A Money Transaction Project using Core Java, Swing, and MySQL.
It is a minor project and a desktop-based application that can be used by customers for ATM-related money transactions. It is a user-friendly and simplified application.
- Language Used - Core Java
- Concept Used - Swing, AWT
- IDE Used - IntelliJ IDEA
- Database - MySQL (WampServer)
- Bank Transactions Management System keeps the day by day tally record as a complete banking system. It can keep the information of Account type, Account opening form, Money Deposited, Withdrawal, Fast Cash, Searching the transaction and Transaction reports. The exciting part of this project is that it displays summary of Transaction Reports (Mini Statement) and Balance Enquiry.
🔽 Loading and Login Section
🔽 Sign Up Sections and Welcome UI
🔽 Money Transactions, Cash Deposit, Cash Withdrawal, Fast Cash Withdrawal and Pin Change
🔽 Balance Enquiry and Mini Statement
The most valuable future looks are as follows:
- More branches of the bank, that means more ATM machines outside.
- Developing a mobile App for banking system that help users to do the obtained his operations without go to the bank only he need to sign in using his/her account number and password and then use your own PIN. Finally the system will update automatically.