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File metadata and controls

109 lines (74 loc) · 6.19 KB

Exercise 1 - Understand the Existing Project Setup

To better understand the initial state of the project and where we want to go, let's examine the current state of the application.

1.1 Understanding the Project Structure

The project structure is as follows:

├── srv
│   ├── external
│   │   └── ...  // here we will add the metadata files of the remote services
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── gen
│   │   |   └── ...  // generated Java classes will be here
│   │   ├── main
│   │   |   |──
│   │   |   |──  // the main entry point for our business logic
│   │   |   |── remote
│   │   |   |   └──         // handles all communication to SuccessFactors
│   │   |   |   └── // handles all communication to the Registration API
|   └── service.cds  // here we defined our CDS models and services
|   └── pom.xml  // all our dependencies and plugins are here
├── pom.xml // here we manage our dependency versions

There are a few more files present, but the above are mostly what we will be working with during the exercises.

1.2 Understanding Service Definitions

Services are one of the core concepts of CAP. They are declared in CDS and dispatch events to Event Handlers. Let's examine the service.cds file, which defines the services exposed by our application: It defines two services, SignupService and the GoalService.

  • The SignupService is our main entry point to perform our business logic.
  • The GoalService is just for testing individual aspects of the application later, it is not required for the main use case.

The SignupService exposes one action called signUp. It takes a String session, which is the name of the session a user intends to sign up for.

@path: 'SignupService'
service SignupService {
  action signUp(session: String) returns String;

The @path argument allows you to provide a custom path for the exposed service. In this example, we are providing the value "SignupService", which means that this particular service will be available at {application-hostname}/odata/v4/SignupService/ once our application runs.

Let's understand what artifacts are generated based on the services we defined in the next step.

1.3 CDS Maven Plugin

In your application's pom.xml, under the plugins section you can see the cds-maven-plugin entry. The interesting part here is the generate goal, which is responsible for scanning project directories for CDS files and generating Java POJOs for type-safe access to the CDS model.

  • 🔨 From your project's root directory, run mvn clean compile.

You can see artifacts being generated for the services we defined in the service.cds under the srv/src/gen/java/cds/gen folder.

In order for the IDE to recognise the new directory as source code we need to mark it as such.

  • 🔨For the IntelliJ IDE: right-click the directory srv/src/gen/java and select Mark Directory as -> Generated Sources Root.

Tip: The generated sources are excluded from Git by the current .gitignore file. Generally this is typically a matter of preference and may also depend on how you set up the CI/CD of your project.

1.4 Understanding EventHandlers

In a previous section, we learned that Services dispatch events to Event Handlers. Event handlers are the ones that then implement the behaviour of the service. Let's examine the event handler for the SignupService in the file

  • The @ServiceName(SignupService_.CDS_NAME) annotation at the top of the class specifies the service, which the event handler is registered on.

  • The @On annotation on top of the method signUp(context) specifies the Event Phase at which the method would be called.

    • An Event can be processed in three phases: Before, On, and After. As we are defining the core business logic of the action, we are using the On phase.
    • What this means is that everytime the signUp(session) action is called, an event is triggered and the signUp(context) method is called.
  • Event Contexts provide a way to access the parameters and return values. SignUpContext is the event context here, which helps us to access the action parameter, additional query parameters, and other information of the incoming request. It would also be eventually used to set the return value of the action.

  • Note that some imports used in the class like SignupService_ and SignUpContext were all generated by the CDS Maven Plugin in the previous step.

Let's try running our application now.

1.5 Run Your Application Locally

  • 🔨 From the root directory of your project, in your IDE's terminal, run mvn spring-boot:run to start the application locally.

Examine the logs of the application, you should see something like this:

INFO 57513 --- [  restartedMain] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
INFO 57513 --- [  restartedMain]   : Started Application in 2.348 seconds (process running for 2.759)

The endpoint for signing up http://localhost:8080/odata/v4/SignupService/signUp is also available but will currently not do much as we haven't implemented the business logic yet.

We will do this in the upcoming exercises. You can stop the application by pressing Ctrl+C in the terminal.


You've now successfully understood the existing files in your project. Let's now go add some code to get the application working.

Continue to - Exercise 2 - Consuming the Registration API using the SAP Cloud SDK