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0615afb · Jun 14, 2024


347 lines (268 loc) · 14.7 KB

File metadata and controls

347 lines (268 loc) · 14.7 KB

UPGRADING FROM v1.12.17 TO v1.12.18

  1. Due to concerns about brute forcing user's reset and verification tokens, the upper limit of 40 has been changed to 255 and their default length has been changed from 16 to 64. If you prefer shorter (or longer) tokens, you can change their length via the configuration:

                             length: 128
                             length: 12

    where _user_ can be admin, shop, oauth, or your own custom user type.

  2. The order token length has been parametrized and is now configurable, instead of being hardcoded to 10. When not specified its default value is 64. The new parameter can be set by configuration:

         order_token_length: 128

UPGRADING FROM v1.12.16 TO v1.12.17

  1. Due to a bug that was causing wrong calculation of available stock during completing a payment REF, The constructor of Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\PaymentPreCompleteListener has been modified as follows:

     public function __construct(
     +   private OrderItemAvailabilityCheckerInterface|AvailabilityCheckerInterface $availabilityChecker,
     -   private AvailabilityCheckerInterface $availabilityChecker,

    If you have overwritten the service or its argument, check the correct functioning.

UPGRADING FROM v1.12.13 TO v1.12.14

  1. The Accept-Language header should now correctly resolve locale codes based on RFC 4647 using Symfony's request language negotiation, meaning that values en_US, en-US, en-us etc. will all result in the en_US locale.

UPGRADE FROM v1.12.11 TO v1.12.12

  1. The Sylius\Component\User\Model\UserInterface extends the Symfony\Component\PasswordHasher\Hasher\PasswordHasherAwareInterface interface to fix the compatibility with Symfony 6.

  2. The constructor of Sylius\Component\Product\Resolver\DefaultProductVariantResolver has been modified, a new argument has been added :

     public function __construct(
         private ?ProductVariantRepositoryInterface $productVariantRepository = null,

UPGRADE FROM v1.12.10 TO v1.12.11

  1. Due to a bug that was causing the removal of promotion configurations for promotions REF, The constructor of Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\ProductDeletionListener has been modified as follows:

     public function __construct(
         private RequestStack $requestStack,
     +   private ProductInPromotionRuleCheckerInterface $productInPromotionRuleChecker,
     -   ProductAwareRuleUpdaterInterface ...$ruleUpdaters,

    The method name has also changed from removeProductFromPromotionRules to protectFromRemovingProductInUseByPromotionRule.

    Please refrain from using ProductAwareRuleUpdaterInterface, as it will be removed in the next major release.

    • Due to the same bug, the constructor of Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\TaxonDeletionListener has also changed:

       public function __construct(
           private SessionInterface|RequestStack $requestStackOrSession,
           private ChannelRepositoryInterface $channelRepository,
       +   private TaxonInPromotionRuleCheckerInterface $taxonInPromotionRuleChecker,
           TaxonAwareRuleUpdaterInterface ...$ruleUpdaters,
  2. The Sylius\Bundle\AttributeBundle\Form\Type\AttributeType\Configuration\SelectAttributeChoicesCollectionType only constructor argument has been made optional and is null by default, subsequently the first argument of has been removed.

  3. The default checkout resolving route pattern has been changed from /checkout/.+ to to reduce the probability of conflicts with other routes.

  4. The src/Sylius/Bundle/AdminBundle/Resources/views/Taxon/_treeWithButtons.html.twig template has been updated to implement new changing taxon's position logic. If you have overridden this template, you need to update it. If you want to check what has changed, you might use this PR as a reference.

