This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 19, 2020. It is now read-only.
WiFi-Pumpkin v0.8.3
- added new design main tool
- added new column VendorMac in man Table
- added set sorted in all Tablewidget
- added new plugins options and description
- added more options in statusbar main
- added find file in directory cfg for check update
- added error messages more explained
- added option to set Hostapd binary path (support hostapd-mana)
- added new plugin Responder (LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoners)
- added check if interface wireless support AP/Mode
- added python implements a DHCP Server by psychomario
- added function: get possible errors from hostapd service
- fixed allow traffic to/from wlan (iptables)
- changed the all directory structure characters to lowercase
- ffixed No such file or directory [logs] #102
- fixed Error nmcli exceptions.OSError #104
- fixed improvements fuctions get_interfaces #109
- fixed Redirect traffic from all domains in dnsspoof module
- removed isc-dhcp-server(dhcpd) from dedependencies (optinal)
- fixed installer:install mitmproxy in ubuntu
- fixed get_file_cfg_Update: get update from github
- fixed DNSServer: closes itself with this error #116
- fixed check if module QtWebKit is installed #120