The hrdro output ERROR #1007
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Hi @LianGong98. I would try this in SP mode, (use_fates_sp=true) to look at the hydro dynamics without the feedback to carbon dynamics and mortality.. |
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Maybe related to this #994 ? |
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Hi @rgknox @rosiealice When trun on the plan hydro model,why the hydraulic mortality of small trees was so high? It's been bothering me for months. |
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I would recommend evaluating mortality by dividing the result by the number of plants, so that you are looking at mortality rate as a fraction of the population, instead of an absolute value. Since the smallest cohorts have the highest number density, they will also have the highest mortality counts. |
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regarding the transpiration error. There seems to be some miscommunication between fates and clm. FATES believes there are no leaves in the patch, so no transpiration. However, clm thinks there is transpiration according to the code in CanopyFluxesMod.F90. If it it true that there should be no transpiration, there should be no leaves, and the laisun and laisha terms should be zero: print*,"patch: ',p,'shade: ',laisha(p),'sun: ',print*,laisun(p) This is where FATES tells CLM what laisun and laisha are: Here is where we fill in laisun and laisha on the fates side: However, now I am noticing a potential inconsistency, that call just mentioned uses calc_areaindex() But see here: We do impose a minimum LAI. So I could see how we are forcing transpiration to happen, even when there is no conductance. @LianGong98 , we have been trying to change this parameter to zero for a while now and have encountered some strange behavior, but I think it could be the root of your problem. Try changing ai_min to 0 and see if that works for you: |
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I'm going to put a note for us to talk about this at the developers meeting today |
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@rgknox Great appreciation! I will have a try. And can this miscommunication be avoided if I use FATES in E3SM? |
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@glemieux and I are going to try removing that LAI minimum I mentioned in the comment above, and run some tests. This will manifest as a pull request and will cross-reference here when it is generated. The tests are not oriented around solving @LianGong98 's problem, the tests are to make sure that the change does not create problems elsewhere in the model. |
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I am running FATES in CESM2.2.0 and the FATES tag is sci.1.30.0_api.8.0.0. I used two pfts_(broadleaf_evergreen_tropical_tree and broadleaf_hydrodecid_tropical_tree_) in BCI . If I turn off the plant hydro the outputs of the GPP seems normal. However, when I turn on the hydro, the AGB always decrease and the GPP less than nohydro.
I tried to adjust some parameters,such as the fates_leaf_BB_slope, fates_leaf_long, fates_roota_par,fates_rootb_par ,but the following error is easily to occur:
ERROR in plant hydraulics
The HLM predicted transpiration flux even though no leaves are present?
The HLM predicted a non-zero total transpiration flux
for this patch, yet there is no leaf-area-weighted conductance?
I guess that most likely the trees are dead what should I do to avoid this mistake? what parameter to adjust? or turn off all mortality first?
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