From 8e3243670c3b3927da89cfebcd07a3c87371cd60 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Quite A Fancy Emerald <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 20:30:53 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Update

--- | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 422d8fda..3f43b1d4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,17 +2,18 @@ This will be our nonexhaustive todo list for Holy Unblocker LTS v6.x.x and above
 ## Code Cleanup
-  - [ ] Remove the timestamps attached to the end of the JS file names.
   - [ ] Remove all current obfuscation in the source code. It needs to be dynamically obfuscated if anything, or not obfuscated at all. This option will be a config option on the server side before rendering with Express for a performance focus. Meta elements will have an additonal attribute indicating if they should be moved. This is to ensure a SEO source can be served by config or a source focused on pure censorship evasion.
   - [ ] Optimize the stylesheets and the HTML layout. Add more proper commenting and redivide the code so that it's less hard on the eyes.
   - [ ] Optimize the JS. This time it won't be in one line and will be somewhat thoroughly commented.
   - [ ] Restructure navigation scripts to ensure updated proxy functionality is sanitized and effective
   - [x] Particles.js automatically adjusting per display size - done
-  - [ ] Fix routes.mjs throwing with incorrect paths - done
+  - [x] Fix routes.mjs throwing with incorrect paths - done
   - [x] Create test script - done
   - [x] XSS and fingerprinting protection (may need updates) - done
+  - [ ] Update games navigation JS and page
+  - [ ] Ensure all the origianl submodules get added back to HU-Archive
-## Proxy Functionality
+## Proxy/Site Functionality
   - [x] Ensure Ultraviolet is updated to support bare-mux and wisp - done
   - [x] Add Rammerhead support - done
   - [x] Fix slow Ultraviolet speeds despite being local; something on the backend?? - done
@@ -20,12 +21,32 @@ This will be our nonexhaustive todo list for Holy Unblocker LTS v6.x.x and above
   - [ ] Adapt Applications page to use either Rammerhead or UV (for Reddit, YouTube, Discord)
   - [ ] libcurl, epoxy and all that fun stuff 
   - [ ] socks5/tor routing option that can be configured (enabled) via either a cookie or pathname as a settings meny option
+  - [ ] Update games page content
+  - [ ] Update csel.js (after Setting menu redesign) to support custom transports, icon swap, routing
+  - [ ] Omnibox autoupdate script (for the Google/Bing style auto suggest feature)
 ## Site Redesign
-  - [ ] Add potato (lime reminded me to do this)
+  - [x] Add potato (lime reminded me to do this)
   - [x] Landing Page - done
   - [ ] Web Proxies page
   - [ ] Application page
   - [ ] Games Libray page
   - [x] Footer Design - done
   - [x] Header Design
+## Changelog
+  - Added wisp support
+  - Fixed AD config setting being opt-out; ads are not implemented in the project however
+  - Added Rammerhead support (locally)
+  - Drastically updated visuals across the service and refactored stylesheets
+  - Bumped games page functionality
+  - Updated randomization scripts to ES6 syntax and implemented the alternative to RegEx string replacement
+  - Helmet for express implemented into backend
+  - Improved component handling via templates.mjs along with deletion of obsolete files that previously handled this standard in a poor format
+  - Fixed oddly slow speeds with Ultraviolet (as well as a general version bump to support epoxy-tls and bare-mux)
+  - Implemented testing scripts for an improved GitHub actions workflow by doing a quick test on proxy + site functionality
+  - Greatly optimized client-side scripts across the site with a new standard
+  - Changes to server.mjs with path logic and error handling
+  - Updated standards for common scripts
+  - Ultraviolet made local