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Simple CloudFoundry Multi-Target-Application with BASH based batch files for creating/deleting/deploying via the btp command.
This repo contains a complete example of interacting with the BTP CLI tool. It take the form of multi-target application(MTA) with a set of bash based batch files found in the tools folder.
This example is referred to in an upcoming blog post.: Blog Post
- The user is expected to be familiar BASH Batch programming.
Note: These instructions assume you are using a Linux or MacOS system or Business Application Studio(BAS). If you are on Windows, substitute "/" for "\" in the included commands.
This example is intended to illustrate the use of the BTP command-line tool in a batch context. It does not contain extensive error handling or enforce a certain order of operations. As such, certain assumptions apply and key values are hard coded. For instance, you need to obtain and set values in the #GLOBAL VALUES section near the top of each batch file.
This example contains no known issues.
This project is provided "as-is" with no expectation for major changes or support.
Documentation of the underlying API may promote removal of certain "work-around" sections of the batch files.
Copyright (c) 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. This project is licensed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0 except as noted otherwise in the LICENSE file.