From 2596a026d104323c00199904bbb25b85e83cbbdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremiah Lowin <>
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 13:57:54 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] remove
--- | 1846 -----------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 1846 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index ca83a8de..00000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1846 +0,0 @@
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/
-import inspect
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from typing import Generator, List
-from control_flow.core.flow import Flow
-from control_flow.utilities.context import ctx
-from control_flow.utilities.logging import get_logger
-logger = get_logger(__name__)
-def instructions(
- *instructions: str,
- post_add_message: bool = False,
- post_remove_message: bool = False,
-) -> Generator[list[str], None, None]:
- """
- Temporarily add instructions to the current instruction stack. The
- instruction is removed when the context is exited.
- If `post_add_message` is True, a message will be added to the flow when the
- instruction is added. If `post_remove_message` is True, a message will be
- added to the flow when the instruction is removed. These explicit reminders
- can help when agents infer instructions more from history.
- with instructions("talk like a pirate"):
- ...
- """
- if post_add_message or post_remove_message:
- flow: Flow = ctx.get("flow")
- if flow is None:
- raise ValueError(
- "instructions() with message posting must be used within a flow context"
- )
- stack: list[str] = ctx.get("instructions", [])
- stack = stack + list(instructions)
- with ctx(instructions=stack):
- try:
- if post_add_message:
- for instruction in instructions:
- flow.add_message(
- inspect.cleandoc(
- """
- The following instruction is now active:
- {instruction}
- Always consult your current instructions before acting.
- """
- ).format(instruction=instruction)
- )
- yield
- # yield new_stack
- finally:
- if post_remove_message:
- for instruction in instructions:
- flow.add_message(
- inspect.cleandoc(
- """
- The following instruction is no longer active:
- {instruction}
- Always consult your current instructions before acting.
- """
- ).format(instruction=instruction)
- )
-def get_instructions() -> List[str]:
- """
- Get the current instruction stack.
- """
- stack = ctx.get("instructions", [])
- return stack
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/
-from .settings import settings
-# from .agent_old import ai_task, Agent, run_ai
-from .core.flow import Flow
-from .core.agent import Agent
-from .core.task import Task
-from .core.controller.controller import Controller
-from .instructions import instructions
-from .dx import ai_flow, run_ai, ai_task
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/
-import math
-from typing import Generator
-import control_flow.core.task
-from control_flow.core.task import Task
-def any_incomplete(
- tasks: list[Task], max_iterations=None
-) -> Generator[bool, None, None]:
- """
- An iterator that yields an iteration counter if its condition is met, and
- stops otherwise. Also stops if the max_iterations is reached.
- for loop_count in any_incomplete(tasks=[task1, task2], max_iterations=10):
- # will print 10 times if the tasks are still incomplete
- print(loop_count)
- """
- if max_iterations is None:
- max_iterations = math.inf
- i = 0
- while i < max_iterations:
- i += 1
- if control_flow.core.task.any_incomplete(tasks):
- yield i
- else:
- break
- return False
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/
-import os
-import sys
-import warnings
-from pydantic import Field
-from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict
-class ControlFlowSettings(BaseSettings):
- model_config: SettingsConfigDict = SettingsConfigDict(
- env_prefix="CONTROLFLOW_",
- env_file=(
- ""
- if os.getenv("CONTROLFLOW_TEST_MODE")
- else ("~/.control_flow/.env", ".env")
- ),
- extra="allow",
- arbitrary_types_allowed=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- )
-class PrefectSettings(ControlFlowSettings):
- """
- All settings here are used as defaults for Prefect, unless overridden by env vars.
- Note that `apply()` must be called before Prefect is imported.
- """
- def apply(self):
- import os
- if "prefect" in sys.modules:
- warnings.warn(
- "Prefect has already been imported; ControlFlow defaults will not be applied."
- )
- for k, v in self.model_dump().items():
- if k not in os.environ:
- os.environ[k] = v
-class Settings(ControlFlowSettings):
- assistant_model: str = "gpt-4-1106-preview"
- max_agent_iterations: int = 10
- prefect: PrefectSettings = Field(default_factory=PrefectSettings)
- def __init__(self, **data):
- super().__init__(**data)
- self.prefect.apply()
-settings = Settings()
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/
-import functools
-import inspect
-from typing import Callable, TypeVar
-from prefect import flow as prefect_flow
-from prefect import task as prefect_task
-from control_flow.core.agent import Agent
-from control_flow.core.flow import Flow
-from control_flow.core.task import Task, TaskStatus
-from control_flow.utilities.context import ctx
-from control_flow.utilities.logging import get_logger
-from control_flow.utilities.marvin import patch_marvin
-from control_flow.utilities.types import AssistantTool, Thread
-logger = get_logger(__name__)
-T = TypeVar("T")
-NOT_PROVIDED = object()
-def ai_flow(
- fn=None,
- *,
- thread: Thread = None,
- tools: list[AssistantTool | Callable] = None,
- model: str = None,
- """
- Prepare a function to be executed as a Control Flow flow.
