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442 lines (293 loc) · 16.2 KB

Change Log



  • Fix occasional crash in mesh/mesh intersection if some of the vertex coordinates are very small.



  • Fix edge case where some of the principal angular inertia are clamped to zero for decimeter-sized objects.
  • Have ball-ball shape casting take into account the stop_on_penetration flags.
  • Don’t panic in EPA for a corner case that needs some additional debugging. Show a debug log instead.


  • Implement concave polygons intersections: polygons_intersection_points, polygon_intersection.


  • Update bitflags to version ^2.3
  • Update nalgebra to 0.33.
  • Update indexmap to 2.



  • Fix a regression in ball vs. convex shape contact manifold calculation.



  • Add ShapeCastOptions that includes two new options for (linear) shape-casting. ShapeCastOptions::target_distance which will return a hit as soon as the moving shapes are closer than this distance; and compute_impact_geometry_on_penetration which forces the calculation of proper witness points and normals even if the shapes are initially intersecting (time_of_impact == 0.0).


This version modifies many names related to shape-casting:

  • Renamed TOI to ShapeCastHit.
  • Renamed TOIStatus to ShapeCastStatus.
  • Rename RayIntersection::toi to RayIntersection::time_of_impact.
  • More generally, all occurrences of the word toi have been replaced by time_of_impact for better clarity.
  • Rename query::time_of_impact to query::cast_shapes. More generally, all the functions prefixed with time_of_impact_ (e.g. time_of_impact_ball_ball) are now prefixed with cast_shapes_ (e.g. cast_shapes_ball_ball).
  • Rename QueryDispatcher::time_of_impact to QueryDispatcher::cast_shapes.
  • The (linear) shape-casting functions like query::cast_shapes (previously named query::time_of_impact) now take a ShapeCastOptionsinstead of themax_toiandstop_at_penetration` arguments.
  • Rename query::nonlinear_time_of_impact to query::cast_shapes_nonlinear.
  • Rename QueryDispatcher::nonlinear_time_of_impact to QueryDispatcher::cast_shapes_nonlinear.
  • Rename NonlinearTOIMode to NonlinearShapeCastMode, and NonlinearTOIMode::DirectionalTOI to NonlinearShapeCastMode::Directional.
  • Rename TimeOfImpactStatus::Penetrating to ShapeCastStatus::PenetratingOrWithinTargetDist.



  • Remove CUDA support to break free from the toolchain restriction required by cust.
  • Rework internal edges resolution using normal cones. This implies the modification of the SimdCompositeShape::map_part_at, TypedSimdCompositeShape::map_typed_part, and TypedSimdCompositeShape::map_untyped_part trait functions so that the closure argument takes an extra argument for the (optional) normal constraints. This argument can be safely ignored by user code unless applying the normal collection is relevant to your use-case.
  • Contact manifolds will now retain all contacts (including the ones further than the specified prediction distance) whenever any contact is actually closer than this prediction distance.
  • Typo fix: renamed TopologyError::BadAdjascentTrianglesOrientation to BadAdjacentTrianglesOrientation.


  • Fix contacts between convex shapes being occasionally ignored due to some rounding errors.
  • Remove crash when entering unreachable code in non-linear TOI calculation.
  • Fix accuracy issue in triangle-mesh center-of-mass calculation when the mesh isn’t manifold.


  • Add SdpMatrix2::inverse_and_get_determinant_unchecked. This is useful for computing the inverse in a AoSoA SIMD setting.
  • Add Aabb::intersects_moving_aabb to perform a swept test between two moving aabbs.



  • Add Qbvh::traverse_depth_first_with_context, Qbvh::traverse_depth_first_node_with_stack_and_context, and the related SimdVisitorWithContext trait to allow parent nodes to pass a custom context to its children during recursion.



  • The point_in_poly2d now handles arbitrary (convex and non-convex) polygons. The previous implementation that only supported convex polygons has been renamed point_in_convex_poly2d.


  • Fix a crash in Qbvh::refit that results from the QBVH tree becoming increasingly imbalanced.


  • Add Aabb::scaled_wrt_center to scale an AABB while keeping its center unchanged.



  • Fix ball-convex manifolds missing contacts in some corner cases.
  • Fix panic in TriMesh::intersection_with_plane.



  • When using rkyv, fix CheckBytes implementation for types archived as themselves.
  • Fix occasional crash in the QBVH incremental update.



  • Fix Polyline::flat_indices that returned an incorrectly sized slice.
  • Fix serialization of SimdAabb into map-like formats like JSON, YAML, RON.


  • Add validation when using rkyv safe API whenever applicable to parry types.

v0.13.3 (08 March 2023)


  • Improved performance of intersection checks involving composite shapes (compound shapes, trimeshes, polylines, etc.)

v0.13.2 (08 March 2023)

This version was yanked. See the release notes for 0.13.3 instead.

v0.13.1 (26 Feb. 2023)


  • Add workaround to address jitter issue due to incorrectly empty contact manifolds generated sometimes for convex

v0.13.0 (15 Jan. 2023)


  • About rkyv support: most POD structs (Aabb, Ball, Cuboid, etc.) are now archived as themselves instead of being archived as different types (for example Aabb is archived as Aabb itself istead of ArchivedAabb).


