Contains Dockerfiles for Docker containers to build and test PX4, with and without ROS and ROS2.
License: according to LICENSE in the root directory of the PX4 Firmware repository.
- px4io/px4-dev-base-archlinux
- px4io/px4-dev-base-bionic
- px4io/px4-dev-base-focal
- px4io/px4-dev-base-jammy
- px4io/px4-dev-base-noble
- px4io/px4-dev-armhf
- px4io/px4-dev-aarch64
- px4io/px4-docs
If you like to run the container and use the Firmware source from outside of the container, use the following command and specify the appropriate volume mapping.
docker run -it --rm \
-v <local_src>:/home/user/Firmware:rw \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:ro \
-e LOCAL_USER_ID="$(id -u)" \
--name=container_name px4io/px4-dev-simulation-bionic /bin/bash
Or use
cd docker
docker build -t px4io/px4-dev-ros-melodic -f Dockerfile_ros-melodic .
cd docker
make px4-dev-ros-melodic