to start the complete app
To build the app as an executable for production:
pyinstaller --name word-2-pdf --icon=assets/app-icon.ico --onefile --windowed
steps to do once ready to release new version:
- update the version in readme
- commit only this change, and the commit message will be the release description
- tag this commit with
git tag <version>
with the right version number - do
git push
andgit push origin <version>
Pushing a tag to master with the form 'vX.X.X' will trigger a release action, if version is 0.1.2, then tag it as 'v0.1.2'. GitHub Actions will make a windows exe with pyinstaller and include it in the release assets.
ui contains all stuff about the graphical user interface with tkinter.
word2pptx contains all stuff about handling the parsing of the word file, to making the PDF file. To build the PDF, it uses the software Prince, that converts html to PDF. This program first generate html code that is passed to Prince to make a PDF file.
- inspiration pour le css
- pour travailler sur des documents word en python
- plus facile d'extraire les notes de bas de pages