  • In 3D, add transformation::try_convex_hull for a convex hull calculation that will return an error instead of panicking on unsupported inputs.


  • Fixed duplicate faces in the connected components returned by TriMesh::connected_components.

v0.12.1 (09 Jan. 2023)


  • Add TriMesh::canonical_intersection_with_plane for intersecting with planes aligned with one of the coordinate axes.
  • Add TriMesh::intersection_with_plane for intersecting with arbitrary planes.
  • Add TriMesh::intersection_with_local_plane for intersecting with arbitrary planes in the same space as the mesh
  • Add IntersectResult as the output type for the above functions.
  • Add Polyline::extract_connected_components which splits a compound polyline into its connected components.
  • Add implementations of bytemuck::Pod and bytemuck::Zeroable for all the simple shapes that allow it (Cuboid, Ball, Cone, etc.), and for bounding volumes (BoundingSphere and Aabb).

v0.12.0 (11 Dec. 2022)


  • Qbvh::leaf_data now requires &self instead of &mut self.
  • Replace the Qbvh::leaf boolean by a bitflags.


  • Add Qbvh::remove, Qbvh::pre_update_or_insert, Qbvh::refit, Qbvh::rebalance to allow modifying a Qbvh without having to rebuild it completely.
  • Add QbvhNode::is_leaf to get if a node is a leaf or not.
  • Add SharedShape::trimesh_with_flags for building a trimesh with specific pre-processing flags.


  • Fix Triangle::contains_point.

v0.11.1 (30 Oct. 2022)


  • Add SharedShape::trimesh_with_flags for constructing a triangle mesh with flags specified by the user.

v0.11.0 (30 Oct. 2022)


  • Rename AABB to Aabb to comply with Rust’s style guide.
  • Rename QBVH to Qbvh to comply with Rust’s style guide.


  • Add ConvexPolygon::offsetted to dilate a polygon.
  • Add CudaTriMesh and CudaTriMeshPtr for triangle-meshes usable with CUDA.
  • Add a no-std implementation of point-projection on a triangle mesh.


  • Fix ghost collisions on internal edges on flat 3D meshed and flat 3D heightfields.
  • Fix pseudo-normals calculation that could generate invalid normals for triangles with some small vertex angles.
  • Fix Aabb::bounding_sphere which returned a bounding sphere that was too big.

v0.10.0 (02 Oct. 2022)


  • Add to query::time_of_impact a boolean argument stop_at_penetration. If set to false the linear shape-cast won’t immediately stop if the shape is penetrating another shape at its starting point and its trajectory is such that it’s existing that penetration configuration.


  • Add 2D Heightfield::to_polyline to get the explicit vertices/indices of a 2D heightfield seen as a polyline.
  • Add the support for linear shape-cast (query::time_of_impact) for heightfields.
  • Make the convex polyhedron scaling more forgiving regarding normals to avoid frequent unjustified panics.
  • Fix panic happening when building a convex polyhedron with empty inputs.
  • Add the support of Heightfields on CUDA kernels written in Rust using the cust crate.
  • Add the rkyv-serialize feature that enables the implementation of rkyv serialization/deserialization for most shapes.
  • Add the parallel feature that enables methods for the parallel traversal of Qbvh trees: Qbvh::traverse_bvtt_parallel, Qbvh::traverse_bvtt_node_parallel, Qbvh::traverse_depth_first_parallel, Qbvh::traverse_depth_first_node_parallel.


  • Fix the application of non-uniform scaling to balls.

v0.9.0 (30 Apr. 2022)


  • Remove &self argument from Compound::decompose_trimesh.
  • Switch to cust 0.3 (for partial CUDA support).
  • Rename RoundShape::base_shape to RoundShape::inner_shape.


  • Allow custom balancing strategies for the Qbvh construction. Some strategies are allowed to generate new leaves during the splitting process.
  • Allow using point projection on heightfields from a CUDA kernel.
  • Add the simultaneous traversal of two Qbvhs.
  • Add computation of MassProperties for a TriMesh.
  • Add .to_outline methods to compute the outline of a 3D shape (useful for debug-rendering).
  • Add method to apply a scaling factor to some shapes. Shapes not supporting non-uniform scaling (like balls) will return a convex approximation of the scaled result.
  • Add methods to split (into up to two parts) a Cuboid, Segment, or TriMesh with an axis-aligned plane.
  • Add the computation of the intersection mesh between two TriMesh, or between a Cuboid and a TriMesh.

v0.8.0 (2 Jan. 2022)


  • Until now, the orientation of the polygon computed by 2D convex hull computation parry2d::transformation::convex_hull and parry2d::transformation::convex_hull_idx wasn't specified (and was generally in clockwise order). Now, this orientation is explicitly specified in the documentation and is set to counter-clockwise order (which is coherent with orientation expected by, e.g., the ConvexPolygon type).


