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Setup Library

You need to compile the dynamic linking library in the main project and then place it in inspireface/modules/core.

# copy or link
cp YOUR_BUILD_DIR/ inspireface/modules/core


You need to install some dependencies beforehand.

pip install loguru
pip install tqdm
pip install opencv-python

Quick Start

You can easily call the api to implement a number of functions:

import cv2
import inspireface as ifac
from inspireface.param import *

# Step 1: Initialize the SDK and load the algorithm resource files.
resource_path = "pack/Pikachu"
ret = ifac.launch(resource_path)
assert ret, "Launch failure. Please ensure the resource path is correct."

# Optional features, loaded during session creation based on the modules specified.
session = ifac.InspireFaceSession(opt, HF_DETECT_MODE_IMAGE)

# Load the image using OpenCV.
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
assert image is not None, "Please check that the image path is correct."

# Perform face detection on the image.
faces = session.face_detection(image)
print(f"face detection: {len(faces)} found")

# Copy the image for drawing the bounding boxes.
draw = image.copy()
for idx, face in enumerate(faces):
    print(f"{'==' * 20}")
    print(f"idx: {idx}")
    # Print detection confidence.
    print(f"detection confidence: {face.detection_confidence}")
    # Print Euler angles of the face.
    print(f"roll: {face.roll}, yaw: {face.yaw}, pitch: {face.pitch}")
    # Draw bounding box around the detected face.
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = face.location
    cv2.rectangle(draw, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (0, 0, 255), 2)

You can also check out other sample files, which contain more diverse examples of functionality.


In the Python API, we have integrated a relatively simple unit test. You can adjust the content of the unit test by modifying the parameters in the configuration file test/

# Run total test
python -m unittest discover -s test