Content from ©.
- ftp_connect(): Opens an FTP connection to the specified host.
- ftp_login(): Used to login to the specified FTP connection.
- ftp_pasv(): Turns on/off passive mode.
- ftp_close(), ftp_quit(): Used to close an existing FTP connection.
- ftp_cdup(): Changes current directory to the root directory of the FTP server.
- ftp_chdir(): Changes the current directory on the FTP server.
- ftp_pwd(): Returns the current directory name.
- ftp_chmod(): Sets permissions on the specified file via FTP.
- ftp_exec(), ftp_raw(): The ftp_exec() function requests for execution of a command on the FTP server. The ftp_raw() function sends a raw command to the FTP server.
- ftp_get(), ftp_put(): Used for file uploads and downloads.
- ftp_mdtm(): Returns the last modified time for the specified file (Does not work with directories!).
- ftp_mkdir(), ftp_rmdir(): The ftp_mkdir() function creates a new directory on the FTP server. The ftp_rmdir() function deletes a directory on the FTP server (Directory must be empty before it can be deleted!).
- ftp_delete(): Deletes a file on the FTP server.
- ftp_rename(): Renames a file or directory on the FTP server.
- ftp_mlsd(), ftp_nlist(): The ftp_mlsd() function returns the list of files in the specified directory. The ftp_nlist() function returns a list of files in the specified directory on the FTP server.
- ftp_rawlist(): Returns a list of files with file information (from a specified directory on the FTP server).
- ftp_size(): Returns the size of a specified file on the FTP server (Not all FTP servers support this).
- ftp_systype(): Returns the system type identifier of the FTP server.