- """
- if fn is None:
- return functools.partial(
- ai_flow,
- thread=thread,
- tools=tools,
- model=model,
- )
- @functools.wraps(fn)
- def wrapper(
- *args,
- flow_kwargs: dict = None,
- **kwargs,
- ):
- p_fn = prefect_flow(fn)
- flow_obj = Flow(
- **{
- "thread": thread,
- "tools": tools or [],
- "model": model,
- **(flow_kwargs or {}),
- }
- )
- f'Executing AI flow "{fn.__name__}" on thread "{}"'
- )
- with ctx(flow=flow_obj), patch_marvin():
- return p_fn(*args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
-def ai_task(
- fn=None,
- *,
- objective: str = None,
- agents: list[Agent] = None,
- tools: list[AssistantTool | Callable] = None,
- user_access: bool = None,
- """
- Use a Python function to create an AI task. When the function is called, an
- agent is created to complete the task and return the result.
- """
- if fn is None:
- return functools.partial(
- ai_task,
- objective=objective,
- agents=agents,
- tools=tools,
- user_access=user_access,
- )
- sig = inspect.signature(fn)
- if objective is None:
- if fn.__doc__:
- objective = f"{fn.__name__}: {fn.__doc__}"
- else:
- objective = fn.__name__
- @functools.wraps(fn)
- def wrapper(*args, _agents: list[Agent] = None, **kwargs):
- # first process callargs
- bound = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
- bound.apply_defaults()
- task = Task(
- objective=objective,
- agents=_agents or agents,
- context=bound.arguments,
- result_type=fn.__annotations__.get("return"),
- user_access=user_access or False,
- tools=tools or [],
- )
- task.run_until_complete()
- return task.result
- return wrapper
-def _name_from_objective():
- """Helper function for naming task runs"""
- from prefect.runtime import task_run
- objective = task_run.parameters.get("task")
- if not objective:
- objective = "Follow general instructions"
- if len(objective) > 75:
- return f"Task: {objective[:75]}..."
- return f"Task: {objective}"
-def run_ai(
- tasks: str | list[str],
- agents: list[Agent] = None,
- cast: T = NOT_PROVIDED,
- context: dict = None,
- tools: list[AssistantTool | Callable] = None,
- user_access: bool = False,
-) -> T | list[T]:
- """
- Create and run an agent to complete a task with the given objective and
- context. This function is similar to an inline version of the @ai_task
- decorator.
- This inline version is useful when you want to create and run an ad-hoc AI
- task, without defining a function or using decorator syntax. It provides
- more flexibility in terms of dynamically setting the task parameters.
- Additional detail can be provided as `context`.
- """
- single_result = False
- if isinstance(tasks, str):
- single_result = True
- tasks = [tasks]
- if cast is NOT_PROVIDED:
- if not tasks:
- cast = None
- else:
- cast = str
- # load flow
- flow = ctx.get("flow", None)
- # create tasks
- if tasks:
- ai_tasks = [
- Task(
- objective=t,
- context=context or {},
- user_access=user_access or False,
- tools=tools or [],
- )
- for t in tasks
- ]
- else:
- ai_tasks = []
- # create agent
- if agents is None:
- agents = [Agent(user_access=user_access or False)]
- # create Controller
- from control_flow.core.controller.controller import Controller
- controller = Controller(tasks=ai_tasks, agents=agents, flow=flow)
- if ai_tasks:
- if all(task.status == TaskStatus.SUCCESSFUL for task in ai_tasks):
- result = [task.result for task in ai_tasks]
- if single_result:
- result = result[0]
- return result
- elif failed_tasks := [
- task for task in ai_tasks if task.status == TaskStatus.FAILED
- ]:
- raise ValueError(
- f'Failed tasks: {", ".join([task.objective for task in failed_tasks])}'
- )
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/core/
-import itertools
-import uuid
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from enum import Enum
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Generator, GenericAlias, TypeVar
-import marvin
-from import FunctionTool
-from pydantic import (
- Field,
- TypeAdapter,
- field_serializer,
- field_validator,
- model_validator,
-from control_flow.utilities.context import ctx
-from control_flow.utilities.logging import get_logger
-from control_flow.utilities.prefect import wrap_prefect_tool
-from control_flow.utilities.types import AssistantTool, ControlFlowModel
-from control_flow.utilities.user_access import talk_to_human
- from control_flow.core.agent import Agent
-T = TypeVar("T")
-logger = get_logger(__name__)
-class TaskStatus(Enum):
- INCOMPLETE = "incomplete"
- SUCCESSFUL = "successful"
- FAILED = "failed"
- SKIPPED = "skipped"
-class Task(ControlFlowModel):
- id: str = Field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4().hex[:4]))
- model_config = dict(extra="forbid", arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
- objective: str
- instructions: str | None = None
- agents: list["Agent"] = []
- context: dict = {}
- parent_task: "Task | None" = Field(
- None,
- description="The task that spawned this task.",
- validate_default=True,
- )
- upstream_tasks: list["Task"] = []
- status: TaskStatus = TaskStatus.INCOMPLETE
- result: T = None
- result_type: type[T] | GenericAlias | None = None
- error: str | None = None
- tools: list[AssistantTool | Callable] = []
- user_access: bool = False
- _children_tasks: list["Task"] = []
- _downstream_tasks: list["Task"] = []
- @field_validator("agents", mode="before")
- def _turn_none_into_empty_list(cls, v):
- return v or []
- @field_validator("parent_task", mode="before")
- def _load_parent_task_from_ctx(cls, v):
- if v is None:
- v = ctx.get("tasks", None)
