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344 lines (305 loc) · 15.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[4.0.0 - 2024-03-04]


  • added TileScopePack.requirement_and_row_and_col_placements
  • AssumptionAndPointJumpingFactory which adds rules where requirements and/or assumptions are swapped around a fusable row or column.
  • PointJumpingFactory which adds rules where requirements and assumptions can be swapped around a fusable row or column.
  • MonotoneSlidingFactory that creates rules that swaps neighbouring cells if they are 'monotone' fusable, i.e., they are a generalized fusion with a monotone local extra obstruction.
  • DeflationFactory which adds rules where cells can be deflated into increasing or decreasing cells as obstructions can't occur across the sum/skew components in that cell.
  • CellReductionFactory which changes a cell to monotone if at most one point of any crossing gp touches that cell.
  • PositiveCorroborationFactory that inserts into cells which if positive makes another cell empty. Also, the PointCorroborationFactory, which does this for point or empty cells which is added to most packs.
  • TargetedCellInsertionFactory which inserts factors of gridded perms if it can lead to factoring out a verified sub tiling.
  • BasisPatternInsertionFactory which inserts permutations which are contained in every pattern in the basis
  • ComponentVerificationStrategy which is added to component fusion packs.
  • ComponentToPointAssumptionStrategy that changes component assumptions to point assumptions. These strategies are yielded in RearrangeAssumptionFactory.
  • StrategyPack.kitchen_sinkify to add many experimental strategies to the pack
  • SubobstructionInsertionFactory that inserts subobstructions and the pack TileScopePack.subobstruction_placements which uses it.
  • FactorWithInterleavingStrategy.backward_map so you can now generate permutation from specifications using interleaving factors.
  • DummyStrategy that gives a quick template for making strategies.
  • PointingStrategy, AssumptionPointingFactory and RequirementPointingFactory that place points directionless in non-point cells. This are a non-productive strategy so should be used with RuleDBForest.
  • UnfusionFactory that unfuses either all the rows or columns. Also non-productive.
  • FusableRowAndColumnPlacementFactory places fusable rows and columns.
  • TrackedClassDB used by TrackedSearcher
  • counting for GeneralizedSlidingStrategy of rows (i.e., rotate=True)


  • Factor was not factoring correctly with respect to component assumptions.
  • ComponentAssumption are flipped when taking symmetries
  • Tiling.get_minimum_value fixed for component assumptions
  • RearrangeAssumptionFactory will ignore component assumptions
  • GriddedPermReduction.minimal_reqs was removing requirements if they were duplicates.
  • RequirementPlacement algorithm didn't minimise obstructions correctly when placing size 2 or higher gridded perms.
  • added missing condition in MonotoneSlidingFactory for consecutive values. Previous rules failing this condition will now raise StrategyDoesNotApply if it fails this condition.
  • LocalVerificationStrategy needs to be a BasisAwareVerificationStrategy
  • PointJumping maps component assumption to component assumptions.
  • Tiling.all_symmetries had a premature break statement that was removed
  • shift_from_spec method would previously fail if any tiling had two or more interleaving cells.


  • TileScopePack.make_tracked will add the appropriate tracking methods for interleaving factors and make strategies tracked if it can be.
  • The GriddedPermReduction limits the size of obstructions it tries to infer in the minimal_obs method to the size of the largest obstruction already on the tiling.
  • The SymmetriesFactory takes a basis and will not return any symmetries where any of the patterns of the obstruction are not subpatterns of some basis element. If no basis is given, all symmetries are returned.
  • RequirementPlacement adds empty cells when placing a point cell. This saves some inferral in partial placements.
  • Don't reinitialise in the Tiling.from_dict method.
  • GuidedSearcher expands every symmetry
  • TileScopePack.pattern_placements factors as an initial strategy.
  • is_component method of assumptions updated to consider cell decomposition
  • AddAssumptionsStrategy.is_reverible is now True when the assumption covers the whole tiling.
  • The default behavior for RequirementInsertion is to allow insertion of factorable requirements
  • OneByOneVerificationStrategy will look up to find the generating functions and min polys, and also use permpal specs for counting, sampling and generating objects.
  • The kitchen_sinkify function on TileScopePack now takes a level between 1 and 5 as input, which is used to determine how crazy the added strategies should be.


  • AddInterleavingAssumptionsFactory. The factor strategy now adds the relevant assumptions where necessary directly, lowering the number of CVs needed.