UPGRADE FROM v1.12.9 TO v1.12.10

  1. The Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderPaymentProcessor constructor has been changed:
    public function __construct(
        private OrderPaymentProviderInterface $orderPaymentProvider,
        private string $targetState = PaymentInterface::STATE_CART,
    +   private ?OrderPaymentsRemoverInterface $orderPaymentsRemover = null,
    +   private array $unprocessableOrderStates = [],

UPGRADE FROM v1.12.5 TO v1.12.8

  1. The priority of the sylius.context.locale tag on the Sylius\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Context\RequestHeaderBasedLocaleContext service has been changed from 256 to 32. It means that this service has no longer the highest priority, and passing Accept-Language header on the UI won't override the locale set in the URL. If your app depends on this behavior, you need to change the priority of the sylius.context.locale tag on the Sylius\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Context\RequestHeaderBasedLocaleContext directly in your app.

UPGRADE FROM v1.12.4 TO v1.12.5

  1. For routes sylius_admin_order_shipment_ship and sylius_admin_order_resend_confirmation_email the missing "/orders" prefix has been added. If you have been using these routes' paths directly, you need to update them.

UPGRADE FROM v1.12.2 TO v1.12.4

  1. The default configuration of Symfony Messenger has changed, it is now separated for each transport and can be set via environmental variables:

        - MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN=doctrine://default
        + SYLIUS_MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_MAIN_DSN=doctrine://default
        + SYLIUS_MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_MAIN_FAILED_DSN=doctrine://default?queue_name=main_failed
        + SYLIUS_MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_CATALOG_PROMOTION_REMOVAL_DSN=doctrine://default?queue_name=catalog_promotion_removal
        + SYLIUS_MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_CATALOG_PROMOTION_REMOVAL_FAILED_DSN=doctrine://default?queue_name=catalog_promotion_removal_failed

UPGRADE FROM v1.12.0 TO v1.12.2

  1. All entities and their relationships have a default order by identifier if no order is specified. You can disable this behavior by setting the sylius_core.order_by_identifier parameter to false:
    order_by_identifier: false

UPGRADE FROM v1.11.X TO v1.12.0

Main update

  1. Service sylius.twig.extension.taxes has been deprecated. Use methods getTaxExcludedTotal and getTaxIncludedTotal from Sylius\Component\Core\Model\Order instead.

  2. Both getCreatedByGuest and setCreatedByGuest methods were deprecated on \Sylius\Component\Core\Model\Order. Please use isCreatedByGuest instead of the first one. The latter is a part of the setCustomerWithAuthorization logic and should be used only this way.

  3. Due to refactoring constructor has been changed in service src/Sylius/Bundle/ShopBundle/EventListener/OrderIntegrityChecker.php:

      public function __construct(
        private RouterInterface $router,
        - private OrderProcessorInterface $orderProcessor,
        private ObjectManager $manager
        + private OrderPromotionsIntegrityCheckerInterface $orderPromotionsIntegrityChecker 
  4. To allow administrator reset their password, add in config/packages/security.yaml file the following entry

    - { path: "", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }


            - { path: "", role: ROLE_ADMINISTRATION_ACCESS }
  5. It is worth noticing that, that the following services are now included in every env starting with test keyword. If you wish to not have them, either you need to rename your env to not start with test or remove these services with complier pass.

  6. The following listeners have been removed as they are not used anymore:

    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\CatalogPromotion\Listener\CatalogPromotionFailedListener
    • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\CatalogPromotion\Listener\CatalogPromotionUpdateFailedMessageListener
  7. The Sylius\Component\Promotion\Event\CatalogPromotionFailed has been removed as it is not used anymore.

  8. Due to updating to Symfony 6 security file was changed to use the updated security system so you need to adjust your config/packages/security.yaml file:

    -   always_authenticate_before_granting: true
    +   enable_authenticator_manager: true

    and you need to adjust all of your firewalls like that:

        # ...
            # ...
    -       csrf_token_generator: security.csrf.token_manager
    +       enable_csrf: true
            # ...
        # ...
    -   anonymous: true
    +   entry_point: jwt
        # ...
    -   guard:
    -       authenticators:
    -           # ...
    +   jwt: true
        path: sylius_shop_logout
    -   target: sylius_shop_login
    +   target: sylius_shop_homepage
        invalidate_session: false
    -   success_handler: sylius.handler.shop_user_logout

    and also you need to adjust all of your access_control like that:

    - - { path: "", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY } 
    + - { path: "", role: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
  9. Passing a Gaufrette\Filesystem to Sylius\Component\Core\Uploader\ImageUploader constructor is deprecated since Sylius 1.12 and will be prohibited in 2.0. Use Sylius\Component\Core\Filesystem\Adapter\FlysystemFilesystemAdapter instead.

