From d62f6a1716e0315324fd32de6578eb183263505d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rahul Garg Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 23:46:45 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] SWDEV-422771 - Update Change Log Change-Id: I50e1ef00e6ecd23a6fb2e2eaaf298a479c5d3501 --- | 85 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 84 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 3ff03a9e7..d547f2586 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,14 +2,97 @@ Full documentation for HIP is available at []( -## (Unreleased) HIP 6.0 (For ROCm 6.0) +## HIP 6.0 (For ROCm 6.0) ### Optimizations ### Added +- Addition of hipExtGetLastError + - AMD backend specific API, to return error code from last HIP API called from the active host thread + +- New fields for external resource interoperability, + - Structs + - hipExternalMemoryHandleDesc_st + - hipExternalMemoryBufferDesc_st + - hipExternalSemaphoreHandleDesc_st + - hipExternalSemaphoreSignalParams_st + - hipExternalSemaphoreWaitParams_st + - Enumerations + - hipExternalMemoryHandleType_enum + - hipExternalSemaphoreHandleType_enum + - hipExternalMemoryHandleType_enum + +- New members are added in HIP struct hipDeviceProp_t, for new feature capabilities including, + - Texture + - int maxTexture1DMipmap; + - int maxTexture2DMipmap[2]; + - int maxTexture2DLinear[3]; + - int maxTexture2DGather[2]; + - int maxTexture3DAlt[3]; + - int maxTextureCubemap; + - int maxTexture1DLayered[2]; + - int maxTexture2DLayered[3]; + - int maxTextureCubemapLayered[2]; + - Surface + - int maxSurface1D; + - int maxSurface2D[2]; + - int maxSurface3D[3]; + - int maxSurface1DLayered[2]; + - int maxSurface2DLayered[3]; + - int maxSurfaceCubemap; + - int maxSurfaceCubemapLayered[2]; + - Device + - hipUUID uuid; + - char luid[8]; + -- this is 8-byte unique identifier. Only valid on windows + -- LUID (Locally Unique Identifier) is supported for interoperability between devices. + - unsigned int luidDeviceNodeMask; + Note: HIP supports LUID only on Windows OS. ### Changed +- Some OpenGL Interop HIP APIs are moved from the hip_runtime_api header to a new header file hip_gl_interop.h for the AMD platform, as following, + - hipGLGetDevices + - hipGraphicsGLRegisterBuffer + - hipGraphicsGLRegisterImage + +### Changes Impacting Backward Incompatibility +- Data types for members in HIP_MEMCPY3D structure are changed from "unsigned int" to "size_t". +- The value of the flag hipIpcMemLazyEnablePeerAccess is changed to “0x01”, which was previously defined as “0”. +- Some device property attributes are not currently support in HIP runtime, in order to maintain consistency, the following related enumeration names are changed in hipDeviceAttribute_t + - hipDeviceAttributeName is changed to hipDeviceAttributeUnused1 + - hipDeviceAttributeUuid is changed to hipDeviceAttributeUnused2 + - hipDeviceAttributeArch is changed to hipDeviceAttributeUnused3 + - hipDeviceAttributeGcnArch is changed to hipDeviceAttributeUnused4 + - hipDeviceAttributeGcnArchName is changed to hipDeviceAttributeUnused5 +- HIP struct hipArray is removed from driver type header to be comlpying with cuda +- hipArray_t replaces hipArray*, as the pointer to array. + - This allows hipMemcpyAtoH and hipMemcpyHtoA to have the correct array type which is equivalent to coresponding CUDA driver APIs. ### Fixed +- Kernel launch maximum dimension validation is added specifically on gridY and gridZ in the HIP API hipModule-LaunchKernel. As a result,when hipGetDeviceAttribute is called for the value of hipDeviceAttributeMaxGrid-Dim, the behavior on the AMD platform is equivalent to NVIDIA. +- The HIP stream synchronisation behaviour is changed in internal stream functions, in which a flag "wait" is added and set when the current stream is null pointer while executing stream synchronisation on other explicitly created streams. This change avoids blocking of execution on null/default stream. +The change won't affect usage of applications, and makes them behave the same on the AMD platform as NVIDIA. +- Error handling behavior on unsupported GPU is fixed, HIP runtime will log out error message, instead of creating signal abortion error which is invisible to developers but continued kernel execution process. This is for the case when developers compile any application via hipcc, setting the option --offload-arch with GPU ID which is different from the one on the system. + +### Deprecated And Removed +- Deprecated Heterogeneous Compute (HCC) symbols and flags are removed from the HIP source code, including, + - Build options on obsolete HCC_OPTIONS was removed from cmake. + - Micro definitions are removed. + HIP_INCLUDE_HIP_HCC_DETAIL_DRIVER_TYPES_H + HIP_INCLUDE_HIP_HCC_DETAIL_HOST_DEFINES_H + - Compilation flags for the platform definitions, + AMD platform, + __HIP_PLATFORM_HCC__ + __HCC__ + __HIP_ROCclr__ + NVIDIA platform, + __HIP_PLATFORM_NVCC__ +- File directories in the clr repository are removed, + + +- Deprecated gcnArch is removed from hip device struct hipDeviceProp_t. +- Deprecated "enum hipMemoryType memoryType;" is removed from HIP struct hipPointerAttribute_t union. +- Deprecated HIT based tests are removed from HIP project + - Catch tests are available [hip-tests] ( project ### Known Issues