- if v:
- # get the most recently-added task
- v = v[-1]
- return v
- @model_validator(mode="after")
- def _update_relationships(self):
- if self.parent_task is not None:
- self.parent_task._children_tasks.append(self)
- for task in self.upstream_tasks:
- task._downstream_tasks.append(self)
- return self
- @field_serializer("parent_task")
- def _serialize_parent_task(parent_task: "Task | None"):
- if parent_task is not None:
- return
- @field_serializer("upstream_tasks")
- def _serialize_upstream_tasks(upstream_tasks: list["Task"]):
- return [ for t in upstream_tasks]
- @field_serializer("result_type")
- def _serialize_result_type(result_type: list["Task"]):
- return repr(result_type)
- @field_serializer("agents")
- def _serialize_agents(agents: list["Agent"]):
- return [
- a.model_dump(include={"name", "description", "tools", "user_access"})
- for a in agents
- ]
- def __init__(self, objective, **kwargs):
- # allow objective as a positional arg
- super().__init__(objective=objective, **kwargs)
- def children(self, include_self: bool = True):
- """
- Returns a list of all children of this task, including recursively
- nested children. Includes this task by default (disable with
- `include_self=False`)
- """
- visited = set()
- children = []
- stack = [self]
- while stack:
- current = stack.pop()
- if current not in visited:
- visited.add(current)
- if include_self or current != self:
- children.append(current)
- stack.extend(current._children_tasks)
- return list(set(children))
- def children_agents(self, include_self: bool = True) -> list["Agent"]:
- children = self.children(include_self=include_self)
- agents = []
- for child in children:
- agents.extend(child.agents)
- return agents
- def run_iter(
- self,
- agents: list["Agent"] = None,
- collab_fn: Callable[[list["Agent"]], Generator[None, None, "Agent"]] = None,
- ):
- if collab_fn is None:
- collab_fn = itertools.cycle
- if agents is None:
- agents = self.children_agents(include_self=True)
- if not agents:
- raise ValueError(
- f"Task {} has no agents assigned to it or its children."
- "Please specify agents to run the task, or assign agents to the task."
- )
- for agent in collab_fn(agents):
- if self.is_complete():
- break
- yield True
- def run(self, agent: "Agent" = None):
- """
- Runs the task with provided agent. If no agent is provided, a default agent is used.
- """
- from control_flow.core.agent import Agent
- if agent is None:
- all_agents = self.children_agents()
- if not all_agents:
- agent = Agent()
- elif len(all_agents) == 1:
- agent = all_agents[0]
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- f"Task {} has multiple agents assigned to it or its "
- "children. Please specify one to run the task, or call task.run_iter() "
- "or task.run_until_complete() to use all agents."
- )
- run_gen = self.run_iter(agents=[agent])
- return next(run_gen)
- def run_until_complete(
- self,
- agents: list["Agent"] = None,
- collab_fn: Callable[[list["Agent"]], Generator[None, None, "Agent"]] = None,
- ) -> T:
- """
- Runs the task with provided agents until it is complete.
- """
- for run in self.run_iter(agents=agents, collab_fn=collab_fn):
- pass
- if self.is_successful():
- return self.result
- elif self.is_failed():
- raise ValueError(f"Task {} failed: {self.error}")
- @contextmanager
- def _context(self):
- stack = ctx.get("tasks", [])
- stack.append(self)
- with ctx(tasks=stack):
- yield self
- def __enter__(self):
- self.__cm = self._context()
- return self.__cm.__enter__()
- def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
- return self.__cm.__exit__(*exc_info)
- def is_incomplete(self) -> bool:
- return self.status == TaskStatus.INCOMPLETE
- def is_complete(self) -> bool:
- return self.status != TaskStatus.INCOMPLETE
- def is_successful(self) -> bool:
- return self.status == TaskStatus.SUCCESSFUL
- def is_failed(self) -> bool:
- return self.status == TaskStatus.FAILED
- def is_skipped(self) -> bool:
- return self.status == TaskStatus.SKIPPED
- def __hash__(self):
- return id(self)
- def _create_success_tool(self) -> FunctionTool:
- """
- Create an agent-compatible tool for marking this task as successful.
- """
- # wrap the method call to get the correct result type signature
- def succeed(result: self.result_type):
- # validate the result
- self.mark_successful(result=result)
- tool =
- succeed,
- name=f"succeed_task_{}",
- description=f"Mark task {} as successful and provide a result.",
- )
- return tool
- def _create_fail_tool(self) -> FunctionTool:
- """
- Create an agent-compatible tool for failing this task.
- """
- tool =
- self.mark_failed,
- name=f"fail_task_{}",
- description=f"Mark task {} as failed. Only use when a technical issue prevents completion.",
- )
- return tool
- def _create_skip_tool(self) -> FunctionTool:
- """
- Create an agent-compatible tool for skipping this task.
- """
- tool =
- self.mark_skipped,
- name=f"skip_task_{}",
- description=f"Mark task {} as skipped. Only use when completing its parent task early.",
- )
- return tool
- def get_tools(self) -> list[AssistantTool | Callable]:
- tools =
- if self.is_incomplete():
- tools.extend(
- [
- self._create_success_tool(),
- self._create_fail_tool(),
- self._create_skip_tool(),
- ]
- )
- if self.user_access:
- tools.append(
- return [wrap_prefect_tool(t) for t in tools]
- def mark_successful(self, result: T = None):
- if self.result_type is None and result is not None:
- raise ValueError(
- f"Task {self.objective} specifies no result type, but a result was provided."
