- (Schmakus) update dependencies
- (Schmakus) update license year
- (Schmakus) fixed AutoOnLux (Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'minLux'))
- (Schmakus) Node >=16 and NPM >=7 necessary!
- (Schmakus) fixed rampOff.time
- (Schmakus) update dependencies
- (Schmakus) (thoml95) Changed conversion of color-temperature (edit of ct-states required)
- (Schmakus) (thoml95) fixed some bugs related to powerCleaningLight
- (Schmakus) Some code improvements
- (Schmakus) Update Docu
- (Schmakus) Fixed CtReverse [#149]
- (Schmakus) Fixed translation for light [#136]
- (Schmakus) Fixed warning min/max of ct-state [#148]
- (Schmakus) Fixed Set Color-Temperature (set null value)
- (Schmakus) Fix error by init of customConfig, if no light description is available
- (Schmakus) Fix error by set Ct, Color,... if no lights or groups defined
- (Schmakus) Some code improvements
- (Schmakus) Fix AdaptiveCt - StartYoureDay Interpolated
- (Schmakus) Update docs
- (Schmakus) Allow smaller and larger Kelvin values in the settings
- (Schmakus) Hotfix Create States [#124]
- (Schmakus) Fix missing native part in states
- (Schmakus) Fix [#101] PowerCleaningLight
- (Schmakus) Code improvements
- (Schmakus) Fix error in switching on/off
- (Schmakus) Ready for a stable release
- (Schmakus) update dependencies
- (Schmakus) Fix lux sensor handling
- (Schmakus) Important Update! Dev-mode was activated in v0.2.8
- (Schmakus) Fix switch on/off
- (Schmakus) Some code improvements
- (Schmakus) Fix switching on/off
- (Schmakus) Creating LightGroups is only possible if the group name does not contain any special characters other than _ and -.
- (Schmakus) Fix: set brightness although no brightness state is available (blink)
- (Schmakus) renew release. no changes. please use this release.
- (Schmakus) No special characters allowed in group names except dashes and underlines => Please change your group names if needed!!!
- (Schmakus) Fix: Create Groups without any global lux-sensor or individial lux-sensor
- (Schmakus) Update dependencies
- (Schmakus) Enhancements for better debugging
- (Schmakus) Fix calculation of color-temperature and added ct-reverse mode ([#96] [#89])
- (Schmakus) Added brightness converting. Now you can use brighness states with 0-254 or 0-100
- (Schmakus) some little bugfixes
- (Schmakus) Availability to switch on/off lights only with level/brightness state and without switch state
- (Schmakus) Availability to set Ct, Sat and Color directly to the lamp, also if it's switched off.
- (Schmakus) Added new Modus for AdaptiveCt: StartYourDay interplated. It's a sinus half curve from morning time to sunset.
- (Schmakus) Update adaptername translations in io-package.json
- (Schmakus) Some little bugfixes and corrections for logging
- (Schmakus) Fix AdaptiveCt, because there was a problem with date object.
- (Schmakus) Added AdaptiveCt functionality. Was not implemented in older versions.
- (Schmakus) Some different small bugfixes and code cleaning
- (Schmakus) Fix: Update for ioBroker Beta-Repo
- (Schmakus) Fix: Adaptive Color-Temperature (failure by reading settings minCt and maxCt)
- (Schmakus) Availability to switch on/off lights only with level/brightness state and without switch state
- (Schmakus) Add Sentry Plugin
- (Schmakus) Fix issue #80
- (Schmakus) general translation updates and translation of states
- (Schmakus) Latest Release
- (Schmakus) Ability to remove unused lights and sensors when deleting the light group
- (Schmakus) Some code cleaning and update debug logs
- (Schmakus) Update dependencies
- (Schmakus) Update translations
- (Schmakus) New: #61 Added infinite blinking. Please read the documentation.
- (Schmakus) Fix: some little things.
- (Schmakus) Fix: #66 Adding more than one lamp to group
- (Schmakus) Fix: CustomConfig Color definitions
- (Schmakus) Deleting hole light from group if it contains no states
- (Schmakus) Updating CreateState Function for extended debugging
- (Schmakus) Fix: Warning by adding motion sensor to group
- (Schmakus) New: Add Default Values for WarmWhite and DayLight at Color-State
- (Schmakus) updating translations
- (Schmakus) Fix: Moving sensors and lights to other group
- (Schmakus) Fix: Adding sensor to groups
- (Schmakus) Update German Docu
- (Schmakus) first Alpha Release
- (Schmakus) Initial Release