  • Add parry::utils::obb which computes a (possibly sub-optimal) OBB for a set of points.
  • Add Polyline::project_local_point_assuming_solid_interior_ccw which projects a point on the polyline contour, and is able to detect if that points is located inside of the polyline, assuming that the polyline is closed and oriented counter-clock-wise.
  • Add (3D only) TriMesh::compute_pseudo_normals. If this is called, and if the trimesh respects some constraints ( oriented with outward normals, manifold almost everywhere, etc.) any subsequent point queries with the solid argument set to true will properly set the PointProjection::is_inside to true when the point lies in the interior of the trimesh.
  • Added the implementation of the ear-clipping and Hertel-Mehlhorn algorithm that can be used for 2D triangulation and convex decomposition.
  • Add the ability to use a subset of Parry’s features in a no-std context. If the new cuda cargo feature of Parry is enabled, all features compatible with no-std can be used inside of a CUDA kernel written in Rust thanks to the rust-cuda ecosystem.


  • Fix the orientation of the polygons generated by the 2D convex polygon decomposition (they are now always oriented counter-clockwise as expected by the ConvexPolygon type).
  • Fix the intersection test between a 2D ball and a 2D compound shape.



  • Add the method Aabb::volume to compute the volume of an Aabb.



  • Update the codebase to use nalgebra v0.29.


  • Fix a bug where the normal returned by ray-casting on polylines would not be normalized.



  • Implement Debug, Clone, PartialEq for VHACDParameters.
  • Add a method to reverse the order of a polyline.
  • Add a method to remove duplicate vertices form a TriMesh (and adjusting the index buffer accordingly).
  • Add a method to iterate through all the lean data stored by a Qbvh.
  • Implement the Interval Newton Method for computing all the roots of a non-linear scalar function.
  • Implement the intersection test between a spiral and an Aabb.


  • Rename all occurrences of quadtree to qbvh. Using the term quadtree was not representative of the actual acceleration structure being used (which is a BVH).



  • Fix a bug where query::contact would return None for a all intersecting a cuboid in such a way that one of the cuboid's vertices coincides exactly with the ball's center.



  • Updated all dependencies to their latest version.


  • Fix ray-casting against solid triangles.
  • Fix NaN when adding mass-properties with a zero mass.



  • ShapeType now implements PartialEq, Eq, Hash.


  • The order of vertices output by Cuboid::to_polyline has been modified to actually represent the cuboid's boundary (instead of passing through its diagonal).



  • SharedShape now implements AsRef<dyn Shape>.
  • Add the optional method Shape::compute_swept_aabb to the Shape trait.


  • Renamed SimdQuadTree to Qbvh (Quaternary Bounding Volume Hierarchy). The incorrect name SimdQuadTree is now deprecated.
  • Qbvh::clear_and_rebuild is now slightly more general.



  • Switch to nalgebra 0.26.



  • Add a special case for the triangle/cuboid edge-edge case in the SAT implementation.
  • Add contact manifold computation between a convex shape and a HalfSpace.
  • Add a special case (instead of GJK) for computing the distance between a ball and a convex shape.
  • Add a Shape::clone_box method to clone a shape trait-object.
  • Add a Shape::make_mut method to take a mutable reference to the shape trait-object.
  • Add methods like Shape::as_shape_mut to downcast a &mut Shape to a concrete mutable shape.
  • Add MassProperties::set_mass as a simple way to modify the mass while automatically adjusting the angular inertia.
  • Make the fields of BoundingSphere public.
  • Add Aabb::EDGES_VERTEX_IDS and Aabb::FACES_VERTEX_IDS which are index tables describing the vertices of a given edge, or of a given face, of the Aabb.


  • Remove the target_dist argument from query::time_of_impact.
  • The RigidBodyMotion and all its implementors have been removed. Use the NonlinearRigidMotion struct instead.
  • The query::nonlinear_time_of_impact function arguments changed completely to accommodate for the new NonlinearRigidMotion struct. See the doc of query::nonlinear_time_of_impact for details.


  • Fix the separation computation between a cuboid and a support-map shape in the SAT implementation.
  • Fix a bug causing invalid results with query::time_of_impact whenever the first shape was rotated.



  • Add the Shape::as_typed_shape method to convert the shape trait-object to an enum.
  • Add the TypedShape enum with variants containing references to concrete shapes (except for user-defined custom shapes).
  • Add dedicated algorithms for the projection of a point on a cone or a cylinder.
  • Improve the overall shape serialization performance.
  • Add Aabb::vertices to get an array containing its vertices.
  • Add Aabb::split_at_center to split an Aabb into 4 (in 2D) or 8 (in 3D) parts.
  • Add Aabb::to_trimesh to compute the mesh representation of an Aabb.


  • Remove the Shape::as_serialize method.


  • Fix a bug causing making some ball/convex shape contact manifold computation fail when they are penetrating deeply.