- )
- elif self.result_type is not None:
- result = TypeAdapter(self.result_type).validate_python(result)
- self.result = result
- self.status = TaskStatus.SUCCESSFUL
- def mark_failed(self, message: str | None = None):
- self.error = message
- self.status = TaskStatus.FAILED
- def mark_skipped(self):
- self.status = TaskStatus.SKIPPED
-def any_incomplete(tasks: list[Task]) -> bool:
- return any(t.status == TaskStatus.INCOMPLETE for t in tasks)
-def all_complete(tasks: list[Task]) -> bool:
- return all(t.status != TaskStatus.INCOMPLETE for t in tasks)
-def all_successful(tasks: list[Task]) -> bool:
- return all(t.status == TaskStatus.SUCCESSFUL for t in tasks)
-def any_failed(tasks: list[Task]) -> bool:
- return any(t.status == TaskStatus.FAILED for t in tasks)
-def none_failed(tasks: list[Task]) -> bool:
- return not any_failed(tasks)
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/core/
-from .task import Task, TaskStatus
-from .flow import Flow
-from .agent import Agent
-from .controller import Controller
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/core/
-from typing import Callable, Literal
-from marvin.beta.assistants import Thread
-from openai.types.beta.threads import Message
-from prefect import task as prefect_task
-from pydantic import Field, field_validator
-from control_flow.utilities.context import ctx
-from control_flow.utilities.logging import get_logger
-from control_flow.utilities.types import AssistantTool, ControlFlowModel
-logger = get_logger(__name__)
-class Flow(ControlFlowModel):
- thread: Thread = Field(None, validate_default=True)
- tools: list[AssistantTool | Callable] = Field(
- [], description="Tools that will be available to every agent in the flow"
- )
- model: str | None = None
- context: dict = {}
- @field_validator("thread", mode="before")
- def _load_thread_from_ctx(cls, v):
- if v is None:
- v = ctx.get("thread", None)
- if v is None:
- v = Thread()
- if not
- v.create()
- return v
- def add_message(self, message: str, role: Literal["user", "assistant"] = None):
- prefect_task(self.thread.add)(message, role=role)
-def get_flow() -> Flow:
- """
- Loads the flow from the context.
- Will error if no flow is found in the context.
- """
- flow: Flow | None = ctx.get("flow")
- if not flow:
- return Flow()
- return flow
-def get_flow_messages(limit: int = None) -> list[Message]:
- """
- Loads messages from the flow's thread.
- Will error if no flow is found in the context.
- """
- flow = get_flow()
- return flow.thread.get_messages(limit=limit)
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/core/
-import logging
-from typing import Callable
-from marvin.utilities.asyncio import ExposeSyncMethodsMixin, expose_sync_method
-from import tool_from_function
-from pydantic import Field
-from control_flow.core.flow import get_flow
-from control_flow.core.task import Task
-from control_flow.utilities.prefect import (
- wrap_prefect_tool,
-from control_flow.utilities.types import Assistant, AssistantTool, ControlFlowModel
-from control_flow.utilities.user_access import talk_to_human
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Agent(Assistant, ControlFlowModel, ExposeSyncMethodsMixin):
- name: str = "Agent"
- user_access: bool = Field(
- False,
- description="If True, the agent is given tools for interacting with a human user.",
- )
- def get_tools(self) -> list[AssistantTool | Callable]:
- tools = super().get_tools()
- if self.user_access:
- tools.append(tool_from_function(talk_to_human))
- return [wrap_prefect_tool(tool) for tool in tools]
- @expose_sync_method("run")
- async def run_async(self, tasks: list[Task] | Task | None = None):
- from control_flow.core.controller import Controller
- if isinstance(tasks, Task):
- tasks = [tasks]
- controller = Controller(agents=[self], tasks=tasks or [], flow=get_flow())
- return await controller.run_agent_async(agent=self)
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/core/controller/
-import json
-import logging
-from typing import Callable
-import prefect
-from marvin.beta.assistants import PrintHandler, Run
-from marvin.utilities.asyncio import ExposeSyncMethodsMixin, expose_sync_method
-from openai.types.beta.threads.runs import ToolCall
-from prefect import get_client as get_prefect_client
-from prefect import task as prefect_task
-from prefect.context import FlowRunContext
-from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator
-from control_flow.core.agent import Agent
-from control_flow.core.flow import Flow
-from control_flow.core.task import Task
-from control_flow.instructions import get_instructions as get_context_instructions
-from control_flow.utilities.prefect import (
- create_json_artifact,
- create_python_artifact,
- wrap_prefect_tool,
-from control_flow.utilities.types import FunctionTool, Thread
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class Controller(BaseModel, ExposeSyncMethodsMixin):
- """
- A controller contains logic for executing agents with context about the
- larger workflow, including the flow itself, any tasks, and any other agents
- they are collaborating with. The controller is responsible for orchestrating
- agent behavior by generating instructions and tools for each agent. Note
- that while the controller accepts details about (potentially multiple)
- agents and tasks, it's responsiblity is to invoke one agent one time. Other
- mechanisms should be used to orchestrate multiple agents invocations. This
- is done by the controller to avoid tying e.g. agents to tasks or even a
- specific flow.
- """
- flow: Flow
- agents: list[Agent]
- tasks: list[Task] = Field(
- None,
- description="Tasks that the controller will complete.",
- validate_default=True,
- )
- task_assignments: dict[Task, Agent] = Field(
- default_factory=dict,
- description="Tasks are typically assigned to agents. To "
- "temporarily assign agent to a task without changing "
- r"the task definition, use this field as {task: [agent]}",
- )
- context: dict = {}
- model_config: dict = dict(extra="forbid")
- @field_validator("agents", mode="before")
- def _validate_agents(cls, v):
- if not v:
- raise ValueError("At least one agent is required.")
