Welcome to the game!
Enter a number between 3 - 10 to be length of the word you are going to guess:
The length of the word is 3
Try to get the words with 3 letters
Initializing words pool......
Game Start
Computers' turn
Computer's current hand is:
['d', 'm', 'n']
Computer took v from DISCARD PILE
Computer put n into DISCARD PILE
Computer's current hand is:
['d', 'm', 'v']
Your turn
Your word list is:
['q', 'y', 't']
Pick 'n' from DISCARD PILE or reveal another letter from MAIN PILE
Input 'D/d' to pick it from DISCARD PILE. Input 'M/m' to pick another letter from MAIN PILE:
Invalid input! Type 'D/d' or 'M/m'
Input 'D/d' to pick it from DISCARD PILE. Input 'M/m' to pick another letter from MAIN PILE:
You get a letter n from DISCARD PILE
Input the index of the letter to be replaced, from 0 - 2
Invalid Input! Please make sure that your input is an integer between 0 - 2 !
Input the index of the letter to be replaced, from 0 - 2
Your word list is:
['q', 'n', 't']
Game End! Computer Wins!! Its word is dmv .