A FFT Radix-6 design using spinalHDL to generate Verilog/VHDL
This is an ASIC design project using SpinalHDL to general Verilog/VHDL code.
This project use SBT as build method for Scala codes.
Get the verified Verilog source code directly from folder takeAway.
Install Java:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
Install Scala:
sudo apt install scala
Install SBT:
sudo apt install sbt
Install Verilator(for waveform verification):
Refer to (install from source code for Ubuntu):
First of all, download source code:
git clone https://github.com/QiaoHui7/FFT_Radix_6.git
Go to source code path:
cd FFT_Radix_6
Run a simple example (smoke test case for FFT radix-6):
sbt "runMain fft.Radix6SimSmoke"
and, if you would like to random test, use:
sbt "runMain fft.Radix6Sim"
to generate Verilog code, use:
sbt "runMain fft.Radix6Verilog 18"
where 18 is for the number of bit for signed 2's complement fix point input and output value.