
Get option
wp wp2static options get selected_deployment_option
Set option
wp wp2static options set baseUrl 'https://mystaticsite.com'
wp wp2static generate
Generating static copy of WordPress site
Success: Generated static site archive in 00:00:04
wp wp2static deploy --test
wp wp2static deploy
wp wp2static generate
Generating static copy of WordPress site
Success: Generated static site archive in 00:00:04
wp wp2static deploy --test
wp wp2static deploy
Deploying static site via: zip
Success: Deployed to: zip in 00:00:01
Sending confirmation email...
- Filter hook
example usage
function add_additional_urls( $url_queue ) {
$additional_urls = array(
$url_queue = array_merge(
return $url_queue;
add_filter( 'wp2static_modify_initial_crawl_list', 'add_additional_urls' );
- Action hook
example usage
function printArchiveInfo( $archive ) {
error_log( print_r( $archive, true ) );
add_filter( 'wp2static_post_deploy_trigger', 'printArchiveInfo' );
example response
Archive Object
[settings] => Array
[selected_deployment_option] => github
[baseUrl] => https://leonstafford.github.io/demo-site-wordpress-static-html-output-plugin/
[wp_site_url] => http://example.test/
[wp_site_path] => /srv/www/example.com/current/web/wp/
[wp_uploads_path] => /srv/www/example.com/current/web/app/uploads
[wp_uploads_url] => http://example.test/app/uploads
[wp_active_theme] => /wp/wp-content/themes/twentyseventeen
[wp_themes] => /srv/www/example.com/current/web/app/themes
[wp_uploads] => /srv/www/example.com/current/web/app/uploads
[wp_plugins] => /srv/www/example.com/current/web/app/plugins
[wp_content] => /srv/www/example.com/current/web/app
[wp_inc] => /wp-includes
[crawl_increment] => 1
[path] => /srv/www/example.com/current/web/app/uploads/wp-static-html-output-1547668758/
[name] => wp-static-html-output-1547668758
[crawl_list] =>
[export_log] =>
- Issueを作って
- レポをフォークして
- PRを送信する
スタフォード・レオン (英語・日本語)
In trying to make development/contributing easier, we'll keep requirements to a minimum. If you prefer Docker, Local by FlyWheel, Valet, Bedrock, Linux, BSD, Mac, they're all fine. This is a WordPress plugin, so anywhere you can run WordPress, you can do development on this :)
Localisation has fallen behind on this project. I welcome anyone who can contribute some expertise in this area / help me get the project easier to translate.
Our official translation page on wordpress.org.
Please raise an issue here on GitHub or on the plugin's support forum.
There is also a Slack group, for quick discussions among the user community.
When cloning the repo for direct use, clone it into a dir named after the official WP plugin's slug, static-html-output-plugin
, this will make life easier.
I'm committed (git-pun) to keeping this software open-source and free from selling out user data to a 3rd party. As of version 6, we'll no longer be using Freemius for this reason. We'll accept payments with Snipcart + Stripe, but they will have no knowledge of your WordPress website or any info not required for a payment. The only thing that tracks you on our marketing website is a YouTube embed, which I'll soon switch to an image to avoid that. I rock OpenBSD on my workstation and increasingly on servers because they are an open source project done very well.
There is no big company behind this software, besides a sole proprietership in my name, in order to comply with taxation requirements for me as an Australian resident.
Help keep me doing what I love: building and supporting this software.