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Java Code Review Checklist

Utilize this checklist to review the quality of your Java code, including security, performance, and static code analysis.

Clean Code

Checklist Item Category
Use Intention-Revealing Names Meaningful Names
Pick one word per concept Meaningful Names
Use Solution/Problem Domain Names Meaningful Names
Classes should be small! Classes
Functions should be small! Functions
Do one Thing Functions
Don't Repeat Yourself (Avoid Duplication) Functions
Explain yourself in code Comments
Make sure the code formatting is applied Formatting
Use Exceptions rather than Return codes Exceptions
Don't return Null Exceptions


Checklist Item Category
Make class final if not being used for inheritance Fundamentals
Avoid duplication of code Fundamentals
Restrict privileges: Application to run with the least privilege mode required for functioning Fundamentals
Minimize the accessibility of classes and members Fundamentals
Document security related information Fundamentals
Input into a system should be checked for valid data size and range Denial of Service
Avoid excessive logs for unusual behavior Denial of Service
Release resources (Streams, Connections, etc) in all cases Denial of Service
Purge sensitive information from exceptions (exposing file path, internals of the system, configuration) Confidential Information
Do not log highly sensitive information Confidential Information
Consider purging highly sensitive from memory after use Confidential Information
Avoid dynamic SQL, use prepared statement Injection Inclusion
Limit the accessibility of packages,classes, interfaces, methods, and fields Accessibility Extensibility
Limit the extensibility of classes and methods (by making it final) Accessibility Extensibility
Validate inputs (for valid data, size, range, boundary conditions, etc) Input Validation
Validate output from untrusted objects as input Input Validation
Define wrappers around native methods (not declare a native method public) Input Validation
Treat output from untrusted object as input Mutability
Make public static fields final (to avoid caller changing the value) Mutability
Avoid exposing constructors of sensitive classes Object Construction
Avoid serialization for security-sensitive classes Serialization Deserialization
Guard sensitive data during serialization Serialization Deserialization
Be careful caching results of potentially privileged operations Serialization Deserialization
Only use JNI when necessary Access Control


Checklist Item Category
Avoid excessive synchronization Concurrency
Keep Synchronized Sections Small Concurrency
Beware the performance of string concatenation General Programming
Avoid creating unnecessary objects Creating and Destroying Objects


Checklist Item Category
Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions and runtime exceptions for programming errors Exceptions
Favor the use of standard exceptions Exceptions
Don't ignore exceptions Exceptions
Check parameters for validity Methods
Return empty arrays or collections, not nulls Methods
Minimize the accessibility of classes and members Classes and Interfaces
In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields Classes and Interfaces
Minimize the scope of local variables General Programming
Refer to objects by their interfaces General Programming
Adhere to generally accepted naming conventions General Programming
Avoid finalizers Creating and Destroying Objects
Always override hashCode when you override equals General Programming
Always override toString General Programming
Use enums instead of int constants Enums and Annotations
Use marker interfaces to define types Enums and Annotations
Synchronize access to shared mutable data Concurrency
Prefer executors to tasks and threads Concurrency
Document thread safety Concurrency
Valid JUnit / JBehave test cases exist Testing
Check static code analyzer report for the classes added/modified Static Code Analysis