[3.1.0] - 2022-01-17


  • Tiling.remove_requirement method that removes a requirement from a tiling.
  • RemoveRequirementFactory which adds the rules where we insert a requirement to a tiling after we first remove that requirement. This is added to LocallyFactorableVerificationStrategy.pack.
  • The tiling initialiser will now add factors of obstructions if it is implied by multiple different obs and one requirement list of size possibly greater than one. Previously it was only doing the case where a single ob's factor is implied by a requirement.


  • ForgetTrackedSearcher was not retroactively applying strategies that had a basis.
  • Bug with sliding symmetries
  • The tiling initialiser was not removing duplicate/redundant requirements.


  • One by one verification will now only verify subclasses of the given basis.
  • Verification strategies no longer ignore parent
  • TrackedSearcher now uses a TrackedQueue and is able to work with all packs and new future strategies.


  • Python 3.7 is no longer supported

[3.0.0] - 2021-06-14


  • Rearrange assumption strategy
  • TrackingAssumption.from_cell method
  • Counting for reverse fusion
  • FusionParallelSpecFinder, FusionIsomorphism and FusionBijection subclasses to handle bijection involving fusion and assumption strategies.
  • a insertion_point_row_and_col_placements pack in TileScopePack
  • TrackedSearcher and ForgetTrackedSearcher that prioritise expanding classes with assumptions when the underlying tiling was expanded
  • TileScopePack.cell_insertions which only does cell insertion and verification


  • Updated to use comb_spec_searcher 4.0.0
  • Using strategy_pack.make_fusion or strategy_pack.make_tracked now automatically adds RearrangeAssumptionFactory with apply_first=True if tracked=True
  • Moved several local function in RearrangeConstructor outward to make it pickleable
  • Fixed isolated fusion bug
  • Fusion is now a one-way strategy.
  • Added length to name for all_the_strategies pack
  • pack for locally factorable now account for the basis.


  • Removed a redundant Tiling.is_empty check in the fusion algorithm.
  • Ensure is_atom returns False for the empty tiling


  • Python 3.6 is no longer supported

[2.5.0] - 2020-11-11


  • Added sliding strategy
  • 'GuidedSearcher' class which will search for specification with a specific set of underlying tilings. Includes methods 'from_spec' and 'from_uri' which creates a 'GuidedSearcher' instance.
  • Creates a new LimitedAssumptionTileScope that allows you to set a maximum number of assumptions allowable on any tiling


  • Updated comb_spec_searcher version for faster counting
  • Added a point placement strategy to partial row and col placement packs.
  • TileScopePack.make_tracked return a new pack with tracked fusion instead of only adding the AddAssumptionFactory to the pack
  • make_fusion and make_interleaving make the pack name a little more descriptive
  • Updated short obstruction verification to take a length argument

[2.4.1] - 2020-10-28


  • to_tex for gridded perms.
  • to_tikz for gridded perms.
  • to_svg for gridded perms.
  • to_gui for tilings.
  • Mappings for gridded perms: column_reverse, row_complement, permute_columns, permute_rows and apply_perm_map_to_cell.
  • Mappings for tilings: column_reverse, row_complement, permute_columns, permute_rows, apply_perm_map_to_cell.
  • guess_from_gridded_perms to guess tiling T from gridded perms in Grid(T).
  • enmerate_gp_up_to counts gridded perms of length 0, 1, 2, ... up to a max length.
  • Can sample and generate objects from fusion specifications.


  • Anti-diagonal symmetry backward map was fixed.

[2.3.1] - 2020-09-11


  • Dependency issue when installing

[2.3.0] - 2020-09-10


  • introduced isolation levels to the fusion strategy
  • added the one_cell_only option to CellInsertionFactory
  • remove_components_from_assumptions method to Tiling
  • DetectComponentsStrategy which removes cells from assumptions which are actual components. This replaces the need for the SplittingStrategy in component fusion packs.
  • added equation generators to FusionStrategy for the case where one or both sides are positive
  • added a to_html_representation method to Tiling
  • SubclassVerificationFactory and the corresponding strategy
  • is_subclass method to Tiling
  • added point_and_row_and_col_placements strategy
  • ShortObstructionVerificationStrategy
  • using Github Actions for testing and deployment


  • insertion packs now use the one_cell_only option, and no longer use RequirementCorroborationFactory
  • the get_eq_symbol and get_op_symbol are moved to Strategy rather than Constructor
  • the GriddedPermsOnTiling algorithm was changed to build from minimal gridded perms in a breadth first manner. This is also include an option to limit the number of points placed on the minimal gridded perms.
  • new default behavior of RequirementInsertionFactory is to only insert requirements on tilings that don't already have any
  • converted the expansion strategies in several strategy packs to be a single set
  • requirement corroboration is only enabled when requirements of length > 1 are placed
  • A gridded permutation can now be built from any iterable of integer, not only from permutation.


