- API Name: findRankingPoints
- Owner: Wei-1
- Type: Reversed
- Status: Pending
Request codingame server with codingamer id (ex: 1733593)
The server will return the ranks of the player.
input :
POST https://www.codingame.com/services/CodinGamerRemoteService/findRankingPoints
body : [1733593]
- Although the input format is an array, only 1 input value is allowed.
output :
"success": {
"codingamerId": 1733593,
"globalPointsRankGlobal": 72,
"contestPointsRankGlobal": 147,
"achievementPointsRankGlobal": 61,
"codegolfPointsRankGlobal": 579,
"optimPointsRankGlobal": 1308,
"multiTrainingPointsRankGlobal": 65,
"globalPointsRankCountry": 1,
"contestPointsRankCountry": 1,
"achievementPointsRankCountry": 1,
"codegolfPointsRankCountry": 1,
"optimPointsRankCountry": 5,
"multiTrainingPointsRankCountry": 1,
"countryId": "TW",
"totalCodingamerGlobal": 1142159,
"totalCodingamerCountry": 8784