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Releases: Pryaxis/TShock

TShock 4.4.0 Pre-release 6 for Terraria

21 May 08:19
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Backup your data! Copy your server's tshock.sqlite, config, and world files to a separate location before unpacking.

This is basically identical to pre5, which added support for Terraria and potentially fixed the player desync issue on SSC systems.

This is a release that is suitable for private servers with trusted players: several anticheat checks have been disabled due to changes in the Terraria protocol. These checks include projectile spam checks and net modules (liquid exploits in particular). We highly suggest making a backup of your world (and potentially any existing server data you have). This is also an interesting release because it includes changes that have been in development for quite some time. If you're a plugin developer, now is the time to start updating. More breaking changes may happen, but there will always be an updated API version to track.

Backup your data! Copy your server's tshock.sqlite, config, and world files to a separate location before unpacking.

TShock 4.4.0 Pre-release 4 for Terraria

20 May 07:09
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This is TShock 4.4.0 Pre-release 4 for Terraria!

  • Debug logging now provides ConsoleDebug and ILog has been updated to support the concept of debug logs. Debug logs are now controlled by config.json instead of by preprocessor debug flag. (@hakusaro)
  • Removed /confuse command and Terraria player data resync from @zidonuke. (@hakusaro)
  • Attempted to fix the player desync issue by changing LastNetPosition logic and disabling a check in Bouncer that would normally reject player update packets from players. (@QuiCM, @hakusaro)

This is a release that is suitable for private servers with trusted players: several anticheat checks have been disabled due to changes in the Terraria protocol. These checks include projectile spam checks and net modules (liquid exploits in particular). We highly suggest making a backup of your world (and potentially any existing server data you have). This is also an interesting release because it includes changes that have been in development for quite some time. If you're a plugin developer, now is the time to start updating. More breaking changes may happen, but there will always be an updated API version to track.

Pre-Release: TShock 4.4.0 Pre 3 for Terraria

19 May 15:05
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worldmode has been updated so it now selects the correct mode. Also enabled using 'journey' or 'creative' to select the same thing (i.e., worldmode creative does the same thing as worldmode journey)

The following commands have been removed: tbloodmoon, invade, dropmeteor. fullmoon, sandstorm, rain, eclipse
The following command has been added to replace them: worldevent. This command requires the permission.
worldevent can be used as so:
worldevent [event type] [sub type] [wave (if invasion event)]
Valid event types are meteor, fullmoon, bloodmoon, eclipse, invasion, sandstorm, rain
Valid sub types are goblins, snowmen, pirates, pumpkinmoon, frostmoon for invasions, and slime for rain.

A new set of permissions has been added under the node Enables access to the worldevent bloodmoon command Enables access to the worldevent fullmoon command Enables access to the worldevent invasion command Enables access to the worldevent eclipse command Enables access to the worldevent sandstorm command Enables access to the worldevent rain command Enables access to the worldevent meteor command

Please note that the permissions previously tied to the removed commands are also still used to confirm access to the new commands, so if you have existing configurations no one should have any new or lost access.

This is a release that is suitable for private servers with trusted players: several anticheat checks have been disabled due to changes in the Terraria protocol. These checks include projectile spam checks and net modules (liquid exploits in particular). We highly suggest making a backup of your world (and potentially any existing server data you have). This is also an interesting release because it includes changes that have been in development for quite some time. If you're a plugin developer, now is the time to start updating. More breaking changes may happen, but there will always be an updated API version to track.

Enjoy :)

Pre-Release: TShock 4.4.0 Pre 2 for Terraria

19 May 03:57
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/expert has been replaced with /worldmode.
Whips should work again

This is a release that is suitable for private servers with trusted players: several anticheat checks have been disabled due to changes in the Terraria protocol. These checks include projectile spam checks and net modules (liquid exploits in particular). We highly suggest making a backup of your world (and potentially any existing server data you have). This is also an interesting release because it includes changes that have been in development for quite some time. If you're a plugin developer, now is the time to start updating. More breaking changes may happen, but there will always be an updated API version to track.

Enjoy :)

Pre-Release: TShock 4.4.0 Pre 1 for Terraria

18 May 08:39
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Welcome to TShock 4.4.0 Pre-release 1 for Terraria! Thank you to Patrikkk, Icy, Chris, Death, Axeel, Zaicon, hakusaro, and Yoraiz0r!

This is a release that is suitable for private servers with trusted players: several anticheat checks have been disabled due to changes in the Terraria protocol. These checks include projectile spam checks and net modules (liquid exploits in particular). We highly suggest making a backup of your world (and potentially any existing server data you have). This is also an interesting release because it includes changes that have been in development for quite some time. If you're a plugin developer, now is the time to start updating. More breaking changes may happen, but there will always be an updated API version to track.

For the full list of changes from previous stable versions of TShock, check out the changelog. Please report bugs on GitHub.

Important: You need to move TShockAPI.dll into the ServerPlugins folder. If you don't have one, run TerrariaServer.exe once, and then copy the file into the newly created folder. You know that you're running TShock as expected if you see the list of names in the startup sequence.

TShock v4.3.26

01 Apr 13:35
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This release includes some minor bug fixes and solves a few long-standing issues.

  • No more stat tracker
  • Disabled players won't get healed any longer
  • Town NPCs should be a little safer from rogue packets
  • Ghost chainsaws after player deaths may or may not be fixed
  • SQLite binaries updated to ones without (known) vulnerabilities
  • 0-length crash patch applied at TSAPI level


TShock v4.3.25 for Terraria

12 Dec 10:12
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This is a critical bug-fix release for TShock v4.3.24. It fixes a bug wherein a malicious payload sent by an attacker to the server could cause any number of the following effects:

  • Instantaneous crashing or lagging all clients.
  • Causing the server to enter an infinite loop (deadlock).
  • Chunks of the world may be corrupted permanently and saved to the disk.
  • General denial of service attacks.

If a client attempts this exploit, the API will disconnect them with the reason Disconnecting [player] (IP) for attempted packet length overflow crash/DoS attempt. It is highly suggested that any player caught doing this is immediately permanently banned. This fix does not take this action in order to prioritize getting the fix out as fast as possible.

If you have been using general-devel builds, the latest branch build of general-devel also includes this fix. If you have been using a custom version of TShock, you can safely just patch the Terraria Server executable and tick your own TShock version number appropriately.

TShock Mintaka 4.3.24 for Terraria (APIv2.1, OTAPI v2.0.0.27)

14 May 12:23
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This build brings compatibility for Terraria
It also ticks the API version to 2.1 due to some fairly large changes to certain hooks and API functionality.

Check the release thread for more details.

TShock Mintaka 4.3.23 for Terraria (APIv2.0, OTAPI v2.0.0.16)

13 Mar 02:10
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This release adds some new features and fixes a client crash exploit.

Check the changelog and the release thread for more details!

TShock Mintaka 4.3.22 for Terraria (APIv2.0, OTAPI v2.0.0.16)

03 Jan 11:40
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This is a full release of TShock Mintaka running on the OTAPI platform.

Plugin developers:

View more details in the release thread.