This is a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) full-stack e-commerce application with authentication, checkout functionality, API design, validations, Zustand store, and responsive design.
- User authentication (signup, login, logout)
- Product listing, browsing, and searching
- Shopping cart functionality
- Checkout process with order summary
- API design for handling user authentication, products, and orders
- Form validations for user input
- Zustand store for managing global state
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop devices
A live demo of the project is available here, allowing you to explore its features and functionalities.
- React.js
- Zustand (for state management)
- React Router DOM (for routing)
- Axios (for HTTP requests)
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB (for database)
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication
- Mongoose (for MongoDB object modeling)
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd your-repo
Install dependencies for the frontend and backend:
cd client npm install cd ../server npm install
Set up environment variables:
- Create a .env file in the server directory.
- Add MongoDB connection URI, JWT secret key, and other necessary environment variables.
Start the backend server:
cd server npm start
Start the frontend development server:
cd client npm start
This project is licensed under the MIT License.