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Ryan edited this page May 7, 2019 · 14 revisions


SKSEPapyrusInterface can accessed from SKSEInterface by calling QueryInterface(kInterface_Papyrus). The papyrus interface allows plugin authors to register functions with the papyrus virtual machine which users can take advantage of in the Papyrus scripting language.

Class Interface

  • interfaceVersion: This is the version of the exported interface. Plugin authors should assert on this field if they require a certain version.
  • Register: This method is used to delay function registration with the virtual machine until it's ready.

How to use

  • Users should define a registration function matching the declared typedef for RegisterFunctions within the class. Note that SKSE does not register your functions for you; this is simply a delay functor. You must use the VMClassRegistry* passed as the first argument to register your functions.

  • The Papyrus Functions:

#include "skse64/GameTypes.h"  // BSFixedString
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctions.h"  // StaticFunctionTag

BSFixedString HelloWorld(StaticFunctionTag*)
    return BSFixedString("Hello world!");

SInt32 Sum(StaticFunctionTag*, SInt32 a_num1, SInt32 a_num2)
    return a_num1 + a_num2;

These are the functions we will be registering.

  • The Registration Function:
#include "skse64/GameTypes.h"  // BSFixedString
#include "skse64/PapyrusNativeFunctions.h"  // NativeFunction, StaticFunctionTag
#include "skse64/PapyrusVM.h"  // VMClassRegistry

bool RegisterFuncs(VMClassRegistry* a_registry)
    a_registry->RegisterFunction(new NativeFunction0<StaticFunctionTag, BSFixedString>("HelloWorld", "MyClass", HelloWorld, a_registry));
    a_registry->RegisterFunction(new NativeFunction2<StaticFunctionTag, SInt32, SInt32, SInt32>("Sum", "MyClass", Sum, a_registry));
    return true;
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