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Doubly Linked List


Unlike a singly-linked list, a doubly-linked list node keeps a reference to the previous node in addition to the next node. This allows traversal in both directions of the list, towards the head and the tail.

Linked List

The operations for the doubly linked list is the same a singly linked list.


In this exercise, implement the following functions for the DoublyLinkedListNode and DoublyLinkedList classes:

  • DoublyLinkedListNode
    • constructor()
      • Write a method that instantiates the node.
      • The node takes value, previous and next.
  • LinkedList
    • constructor()
      • Write a method that instantiates the list.
      • The instance variables head and tail should be set to null.
    • prepend(value)
      • Write a method that inserts the value at the beginning of the linked list.
    • append(value)
      • Write a method that inserts the value at the end of the linked list.
    • find(value)
      • Write a method that returns the node that contains the value.
    • deleteHead()
      • Write a method that deletes the first element in the linked list.
    • deleteTail()
      • Write a method that deletes the last element in the linked list.
    • delete(value)
      • Write a method that deletes the value in the linked list.

The most important operations are prepend/append for adding data, delete for removing data, and find for retrieving data.

Detailed Walkthrough

To start, build DoublyLinkedListNode. A doubly linked list node keeps a reference to the previous node in addition to the next node. Then, build the constructor the same way as the singly linked list.

Jest Tip: If you need to filter by the exercise name, press p. After pressing p, enter the string "Doubly" to filter by doubly linked list tests.


  • The prepend method inserts the item at the beginning of the list.
  • Operations:
    • Create a new Node.
    • Set the current head's previous reference to the new node.
    • Set the new node's next to the current head.
    • Update head to point at the new node.
  • Take into consideration where this is the first value in the linked list.


  • The append method inserts the item at the end of the list.
  • Operations:
    • Create a new Node.
    • Set the current tail's next to be the new node.
    • Set the new node's previous to the current tail.
    • Update tail to point at the new node.
  • Take into consideration where this is the first value in the linked list.


  • The find method returns the node with the target value.
  • Traverse the array in the same way as a singly linked list.

deleteHead() / deleteTail()

  • The deleteHead/Tail methods are useful utilities methods.
  • Take into consideration where there is only one node in the linked list.


  • The delete method removes the first node with the specified value.
  • The delete operation for a doubly linked list is significantly simpler due to having a reference to the previous node.
  • Utilize find and deleteHead/Tail methods written above to write the method.