The following steps should get Braid running on your computer, ready for development.
If you're interested in getting Braid running in production, read: Deploying Braid
Before running Braid, you'll need to have Java and Leiningen installed.
Check if you have java installed by running
java -version
from your commandline. It should be at least version 1.8.0. If not, install openjdk or Oracle Java (the exact procedure depends on your OS, see Google). -
Check if you have leiningen installed by running
lein --help
from your commandline. If it's not installed, see the Leiningen website for instructions. -
Clone the braid repo (you may want to change the URL to your fork):
git clone [email protected]:braidchat/braid.git
- Go into the project directory:
cd braid
From the project directory...
- Run the REPL:
lein repl
The repl starts you off in
, which is a dev-only namespace with some utility functions. The source is in: dev-src/braid/dev/core.clj
The main app entry point is braid.core
with source under: src/braid/core.clj
- Inside the REPL, start the Braid system:
(start! 5555)
This will start all the various Braid components, including 3 web servers:
Server | Port | Description |
desktop web client | 5555 | HTML, JS, CSS assets for desktop web client |
mobile web client | 5556 | HTML, JS, CSS assets for mobile web client |
api | 5557 | HTTP and Websocket API, communicates w/ db, etc. |
figwheel | 3559 | cljs->js compiler and live-code reloader, do not visit directly |
- Seed some data:
Open http://localhost:5555
in your browser:
open http://localhost:5555
Login with:
[email protected]
You should see a few messages and be able to reply.
In a private window, you can login as another user:
[email protected]
If you edit a .cljs
file in the repo, it should auto-update the page in the browser (no need for refreshing). Note: when developing, you should always have the Chrome/Firefox inspector, with "Disable Cache" on (under the Network Tab).
By default, Braid uses Datomic's in-memory database, which requires no set-up, but, it requires re-seeding every time you restart the REPL.
To have data survive a REPL restart, you'll need to persist it to disk by installing Datomic.
To install "Datomic Free":
Download Datomic Free 0.9.5201 from
Unzip the download
To run Datomic:
- In a terminal session, cd into the directory and run the transactor:
cd ~/path/to/datomic-free-0.9.5201
bin/transactor config/samples/
You will need to keep this process running during development. You can kill the process when you're not using it and restart it using the command above.
In your Braid project, you'll need to create a profiles.cljs
with the following (and restart the REPL to pick up the changes).
{:user {:env {:db-url "datomic:free://localhost:4334/braid"}}
In production, we recommend "Datomic Starter" instead (instructions here).
To work on the mobile client:
- Run
with themobile-dev
lein figwheel mobile-dev
- Open
in your browser:
open http://localhost:5556/
Emacs users who wish to have their repl sessions integrated with their development environment should follow these steps.
First, install CIDER.
Braid has the nREPL middleware CIDER depends on available under the cider
profile in project.clj
To use this profile in Emacs, you'll need to edit the cider-lein-parameters
variable. There are two ways to do this:
M-x set-variable cider-lein-parameters
C-h v cider-lein-parameters
and then click or hit enter on "customize" and set it there
In either case, set the value of the variable to be with-profiles +cider repl :headless
This should be sufficient to run a Clojure repl for server-side development. To also integrate a ClojureScript repl for client-side development, follow the instructions from the Figwheel wiki here. Specifically, you'll need to add the following to your emacs config:
;; ~/.emacs.el or ~/.emacs.d/init.el
;; somewhere after calling (require 'cider)
(setq cider-cljs-lein-repl
"(do (require 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)
With that, you should be able to just run M-x cider-jack-in-clojurescript
and emacs will launch both a Clojure and a ClojureScript repl configured for Braid development.
lein test
Or, if you have quickie:
lein with-profile test quickie "chat.*"
Install PhantomJS and ensure that the phantomjs
binary is available from your path. Once installed, you can run:
lein cljsbuild test once
to run the client-side tests once. If you prefer to have tests run automatically as you make changes, then run
lein cljsbuild test auto
If you're experience the error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
, try the following:
- Add the following to
:jvm-opts ["-XX:MaxPermSize=128m" "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC" "-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled"]`
If you have lots of plugins in your lein :user profile (
), remove some -
Switch to Java 1.8
Various configuration options can be set via environment variables. Braid uses Environ to read environment variables.
An easy way to set variables during development is to create a profiles.clj
See ../profiles.sample.clj for sample profile options and instructions.
If you don't have Leiningen installed, then:
On Mac:
- Install Homebrew by following the instructions at:
- Use Homebrew to install Leiningen:
brew install leiningen
For other platforms, see: