This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 19, 2020. It is now read-only.
WiFi-Pumpkin v0.7.5
- fixed size QTableWidget on modules
- fixed scanner fast ipaddress devices
- added new QSettings Core/modules::Configure
- added mac address interface to exclude NetworkManager
- added dockArea Monitor -> Pumpkin-Settings
- added progressBar for starting Thread
- removed execute root app
- added support to start AP with wireless connection
- Kali Linux (Apparently not work, need some tests) :(
- support kubuntu 15.10
- support wifislax - 4.11.1
- support parrot - 2.0.5
- fixed performance start GUI::Core
- fixed Qwidgets which already has a layout, add Exception get_network_scan() #36
- fixed error when executed from symlink file #50
- fixed error: too many open files, added ulimit
- added Tab Pump-Settings -> [Class Ranges] options
- fixed Pump-Settings->Advanced Mode:: allow run after started AP
- some improvements on module DnsSpoof,ArpPoison and Core::main closeEvent
- fixed error on "Settings" option #58
- added Qprocess into Threads::Process,fixed run plugin::dns2proxy
- fixed error Advanced Mode::monitor crashed application #60