In this file, I will:
- Summarise the style guidelines relevant to my article
- Mention which ones I did and did not use
- Describe the alterations needed to make to make them submittable to the magazine team.
- We are supposed to use a rotated red tag at top
- Size of our plot for 3 columns, should be 504pts(672px) by 165 pts
- Use the type face Econ Sans in the plot
- Get the heading inside the plot at the left corner below the tag
- Use the colour palette for line and stacked bar plot
- Did make the vertical red tag in both my plot
- Did use recommended plot size for the plot to cover 3 columns
- Did download and use the Econ Sans Cnd font
- Got the heading inside the plot at the left corner below the tag
- Did use the colour palette as in the guidelines for line and stacked bar plot
I have attempted to follow as many style guidelines as was possible for me, although, I believe, there could still be a few things, to make the article directly submittable to the editor.
The data set has been downloaded from the link: in xlsx format and converted to csv as it saves space and can be accessessed by completely open-source softwares.
I have preffered a tex file over a word file, due to it not requiring licensed softwares to open it.
The article should be easily "reproducible" in a few steps.
I have given due credit to the authors and creators of the database and have followed their license on using their data, to make my data product "ethical".