  • untracked constructors raise NotImplementedError
  • forbid fusing a region containing a TrackingAssumption and a ComponentAssumption
  • a tiling factors if a ComponentAssumption if the components of the region split into the factors
  • only fuse non-empty regions to avoid creating unintentional rules a -> b where a and b are equivalent
  • remove duplicate assumptions in the AddAssumptionsStrategy
  • Tiling.from_dict will make a Tiling with no assumptions if the assumptions key is not in the dictionary.
  • a factor with interleaving strategy has inferrable=True
  • a factor with interleaving strategy return a normal factor strategy when there's no interleaving going on.
  • removed the length argument to the insertion_point_placements pack which was not implemented, and thus raising an error.
  • Bug that occurred when factoring the empty tiling
  • fixed that the partial flag was ignored in point_placements
  • isolation levels were not being passed to component fusion
  • expanding a symmetry of 132 with both length 2 requirements

[2.2.0] - 2020-07-08


  • add the can_be_equivalent methods to AddAssumptionsStrategy, SplittingStrategy, and FusionStrategy.
  • added a get_assumption method to Tiling


  • the Factor algorithm will now factor TrackingAssumptions if they span multiple factors of the tiling. This means that the SplittingStrategy is removed from the tracked StrategyPack. It does not factor ComponentAssumptions, so using this strategy still requires the SplittingStrategy.


  • remove empty assumptions when creating extra parameters in FusionStrategy
  • the method Tiling.get_genf returns the Catalan generating function for Av(123).
  • correct the generating function equations for SplittingStrategy


  • Removed optional arguments from the from_bytes method on Tiling

[2.1.0] - 2020-06-29


  • add a new AddAssumptionStrategy which adds an assumption to a tiling. In practice, when expanding a class, we actually remove an assumption to determine which rules to add.
  • the get_equations method is now implemented for the strategies AddAssumptionStrategy, SplittingStrategy, and FusionStrategy.
  • the extra_paramters method was implemented for symmetry strategies, allowing these to be used when enumerating tracked trees.
  • Add the InsertionEncodingVerificationStrategy which verifies n x 1 and 1 x n tilings which have a regular topmost or bottommost insertion encoding.
  • Added the SumComponentAssumption and SkewComponentAssumption giving the ability to track specifications using component fusion.
  • add partial flag to insertion_point_placements and insertion_row_and_col_placements
  • Allow fusing rows and columns which are positive on either or both sides.
  • The tracking of interleaving factors is implemented, including the poly time algorithm. This includes the new strategy AddInterleavingAssumptionFactory which adds the assumptions required in order to enumerate when performing an interleaving factor strategy.
  • The TileScopePack has a new method make_interleaving which by will change any factor strategy in the pack to allow interleaving. The default setting is for tracked, and so the assumption strategies are also added. This can be turned off with the flag tracked=False.
  • The possible_parameters method on Tiling allowing for sanity checking specifications with multiple variables.
  • InsertionEncodingVerificationStrategy was added to verification expansion packs.
  • forward_map_assumption method on Tiling.


  • The definition of a local TrackingAssumption in LocalEnumeration now says it is local if every gp in it is local (before it was they all used the same single cell).
  • the default in LocalVerificationStrategy is now no_factors=False.


  • untracked fusion packs don't add assumption strategies
  • the length parameter for all_the_strategies is passed correctly to the requirement insertion strategy.
  • use fusion on positive Av(123) when expanding 1x1 verified classes
  • fix bug that prevented applying all eight symmetries
  • fix assumption mapping bug in FusionStrategy
  • fix __repr__ in FusionStrategy

[2.0.0] - 2020-06-17


All the necessary strategies for combinatorial exploration.


Refactoring and speed up of many algorithm most notably the is empty check.


  • Support for Python 3.5 and earlier

[1.0.2] - 2019-03-30


  • Update dependency versions

[1.0.1] - 2019-08-26


  • Update comb_spec_searcher to 0.2.1

[1.0.0] - 2019-08-26


  • Remove factors from requirements if already implied by other requirement list.
  • Added tiling method is_empty_cell and is_monotone_cell


  • The cell_basis method of the tilings has an 1 obstruction for empty cell. The basis of a cell that is outside of the tiling is no longer defined.
  • The requirement list in cell_basis method now finds intersections of requirement lists
  • New add_list_requirement method to Tiling.


  • Infinite recursion issue in get_genf.
  • Close mongo when finished.

[0.0.1] - 2019-06-02


  • This changelog.