  10. Gaufrette is no longer used by Sylius in favour of Flysystem. If you want to use Gaufrette in your project, you need to set:

            adapter: gaufrette

    in your config/packages/_sylius.yaml file.

  11. Not passing Sylius\Component\Taxation\Checker\TaxRateDateEligibilityCheckerInterface to Sylius\Component\Taxation\Resolver\TaxRateResolver is deprecated since Sylius 1.12 and will be prohibited in 2.0

Frontend toolset changes

Dependencies update

In 1.12 we have updated our frontend dependencies to the latest versions. This means that you might need to update your dependencies as well. The full list of all dependencies can be found in the package.json file.

Because every project is different, we cannot provide a list of all changes that might be needed. However, we have prepared a short list of fixes for the most common issues.

We updated gulp-sass plugin as well as the sass implementation we use to be compatible with most installation (node-sass is deprecated and incompatible with many systems). Therefore, you need to update your code to follow this change.

NOTE! yarn build is not used to build gulp anymore, and its default behavior is to build assets using Webpack. If you want to build assets using Gulp run yarn gulp instead.

  1. Follow this guide to upgrade your code when using gulp-sass this is an example:

    - import sass from 'gulp-sass';
    + import gulpSass from 'gulp-sass';
    + import realSass from 'sass';
    + const sass = gulpSass(realSass);
  2. Library chart.js lib has been upgraded from 2.9.3 to 3.7.1. Adjust your package.json as follows:

    - "chart.js": "^2.9.3",
    + "chart.js": "^3.7.1", 
    - "rollup": "^0.60.2",
    + "rollup": "^0.66.2",
    - "rollup-plugin-uglify": "^4.0.0",
    + "rollup-plugin-uglify": "^6.0.2",

    Please visit 3.x Migration Guide for more information.

Example changes we made in our codebase to adjust it to the new version of dependencies might be found here. Remember, when you face any issues while updating your dependencies you might ask for help in our Slack channel.

Webpack becomes our default build tool

1.12 comes with a long-awaited change - Webpack becomes our default build tool.

If you want to stay with Gulp, you can do it by following the steps below:

  1. Go to config/packages/_sylius.yaml file and add the following line:
       use_webpack: false

If you decide to use Webpack, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure you have latest js dependencies installed (you can compare your package.json file with the one from 1.12).
  2. Make sure you have webpack.config.js file, if not, you can copy it from Sylius/Sylius-Standard repository.
  3. Run the following command
    yarn encore dev

Remember! Every project is different, so you might need to adjust your code to work with Webpack.

For plugin developers - use_webpack Twig's global

We have introduced a new use_webpack global for Twig templates. It allows you to check if Webpack is declared as a build tool to dynamically serve assets from the correct directory.


<div class="column">
    <a href="{{ path('sylius_shop_homepage') }}">
        {% if use_webpack %}
            <img src="{{ asset('build/shop/images/logo.png', 'shop') }}" alt="Sylius logo" class="ui small image" />
        {% else %}
            <img src="{{ asset('assets/shop/img/logo.png') }}" alt="Sylius logo" class="ui small image" />
        {% endif %}

Testing suite

Behat changes

As the default mailer integration has been changed from Swiftmailer to Symfony Mailer, the following changes have to be applied.

  1. Remove the config/packages/test/swiftmailer.yaml file
  2. Add a config/packages/test/mailer.yaml file with:
            dsn: 'null://null'
                    adapter: cache.adapter.filesystem
  3. Change all occurrences of sylius.behat.context.hook.email_spool to sylius.behat.context.hook.mailer.

Due to the changes in Symfony's session handling you might need to add the sylius.behat.context.hook.session context to your suites.