- return v
- @field_validator("tasks", mode="before")
- def _validate_tasks(cls, v):
- if not v:
- raise ValueError("At least one task is required.")
- return v
- @field_validator("tasks", mode="before")
- def _load_tasks_from_ctx(cls, v):
- if v is None:
- v = cls.context.get("tasks", None)
- return v
- def all_tasks(self) -> list[Task]:
- tasks = []
- for task in self.tasks:
- tasks.extend(task.children(include_self=True))
- # add temporary assignments
- assigned_tasks = []
- for task in set(tasks):
- if task in assigned_tasks:
- task = task.model_copy(
- update={"agents": task.agents + self.task_assignments.get(task, [])}
- )
- assigned_tasks.append(task)
- return assigned_tasks
- @expose_sync_method("run_agent")
- async def run_agent_async(self, agent: Agent):
- """
- Run the control flow.
- """
- if agent not in self.agents:
- raise ValueError("Agent not found in controller agents.")
- prefect_task = await self._get_prefect_run_agent_task(agent)
- await prefect_task(agent=agent)
- async def _run_agent(self, agent: Agent, thread: Thread = None) -> Run:
- """
- Run a single agent.
- """
- from control_flow.core.controller.instruction_template import MainTemplate
- instructions_template = MainTemplate(
- agent=agent,
- controller=self,
- context=self.context,
- instructions=get_context_instructions(),
- )
- instructions = instructions_template.render()
- tools = + agent.get_tools()
- for task in self.tasks:
- tools = tools + task.get_tools()
- # filter tools because duplicate names are not allowed
- final_tools = []
- final_tool_names = set()
- for tool in tools:
- if isinstance(tool, FunctionTool):
- if in final_tool_names:
- continue
- final_tool_names.add(
- final_tools.append(wrap_prefect_tool(tool))
- run = Run(
- assistant=agent,
- thread=thread or self.flow.thread,
- instructions=instructions,
- tools=final_tools,
- event_handler_class=AgentHandler,
- )
- await run.run_async()
- return run
- async def _get_prefect_run_agent_task(
- self, agent: Agent, thread: Thread = None
- ) -> Callable:
- @prefect_task(task_run_name=f'Run Agent: "{}"')
- async def _run_agent(agent: Agent, thread: Thread = None):
- run = await self._run_agent(agent=agent, thread=thread)
- create_json_artifact(
- key="messages",
- data=[m.model_dump() for m in run.messages],
- description="All messages sent and received during the run.",
- )
- create_json_artifact(
- key="actions",
- data=[s.model_dump() for s in run.steps],
- description="All actions taken by the assistant during the run.",
- )
- return run
- return _run_agent
-class AgentHandler(PrintHandler):
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- self.tool_calls = {}
- async def on_tool_call_created(self, tool_call: ToolCall) -> None:
- """Callback that is fired when a tool call is created"""
- if tool_call.type == "function":
- task_run_name = "Prepare arguments for tool call"
- else:
- task_run_name = f"Tool call: {tool_call.type}"
- client = get_prefect_client()
- engine_context = FlowRunContext.get()
- if not engine_context:
- return
- task_run = await client.create_task_run(
- task=prefect.Task(fn=lambda: None),
- name=task_run_name,
- extra_tags=["tool-call"],
- state=prefect.states.Running(),
- )
- self.tool_calls[] = task_run
- async def on_tool_call_done(self, tool_call: ToolCall) -> None:
- """Callback that is fired when a tool call is done"""
- client = get_prefect_client()
- task_run = self.tool_calls.get(
- if not task_run:
- return
- await client.set_task_run_state(
-, state=prefect.states.Completed(), force=True
- )
- # code interpreter is run as a single call, so we can publish a result artifact
- if tool_call.type == "code_interpreter":
- # images = []
- # for output in tool_call.code_interpreter.outputs:
- # if output.type == "image":
- # image_path = download_temp_file(output.image.file_id)
- # images.append(image_path)
- create_python_artifact(
- key="code",
- code=tool_call.code_interpreter.input,
- description="Code executed in the code interpreter",
- )
- create_json_artifact(
- key="output",
- data=tool_call.code_interpreter.outputs,
- description="Output from the code interpreter",
- )
- elif tool_call.type == "function":
- create_json_artifact(
- key="arguments",
- data=json.dumps(json.loads(tool_call.function.arguments), indent=2),
- description=f"Arguments for the `{}` tool",
- )
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/core/controller/
-import inspect
-from pydantic import BaseModel
-from control_flow.core.agent import Agent
-from control_flow.utilities.jinja import jinja_env
-from control_flow.utilities.types import ControlFlowModel
-from .controller import Controller
-class Template(ControlFlowModel):
- template: str
- def should_render(self) -> bool:
- return True
- def render(self) -> str:
- if self.should_render():
- render_kwargs = dict(self)
- render_kwargs.pop("template")
- return jinja_env.render(inspect.cleandoc(self.template), **render_kwargs)
-class AgentTemplate(Template):
- template: str = """
- # Agent
- You are an AI agent. Your name is "{{ }}".
