From 7e7e887e8125909ec6b0b5cb2f84929867eb8295 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martine Lenders
- This list is generated by combining the information from the maintainers, owners and - admin teams from the RIOT-OS GitHub organization and the + This list is generated by combining the information from the maintainers, owners, and + admin teams from the + RIOT GitHub organization and the CODEOWNERS file within the RIOT repository. @@ -56,9 +57,10 @@
If you are a maintainer and want to declare ownership for a part of a code base (and - receive notifications on pull requests against it), please add yourself and the path to - the part of the code base you want to be responsible for to CODEOWNERS via pull request to - the RIOT repository. + receive notifications on pull requests against it), please add yourself and the path pattern to the + part of the code base you want to be responsible for to + CODEOWNERS, + and issue a pull request.