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ConvNetC++ is a C++ port of ConvNetJS, ConvNetSharp, RecurrentJS and ReinforceJS.

It currently supports:

  • Common Neural Network modules (fully connected layers, non-linearities)
  • Classification (SVM/Softmax) and Regression (L2) cost functions
  • Ability to specify and train Convolutional Networks that process images
  • An Reinforcement Learning module, based on Deep Q Learning
  • Deep Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  • Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM)
  • Recurrent Highway Networks (RHN)
  • In fact, the library is more general because it has functionality to construct arbitrary expression graphs over which the library can perform automatic differentiation similar to what you may find in Theano for Python, or in Torch etc. Currently, the code uses this very general functionality to implement RNN/LSTM, but one can build arbitrary Neural Networks and do automatic backprop.

Example code

Screenshot of a CIFAR-10 classification example translated to ConvNetC++. Classify CIFAR-10 example

For screenshots of examples, see the gallery.

ConvNetC++ includes all original examples from ConvNetJS and also examples from RecurrentJS and ReinforceJS, even tough they were separate libraries originally.

A typical usage might look something like:

// species a 2-layer neural network with one hidden layer of 20 neurons
Net net;

// input layer declares size of input. here: 2-D data
// ConvNet U++ works on 3-Dimensional volumes (width, height, depth), but if you're not dealing with images
// then the first two dimensions (width, height) will always be kept at size 1
InputLayer input(1, 1, 2);

// declare 20 neurons
FullyConnLayer fullcon1(20);
fullcon1.bias_pref = 0.1;

// declare a ReLU (rectified linear unit non-linearity)
ReluLayer relu1;

// declare 20 neurons
FullyConnLayer fullcon2(20);
fullcon2.bias_pref = 0.1;

// declare a ReLU (rectified linear unit non-linearity)
ReluLayer relu2;

// declare a fully connected layer that will be used by the softmax layer
FullyConnLayer fullcon3(2);

// a softmax classifier predicting probabilities for two classes: 0,1
SoftmaxLayer softmax(2);

// forward a random data point through the network
Volume x(1, 1, 2, 0);
x.Set(0, +0.5);
x.Set(1, -1.3);
Volume& probability_volume = net.Forward(x);

// prob is a Volume. Volumes have a property Weights that stores the raw data, and WeightGradients that stores gradients
LOG("probability that x is class 0: " << probability_volume.GetWeights()[0]); // prints 0.50101

SgdTrainer trainer(net);
trainer.Train(x, 0, 0);

Volume& probability_volume2 = net.Forward(x);
LOG("probability that x is class 0: " << probability_volume2.GetWeights()[0]);
// prints 0.50374

Compiling the library and examples

ConvNetC++ requires the cross-platform library Ultimate++, which works in all platforms (Windows, Linux, OSX, FreeBSD). Even Windows XP is supported, because the U++ version 9251 and Windows 7 SDK are the minimum requirements. Getting this to work in OSX is probably easier with wine, than with native solution, which is incomplete.

After you have installed the Ultimate++, create a new assembly for the ConvNetC++ by looking included assemblies as examples. You can compile examples with the included MINGW compiler, but compiling them with the Visual Studio compiler makes it a lot faster.