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How to compile scripts in standalone, profile-guided mode with Nuitka

"Hinted compilation" is a way to compile scripts in standalone mode with Nuitka. In addition to basic Nuitka compilation, hinted compilation uses information about which Python import statements a script actually executes when running. The executed import statements are often a significantly smaller set, than the total number of statements found by Nuitka's source code analysis.

Obviously, a smaller number of modules leads to a smaller dist folder size and a shorter compile time.

Another benefit of this approach: knowing the used packages allows to exactly configure Nuitka's compilation parameters. Most prominently, all required Nuitka standard plugins are detected and automatically included.

The basic logic of hinted compilation is as follows:

  • Tell Nuitka to follow no imports automatically (--recurse-none)
  • Tell Nuitka which standard plugins should be enabled by generating all required --enable-plugin arguments
  • Tell Nuitka which modules / packages should be loaded by generating all required --recurse-to arguments
  • When Nuitka then parses these --recurse-to modules, for each encountered import statement Nuitka will ask whether to follow it. The hinting logic will provide the appropriate answers based on its recorded information. This will lead to a rather fine-grained set of packages, sub-packages and modules included in the dist folder.


  • As always when using Nuitka: Your script first must work in interpreted mode. Syntax errors will cause exceptions during the compile. And of course all required packages must have been installed.

  • Nuitka must have been installed - preferably the current version or even its development branch when running into issues. But be sure to use at least version 0.6.6.

  • Check out the tags to get hinted compilation scripts that will work with the corresponding Nuitka release.

  • Each tag is created before a compatibility breaking change is commited to follow Nuitka development.

  • Hinted compilation is for standalone mode only. It does not work, or respectively makes no sense otherwise.


Before you can compile your script with Nuitka, you must execute it in a way that records all Python import statements in a logfile. Achieve this by running the following script:

You need all of the following files in the same folder:

  • - the script you want to compile
  • - script in this repository folder

In order to create the logfile, now execute the following command in that folder. This will run your script in the normal, interpreted way. You can pass arguments to it as usual, and you will see any output like normal, any GUI windows will appear, etc.

python arg1 arg2 ...

When your script finishes, the service script will collect and process the import traces produced by your script. The final result will be a JSON file with the name yourscript-<...>.json, again in the same directory.

The string <...> is a "platform tag", containing information on platform, Python version and bitness. You must execute the above again if any of these change. And of course you also should re-execute after any changes to your script.

This ensures, that any changes to imported modules are correctly reflected in the JSON file(s).

See here for a graphical overview of this process.


After completing the previous step, you can now compile your script in standalone mode with Nuitka. You need all of the following files - again in the same folder:

  • - the script you want to compile
  • yourscript-<...>.json - file created in previous step
  • - script in this repository folder
  • - script in this repository folder

Compile your script in standalone mode with this command:

python invokes the Nuitka compiler with a number of standard parameters which you can adapt to your environment. is a user plugin for the Nuitka compiler. It will read yourscript-<...>.json and generate required --enable-plugin and --recurse-to parameters during its initialization.

Later, during compilation, it will be asked by Nuitka whether to include specific components and decide appropriately. You will see keep and drop info messages reflecting these decisions.

See here for a graphical overview of this process.

Testing the result

Enter the folder yourscript.dist and execute the command

Windows: yourscript.exe arg1 arg2 ...
Linux:   ./yourscript arg1 arg2 ...

You should get the same result as in interpreted mode.


Modules may be dropped whenever they aren't properly packaged. A typical example:


from yourpackage import yourpacakge

The above example will fail because python considers your_package to be a namespace, hence a built-in module. You will need a valid file in the directory of your package in order for hinted compilation to properly recognize the module.


We recommend using this feature to do all your standalone compiles. The benefits are:

  • shorter compile times: because it is known which parts of which packages your program actually uses, the compiler will only process those (and not all it finds somewhere in each corner of the code).
  • smaller dist folder, because lots of unused code will not become part of it.
  • shorter command line: the invoker script has a list of options which it passes to the Nuitka compiler. It also automatically turns off the console window, if your script ends with .pyw. It enables user plugin which in turn dynamically enables required standard plugins.
  • If you need different standard compile options for your installation, just edit and make change to its options list (my_opts).
  • Additional Nuitka's command line options are also fully supported as before. Include them before your script. Add e.g. icon inclusion and other stuff in this way.

Example 1

Let us assume your script uses PyQt, Numpy and Scipy.

