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2534e76 · Aug 28, 2020


105 lines (72 loc) · 3.69 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (72 loc) · 3.69 KB

UPGRADE FROM v1.7.4 TO v1.7.5

We've brought back the attribute types templates to SyliusAttributeBundle after BC break in v1.7.0.

UPGRADE FROM v1.6.X TO v1.7.0

  1. Require upgraded Sylius version using Composer:

    composer require sylius/sylius:~1.7.0 --update-with-dependencies

    You might need to adjust your config.platform.php setting in composer.json, because Sylius 1.7 requires PHP 7.3 or higher.

  2. Update your package.json in order to add new dependencies:

      "dependencies": {
    +   "chart.js": "^2.9.3",
    +   "slick-carousel": "^1.8.1",
      "devDependencies": {
    +   "@symfony/webpack-encore": "^0.28.0",
    +   "sass-loader": "^7.0.1",

    Run yarn install && yarn build to use them.

  3. Remove not needed bundles from your list of used bundles in config/bundles.php if you are not using it apart from Sylius:

    -   Sonata\CoreBundle\SonataCoreBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    -   Sonata\IntlBundle\SonataIntlBundle::class => ['all' => true],
    -   Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle::class => ['all' => true],

    You should remove config/packages/sonata_core.yaml as well.

  4. Remove config/packages/twig_extensions.yaml file if you are not using the twig/extensions package in your application.

  5. Add the following snippet to config/packages/twig.yaml to enable Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension:

            public: false
            autowire: true
            autoconfigure: true
        Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension: ~
  6. Copy migration files into src/Migrations:

    Run bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate to use them.

  7. Clear cache by bin/console cache:clear.

Template events

  • Sylius\Bundle\UiBundle\Block\BlockEventListener has been deprecated, use sylius_ui configuration instead.

Breaking changes

Those are excluded from our BC promise:

  • Sylius\Bundle\ShopBundle\EventListener\UserMailerListener has been removed and replaced with Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\MailerListener

Templates moved

We've moved the following templates:

  • @SyliusAttribute/Types/*.html.twig
    You should search for SyliusAttribute/Types and SyliusAttributeBundle:Types in your templates and make the changes accordingly:
    • in the Admin area: @SyliusAdmin/Product/Show/Types/*.html.twig
    • in the Shop area: @SyliusShop/Product/Show/Types/*.html.twig

Billing and shipping addresses have been switched with one another

Until now shipping address used to be the default address of an Order. We have changed that, so now the billing address became the default address during checkout. It is an important change in our checkout process, please have that in mind.

⚠️ This change also implies that the Tax calculation is now done on the billing address and not on the shipping address anymore.

Postgres support

In case when you are using Postgres in your project, function DATE_FORMAT should be overridden. Adjust configuration in config/packages/doctrine.yaml to change DATE_FORMAT implementation:

                        DATE_FORMAT: App\Doctrine\DQL\DateFormat # OR any other path to your implementation