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OliverBalfour edited this page Jun 26, 2021 · 1 revision


  • Help! It's saying Pandoc can't be found!

    This happens when you have PATH variable issues. If you don't know what that means, there's a setting called Pandoc path at the bottom of the settings panel. If you run which pandoc in a terminal on Mac/Linux and Get-Command pandoc in powershell on Windows, just paste the path to the file in that field (should look like /usr/bin/pandoc or C:\example\pandoc.exe).

    (If you're curious about the PATH thing, see here for more info.)

  • Weird looking output?

    Sometimes Pandoc is a little fiddly, but if you can't figure it out feel free to report an issue and I might be able to fix it

  • Citations aren't working Make sure the "Export files from HTML or Markdown?" setting is set to "Markdown" and that the path to the bibliography is correct. See here

Known Issues

This is a non-exhaustive list of issues I've found in testing. Most export formats work with most formatting, apart from the exceptions below.

  • Embedded notes don't handle complex plugin formatting (eg DataView lists), but anything in the main note you're exporting should work
  • Reveal.js: complex equations don't work, syntax highlighting doesn't work, footnotes look weird
  • LaTeX: foreign images don't work
  • PowerPoint: Mermaid.js diagrams don't appear
  • Word, OpenDocument: very complex equations sometimes have ? symbols
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