+ if ($xml === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $bodyContent = $xml->xpath('//w:body/*');
+ // Output the extracted content
+ $documentBodyStr = '';
+ if ($bodyContent) {
+ foreach ($bodyContent as $element) {
+ $documentBodyStr .= $element->asXML();
+ }
+ }
+ //replace html content r:id vaule avoid rid conflict
+ $rIdsElement = $xml->xpath('//*[@r:id]');
+ $rIdValuesMap = [];
+ if ($rIdsElement) {
+ foreach ($rIdsElement as $idEle) {
+ $rid = (string) $idEle->attributes('r', true)->id;
+ $rIdValuesMap[$rid] = $rid;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($rIdValuesMap)) {
+ foreach ($rIdValuesMap as $rid => $value) {
+ $replactVulue = $rid . '-1';
+ $rIdValuesMap[$rid] = $replactVulue;
+ $documentBodyStr = str_replace($rid, $replactVulue, $documentBodyStr);
+ }
+ }
+ //replace document.xml
+ $this->replaceXmlBlock($search, $documentBodyStr, 'w:p');
+ $xml = simplexml_load_string($relsDocumentXml);
+ if ($xml === false) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Register the namespace
+ $xml->registerXPathNamespace('ns', 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships');
+ // Use XPath to find all Relationship nodes
+ $RelationshipXmls = $xml->xpath('//ns:Relationship');
+ $RelationshipStr = '';
+ if ($RelationshipXmls) {
+ foreach ($RelationshipXmls as $relationshipXml) {
+ $rid = (string) $relationshipXml->attributes();
+ if (isset($rIdValuesMap[$rid])) {
+ $tmpStr = $relationshipXml->asXML();
+ if ($tmpStr != false) {
+ $tmpStr = str_replace($rid, $rIdValuesMap[$rid], $tmpStr);
+ $RelationshipStr .= $tmpStr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //add relation to document.xml.rels
+ if ($RelationshipStr) {
+ $relsFileName = $this->getRelationsName($this->getMainPartName());
+ $content = $this->tempDocumentRelations[$this->getMainPartName()];
+ $endStr = '';
+ $replaceValue = $RelationshipStr . $endStr;
+ $content = str_replace($endStr, $replaceValue, $content);
+ $this->tempDocumentRelations[$this->getMainPartName()] = $content;
+ }
+ }
* @param mixed $search
* @param mixed $replace
diff --git a/tests/PhpWordTests/TemplateProcessorTest.php b/tests/PhpWordTests/TemplateProcessorTest.php
index 49e88d1b5b..bea023c918 100644
--- a/tests/PhpWordTests/TemplateProcessorTest.php
+++ b/tests/PhpWordTests/TemplateProcessorTest.php
@@ -1630,4 +1630,21 @@ public function testShouldMakeFieldsUpdateOnOpenWithCustomMacro(): void
self::assertStringContainsString('', $templateProcessor->getSettingsPart());
+ public function testSetHtml(): void
+ {
+ Settings::setOutputEscapingEnabled(true);
+ $image1 = __DIR__ . '/_files/images/earth.jpg';
+ $image2 = __DIR__ . '/_files/images/mars.jpg';
+ $content = '
+HPJ LDAP(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol),轻量级目录访问协议,是一种在线目录访问协议,主要用于目录中资源的搜索和查询。如果在用户可控制的输入中没有对 LDAP 语法进行除去或引用,那么生成的 LDAP 查询可能会导致
+ $templateProcessor = new TemplateProcessor(__DIR__ . '/_files/templates/template_to_html.docx');
+ $templateProcessor->setHtmlBlock('html_content', $content);
+ $docName = 'html-to-template-test.docx';
+ $templateProcessor->saveAs($docName);
+ $docFound = file_exists($docName);
+ unlink($docName);
+ self::assertTrue($docFound);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/PhpWordTests/_files/templates/template_to_html.docx b/tests/PhpWordTests/_files/templates/template_to_html.docx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd2e6a8ebd
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/PhpWordTests/_files/templates/template_to_html.docx differ