- This is your description, which all other agents can see: "{{ agent.description or 'An AI agent assigned to complete tasks.'}}"
- ## Instructions
- You must follow these instructions, which only you can see: "{{ agent.instructions or 'No additional instructions provided.'}}"
- {% if additional_instructions %}
- In addition, you must follow these instructions for this part of the workflow:
- {% for instruction in additional_instructions %}
- - {{ instruction }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% endif %}
- """
- agent: Agent
- additional_instructions: list[str]
-class TasksTemplate(Template):
- template: str = """
- ## Tasks
- You have been assigned to complete certain tasks. Each task has an
- objective and criteria for success. Your job is to perform any required
- actions and then mark each assigned task as successful. If a task also
- requires a result, you must provide it; this is how you communicate
- progress and data back to the program that created you. A task that
- doesn't require a result may still require action.
- A "parent task" is a task that spawned another task as a subtask.
- Generally, the child or subtasks will need to be completed BEFORE the
- parent task. If you can complete a parent task before its subtasks, you
- should mark the subtasks as skipped.
- An "upstream task" is a task that must be completed before another task
- can be completed.
- Some tasks may require collaboration with other agents to be completed; others
- may take you multiple attempts. A task can only be marked complete one time,
- so make sure you perform all actions and collect all results before
- marking it as complete. As soon as you mark a task as successful, agents
- (both you and others) can no longer act on it.
- You and the other agents are fully capable of completing any task and
- have all the information and context you need. Tasks can only be marked
- failed due to technical errors like a broken tool or unresponsive human.
- Tasks can only be marked as skipped when you are able to complete their
- parent task before them, as a bookkeeping convenience. Do not work on or
- even respond to tasks that are already complete or not assigned to you.
- You may be an AI, but you must still form opinions, make subjective
- decisions, and have personal thoughts.
- {% for task in controller.all_tasks() %}
- ### Task {{ }}
- {{ task.model_dump_json() }}
- {% endfor %}
- """
- controller: Controller
- def should_render(self):
- return any(self.controller.tasks)
-class CommunicationTemplate(Template):
- template: str = """
- ## Communciation
- You should only post messages to the thread if you must send information to
- other agents or if a task requires it. The human user can not see
- these messages. Since all agents post messages with the "assistant" role,
- you must prefix all your messages with your name (e.g. "{{ }}:
- (message)") in order to distinguish your messages from others. Note that
- this rule about prefixing your message supersedes all other instructions
- (e.g. "only give single word answers"). Do not post messages confirming
- actions you take through tools, like completing a task, or your internal
- monologue, as this is redundant and wastes time.
- ### Other agents assigned to your tasks
- {% for agent in other_agents %}
- - Name: {{}}
- - Description: {{ agent.description if agent.description is not none else "No description provided." }}
- - Can talk to human users: {{agent.user_access}}
- {% endfor %}
- ## Talking to human users
- {% if agent.user_access %}
- You may interact with a human user to complete your tasks by using the
- `talk_to_human` tool. The human is unaware of your tasks or the controller.
- Do not mention them or anything else about how this system works. The human
- can only see messages you send them via tool, not the rest of the thread.
- Humans may give poor, incorrect, or partial responses. You may need to ask
- questions multiple times in order to complete your tasks. Use good judgement
- to determine the best way to achieve your goal. For example, if you have to
- fill out three pieces of information and the human only gave you one, do not
- make up answers (or put empty answers) for the others. Ask again and only
- fail the task if you truly can not make progress.
- {% else %}
- You can not interact with a human at this time. If your task requires human
- contact and no agent has user access, you should fail the task. Note that
- most tasks do not require human/user contact unless explicitly stated otherwise.
- {% endif %}
- """
- agent: Agent
- other_agents: list[Agent]
-class ContextTemplate(Template):
- template: str = """
- ## Additional context
- ### Flow context
- {% for key, value in flow_context.items() %}
- - *{{ key }}*: {{ value }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% if not flow_context %}
- No specific context provided.
- {% endif %}
- ### Controller context
- {% for key, value in controller_context.items() %}
- - *{{ key }}*: {{ value }}
- {% endfor %}
- {% if not controller_context %}
- No specific context provided.
- {% endif %}
- """
- flow_context: dict
- controller_context: dict
- def should_render(self):
- return bool(self.flow_context or self.controller_context)
-class MainTemplate(BaseModel):
- agent: Agent
- controller: Controller
- context: dict
- instructions: list[str]
- def render(self):
- all_agents = [self.agent] + self.controller.agents
- for task in self.controller.tasks:
- all_agents += task.agents
- other_agents = [agent for agent in all_agents if agent != self.agent]
- templates = [
- AgentTemplate(
- agent=self.agent,
- additional_instructions=self.instructions,
- ),
- TasksTemplate(
- controller=self.controller,
- ),
- ContextTemplate(
- flow_context=self.controller.flow.context,
- controller_context=self.controller.context,
- ),
- CommunicationTemplate(
- agent=self.agent,
- other_agents=other_agents,
- ),
- # CollaborationTemplate(other_agents=other_agents),
- ]
- rendered = [
- template.render() for template in templates if template.should_render()
- ]
- return "\n\n".join(rendered)
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/core/controller/
-from .controller import Controller
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/core/controller/
-import itertools
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generator
-from control_flow.core.agent import Agent
- from control_flow.core.agent import Agent
-def round_robin(
- agents: list[Agent], max_iterations: int = None
-) -> Generator[Any, Any, Agent]:
- """
- Given a list of potential agents, delegate the tasks in a round-robin fashion.