Then the normal standalone command line will then need to look like this:

python -m nuitka --standalone --python-flag=nosite --enable-plugin=numpy=scipy --enable-plugin=qt-plugins

More options may be needed to reflect your compiler choice, console window suppression, and what not.

If you have created yourscript.json like above, the same result can be achieved with the following short command line (and probably in shorter compile time and with a smaller dist folder):


Example 2

Now a simple, real life example (on Windows) compiled for standalone using a number of alternatives. This is the script:

from PIL import Image
import base64, io, time

infile64 = base64.b64decode(  # some image in base64 encoding
    ... more data ...

img =
print("image format: %s (%s)" % (img.format, img.format_description))
print("image size:", img.size)
print("image info:",
print("***** PIL test successful *****")

Compiling this without any special precautions looked like this, took about 5 minutes and generated a dist folder of 67 MB.

D:\Jorj\Desktop\Develop\nuitka>python -m nuitka --standalone
Nuitka:WARNING:Use '--plugin-enable=qt-plugins' for: Inclusion of Qt plugins.
Nuitka:WARNING:Use '--plugin-enable=numpy' for: numpy support.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\PIL\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\cffi\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\py\_vendored_packages\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.

A number of warnings are issued by Nuitka, because its source code parsing finds references to Qt and Numpy (both are contained in PIL by the way). My script does not use either of them ... but how is Nuitka's source code parsing supposed to know that?

In an effort to react to the plugin warnings, the next alternative tries to exclude numpy and Qt. The revised compile took about 3 minutes and generated a dist folder size of 50 MB.

D:\Jorj\Desktop\Develop\nuitka>python -m nuitka --standalone --recurse-not-to=numpy --recurse-not-to=PyQt5
Nuitka:WARNING:Use '--plugin-enable=qt-plugins' for: Inclusion of Qt plugins.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\PIL\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Unresolved '__import__' call at 'C:\Users\Jorj\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\lib\site-packages\cffi\' may require use of '--include-plugin-directory' or '--include-plugin-files'.

As we see, some import to some unknown Qt component inside PIL is still happening ...

Now the hinted compilation alternative.

  1. Run
$ python
image format: PNG (Portable network graphics)
image size: (198, 199)
image info: {'gamma': 0.45455, 'srgb': 0, 'chromaticity': (0.3127, 0.329, 0.64, 0.33, 0.3, 0.6, 0.15, 0.06), 'aspect': (72, 72)}
***** PIL test successful *****
Call cleaning has removed 42 items.
  1. Hinted compilation
$ python
NUITKA v0.6.6rc7 on Python 3.7.5 (win32) is compiling '' with these options:

Nuitka:INFO:User plugin '' is being loaded.
Nuitka:INFO:'' is adding the following options:
Nuitka:INFO:--recurse-to for 36 imported modules.
Nuitka:INFO:drop site
Nuitka:INFO:drop tempfile
Nuitka:INFO:drop PyAccess (in PIL)
Nuitka:INFO:drop ImageFilter (in PIL)
Nuitka:INFO:drop ImageQt (in PIL)
Nuitka:INFO:drop ImageShow (in PIL)
Nuitka:INFO:drop colorsys
Nuitka:INFO:drop random
Nuitka:INFO:drop subprocess
Nuitka:INFO:drop MpoImagePlugin (in PIL)
Nuitka:INFO:drop copy
Nuitka:INFO:drop _cffi_backend
Nuitka:INFO:drop cparser (in cffi)
Nuitka:INFO:drop verifier (in cffi)
Nuitka:INFO:drop sysconfig
Nuitka:INFO:drop dir_util (in distutils)
Nuitka:INFO:drop recompiler (in cffi)
Nuitka:INFO:drop util (in ctypes)
Nuitka:INFO:drop _ctypes
Nuitka:INFO:drop _collections_abc
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused '__future__'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'abc'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'decimal'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'fnmatch'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'functools'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'ntpath'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'operator'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'posixpath'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'stat'.
Nuitka:WARNING:Not recursing to unused 'urllib.parse'.
Nuitka:INFO:Compile time 114 seconds.

This required only 2 minutes and lead to a dist folder size of below 28 MB.

Here is an overview of the results. Please regard it as indicative only - your scripts probably will yield different findings.

Compile Method dist size compile time
standard 67 MB 5 minutes
improved 50 MB 3 minutes
hinted 28 MB 2 minutes