Since binascii.hexlify doesn't support a second parameter, which would define a seperator (e.g. ":") for hex strings in older Python versions like 2.6 and 2.7, we implemeted a small function to get similar results.
Parameter: A bytes string that represent a hexadecimal value (e.g. b'\x82S \x11\xc7s\xa7^*w\xc1\xdf"\xe4#\xb4\xc4P\xba\xcf')
Return: A hexadecimal string seperated by colons (e.g. "82:53:20:11:C7:73:A7:5E:2A:77:C1:DF:22:E4:23:B4:C4:50:BA:CF")
A function to check if the extension is supported. Returns true if extension name is found in SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS
Parameter: The extension name as string.
Return: Returns a bool.
A function to check if the extensions key is supported. Returns true if extensions key is found in SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS
Parameter: The key name as string.
Return: Returns a bool.
An object to load the certificate and to gather information about it.
Parameter: The path (required) to the certificate and the passphrase (optional), both as string.
Return: Returns the result dict to the Ansible module.