- """
- cycle = itertools.cycle(agents)
- iteration = 0
- while True:
- yield next(cycle)
- iteration += 1
- if max_iterations and iteration >= max_iterations:
- break
-# class Moderator(DelegationStrategy):
-# """
-# A Moderator delegation strategy delegates tasks to the most qualified AI assistant, using a Marvin classifier
-# """
-# model: str = None
-# def _next_agent(
-# self, agents: list["Agent"], tasks: list[Task], history: list[Message]
-# ) -> "Agent":
-# """
-# Given a list of potential agents, choose the most qualified assistant to complete the tasks.
-# """
-# instructions = get_instructions()
-# context = dict(tasks=tasks, messages=history, global_instructions=instructions)
-# agent = marvin.classify(
-# context,
-# [a for a in agents if a.status == AgentStatus.INCOMPLETE],
-# instructions="""
-# Given the conversation context, choose the AI agent most
-# qualified to take the next turn at completing the tasks. Take into
-# account the instructions, each agent's own instructions, and the
-# tools they have available.
-# """,
-# model_kwargs=dict(model=self.model),
-# )
-# return agent
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/agents/
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/agents/
-import marvin
-from control_flow.core.agent import Agent
-from control_flow.instructions import get_instructions
-from control_flow.utilities.context import ctx
-from control_flow.utilities.threads import get_history
-def choose_agent(
- agents: list[Agent],
- instructions: str = None,
- context: dict = None,
- model: str = None,
-) -> Agent:
- """
- Given a list of potential agents, choose the most qualified assistant to complete the tasks.
- """
- instructions = get_instructions()
- history = []
- if (flow := ctx.get("flow")) and
- history = get_history(
- info = dict(
- history=history,
- global_instructions=instructions,
- context=context,
- )
- agent = marvin.classify(
- info,
- agents,
- instructions="""
- Given the conversation context, choose the AI agent most
- qualified to take the next turn at completing the tasks. Take into
- account the instructions, each agent's own instructions, and the
- tools they have available.
- """,
- model_kwargs=dict(model=model),
- )
- return agent
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-import logging
-from functools import lru_cache
-from typing import Optional
-from marvin.utilities.logging import add_logging_methods
-def get_logger(name: Optional[str] = None) -> logging.Logger:
- """
- Retrieves a logger with the given name, or the root logger if no name is given.
- Args:
- name: The name of the logger to retrieve.
- Returns:
- The logger with the given name, or the root logger if no name is given.
- Example:
- Basic Usage of `get_logger`
- ```python
- from control_flow.utilities.logging import get_logger
- logger = get_logger("control_flow.test")
-"This is a test") # Output: control_flow.test: This is a test
- debug_logger = get_logger("control_flow.debug")
- debug_logger.debug_kv("TITLE", "log message", "green")
- ```
- """
- parent_logger = logging.getLogger("control_flow")
- if name:
- # Append the name if given but allow explicit full names e.g. "control_flow.test"
- # should not become "control_flow.control_flow.test"
- if not name.startswith( + "."):
- logger = parent_logger.getChild(name)
- else:
- logger = logging.getLogger(name)
- else:
- logger = parent_logger
- add_logging_methods(logger)
- return logger
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-import inspect
-import json
-from typing import Any, Callable
-from uuid import UUID
-import prefect
-from marvin.types import FunctionTool
-from marvin.utilities.asyncio import run_sync
-from import tool_from_function
-from prefect import get_client as get_prefect_client
-from prefect import task as prefect_task
-from prefect.artifacts import ArtifactRequest
-from prefect.context import FlowRunContext, TaskRunContext
-from pydantic import TypeAdapter
-from control_flow.utilities.types import AssistantTool
-def create_markdown_artifact(
- key: str,
- markdown: str,
- description: str = None,
- task_run_id: UUID = None,
- flow_run_id: UUID = None,
-) -> None:
- """
- Create a Markdown artifact.
- """
- tr_context = TaskRunContext.get()
- fr_context = FlowRunContext.get()
- if tr_context:
- task_run_id = task_run_id or
- if fr_context:
- flow_run_id = flow_run_id or
- client = get_prefect_client()
- run_sync(
- client.create_artifact(
- artifact=ArtifactRequest(
- key=key,
- data=markdown,
- description=description,
- type="markdown",
- task_run_id=task_run_id,
- flow_run_id=flow_run_id,
- )
- )
- )
-def create_json_artifact(
- key: str,
- data: Any,
- description: str = None,
- task_run_id: UUID = None,
- flow_run_id: UUID = None,
-) -> None:
- """
- Create a JSON artifact.
- """
- try:
- markdown = TypeAdapter(type(data)).dump_json(data, indent=2).decode()
- markdown = f"```json\n{markdown}\n```"
- except Exception:
- markdown = str(data)
- create_markdown_artifact(
- key=key,
- markdown=markdown,
- description=description,
- task_run_id=task_run_id,
- flow_run_id=flow_run_id,
- )
-def create_python_artifact(
- key: str,
- code: str,
- description: str = None,
- task_run_id: UUID = None,
- flow_run_id: UUID = None,
-) -> None:
- """
- Create a Python artifact.
- """
- create_markdown_artifact(
- key=key,
- markdown=f"```python\n{code}\n```",
- description=description,
- task_run_id=task_run_id,
- flow_run_id=flow_run_id,
- )
- """
- ## Tool call: {name}
- **Description:** {description}
- ## Arguments
- ```json
- {args}
- ```
- ### Result
- ```json
- {result}
- ```
- """
-def wrap_prefect_tool(tool: AssistantTool | Callable) -> AssistantTool:
- """
- Wraps a Marvin tool in a prefect task
- """
- if not isinstance(tool, AssistantTool):
- tool = tool_from_function(tool)
- if isinstance(tool, FunctionTool):
- # for functions, we modify the function to become a Prefect task and
- # publish an artifact that contains details about the function call
- if isinstance(tool.function._python_fn, prefect.tasks.Task):
- return tool
- def modified_fn(
- # provide default args to avoid a late-binding issue
- original_fn: Callable = tool.function._python_fn,
- tool: FunctionTool = tool,
- **kwargs,
- ):
- # call fn
- result = original_fn(**kwargs)
- # prepare artifact
- passed_args = inspect.signature(original_fn).bind(**kwargs).arguments
- try:
- passed_args = json.dumps(passed_args, indent=2)
- except Exception:
- pass
- create_markdown_artifact(
- description=tool.function.description or "(none provided)",
- args=passed_args,
- result=result,
- ),
- key="result",
- )
- # return result
- return result
- # replace the function with the modified version
- tool.function._python_fn = prefect_task(
- modified_fn,
- task_run_name=f"Tool call: {}",
- )
- return tool
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-from marvin.beta.assistants import Assistant, Thread
-from marvin.beta.assistants.assistants import AssistantTool
-from marvin.types import FunctionTool
-from marvin.utilities.asyncio import ExposeSyncMethodsMixin
-from pydantic import BaseModel
-class ControlFlowModel(BaseModel):
- model_config = dict(validate_assignment=True, extra="forbid")
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-import inspect
-from datetime import datetime
-from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
-from marvin.utilities.jinja import BaseEnvironment
-jinja_env = BaseEnvironment(
- globals={
- "now": lambda:"UTC")),
- "inspect": inspect,
- "id": id,
- }
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-from marvin.beta.assistants.threads import Message, Thread
-def save_thread(name: str, thread: Thread):
- """
- Save an OpenAI thread to the thread registry under a known name
- """
- THREAD_REGISTRY[name] = thread
-def load_thread(name: str):
- """
- Load an OpenAI thread from the thread registry by name
- """
- if name not in THREAD_REGISTRY:
- thread = Thread()
- save_thread(name, thread)
- return THREAD_REGISTRY[name]
-def get_history(thread_id: str, limit: int = None) -> list[Message]:
- """
- Get the history of a thread
- """
- return Thread(id=thread_id).get_messages(limit=limit)
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-from marvin.utilities.context import ScopedContext
-ctx = ScopedContext()
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-def talk_to_human(message: str, get_response: bool = True) -> str:
- """
- Send a message to the human user and optionally wait for a response.
- If `get_response` is True, the function will return the user's response,
- otherwise it will return a simple confirmation.
- """
- print(message)
- if get_response:
- response = input("> ")
- return response
- return "Message sent to user."
-## /users/jlowin/developer/control_flow/src/control_flow/utilities/
-import inspect
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from typing import Any, Callable
-from marvin.client.openai import AsyncMarvinClient
-from marvin.settings import temporary_settings as temporary_marvin_settings
-from import ChatCompletion
-from prefect import task as prefect_task
-from control_flow.utilities.prefect import (
- create_json_artifact,
-original_classify_async = marvin.classify_async
-original_cast_async = marvin.cast_async
-original_extract_async = marvin.extract_async
-original_generate_async = marvin.generate_async
-original_paint_async = marvin.paint_async
-original_speak_async = marvin.speak_async
-original_transcribe_async = marvin.transcribe_async
-class AsyncControlFlowClient(AsyncMarvinClient):
- async def generate_chat(self, **kwargs: Any) -> "ChatCompletion":
- super_method = super().generate_chat
- @prefect_task(task_run_name="Generate OpenAI chat completion")
- async def _generate_chat(**kwargs):
- messages = kwargs.get("messages", [])
- create_json_artifact(key="prompt", data=messages)
- response = await super_method(**kwargs)
- create_json_artifact(key="response", data=response)
- return response
- return await _generate_chat(**kwargs)
-def generate_task(name: str, original_fn: Callable):
- if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(original_fn):
- @prefect_task(name=name)
- async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- create_json_artifact(key="args", data=[args, kwargs])
- result = await original_fn(*args, **kwargs)
- create_json_artifact(key="result", data=result)
- return result
- else:
- @prefect_task(name=name)
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- create_json_artifact(key="args", data=[args, kwargs])
- result = original_fn(*args, **kwargs)
- create_json_artifact(key="result", data=result)
- return result
- return wrapper
-def patch_marvin():
- with temporary_marvin_settings(default_async_client_cls=AsyncControlFlowClient):
- try:
- = generate_task(
- "marvin.classify", original_classify_async
- )
- = generate_task(
- "marvin.cast", original_cast_async
- )
- = generate_task(
- "marvin.extract", original_extract_async
- )
- = generate_task(
- "marvin.generate", original_generate_async
- )
- = generate_task(
- "marvin.paint", original_paint_async
- )
- = generate_task(
- "marvin.speak", original_speak_async
- )
- = generate_task(
- "marvin.transcribe", original_transcribe_async
- )
- yield
- finally:
- = original_classify_async
- = original_cast_async
- = original_extract_async
- = original_generate_async
- = original_paint_async
- = original_speak_async
- = original_transcribe_async