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264 lines (209 loc) · 8.13 KB

File metadata and controls

264 lines (209 loc) · 8.13 KB


diff(a, b)Array

Array diff Returns all items in the first array which are also in the second

find(arr, callback, thisArg)*

Array find Returns the first non undefined response If the response is (Boolean) True, then the value of that array item is returned instead...

partition(a, partitionIndexer)Array

Partition Partition an array into separate arrays


Converts an iterable value to an Array


Unique Filter an Array for unique values

extend(base, ...args)object

Extend Object works like Object.assign(...) but recurses into the nested properties

extendWithArrayIndex(base, ...args)object

Extend Object works like Object.assign(...) but recurses into the nested properties With Array Index will merge objects within an array, extend treats them as being different and merely pushes them on to end of array

filter(data, [callbackFilter])object

Filter Object properties of falsy values, or apply a custom callback


Determines if the value is empty, accepts object and primitive types

isSame(a, b)boolean

isSame compares two parameters to determine whether they have identical structures and values.


Capitalize Converts the first character of a sting to uppercase


JSONParse Wraps JSON.parse in a try/catch


callbackFilter : function

diff(a, b) ⇒ Array

Array diff Returns all items in the first array which are also in the second

Kind: global function
Returns: Array - All items which are in both arrays

Param Type Description
a Array First array
b Array Second array

find(arr, callback, thisArg) ⇒ *

Array find Returns the first non undefined response If the response is (Boolean) True, then the value of that array item is returned instead...

Kind: global function
Returns: * - returns the found item in the array if the callback returned true, or the response from the callback.

Param Type Default Description
arr Array Array or iterable object to search
callback function callback to run tests on, return value other than undefined to stop searching
thisArg object Instance to execute the callback on

partition(a, partitionIndexer) ⇒ Array

Partition Partition an array into separate arrays

Kind: global function
Returns: Array - An array of arrays, unflattened

Param Type Description
a Array Array to filter
partitionIndexer function Partition indexer hander, returns the index of where to put the new array.

toArray(obj) ⇒ Array

Converts an iterable value to an Array

Kind: global function
Returns: Array - The object as an array

Param Type Description
obj object Object to convert into an array

unique(a) ⇒ Array

Unique Filter an Array for unique values

Kind: global function
Returns: Array - A unique array

Param Type Description
a Array Array to filter

extend(base, ...args) ⇒ object

Extend Object works like Object.assign(...) but recurses into the nested properties

Kind: global function
Returns: object - extended object

Param Type Description
base object an object to extend
...args object a series of objects to extend

extendWithArrayIndex(base, ...args) ⇒ object

Extend Object works like Object.assign(...) but recurses into the nested properties With Array Index will merge objects within an array, extend treats them as being different and merely pushes them on to end of array

Kind: global function
Returns: object - extended object

Param Type Description
base object an object to extend
...args object a series of objects to extend

filter(data, [callbackFilter]) ⇒ object

Filter Object properties of falsy values, or apply a custom callback

Kind: global function
Returns: object - Filtered

Param Type Description
data object an object to filter
[callbackFilter] function Function is a predicate, to test each element of the Object [default is not falsy]. Return true to keep the element,

Example (filter out falsy values)

filter({a: 1, b: null, c: 0})
// {a: 1}

Example (filter out with callback)

filter({a: 1, b: null, c: 0}, (item) => item !== null)
// {a: 1, c: 0}

isEmpty(obj) ⇒ boolean

Determines if the value is empty, accepts object and primitive types

Kind: global function
Returns: boolean - Returns true is the object is falsy, or an empty object/array.

Param Type Description
obj * value

Example (Returns true for empty objects)


isSame(a, b) ⇒ boolean

isSame compares two parameters to determine whether they have identical structures and values.

Kind: global function
Returns: boolean - true if the two parameters have the same value

Param Type Description
a * first parameter
b * second parameter

Example (matches nested objects with same keys => values)

// returns true
isSame({a: {b: 1}}, {a: {b: 1}});

Example (does not match nested objects with same keys, but different values)

// returns false
isSame({a: {b: 1}}, {a: {b: 2}});

Example (does not match nested objects with additional properties)

// returns false
isSame({a: {b: 1}}, {a: {b: 1, c: 2}});

capitalize(str) ⇒ string

Capitalize Converts the first character of a sting to uppercase

Kind: global function
Returns: string - String with the first character made uppercase

Param Type Description
str string String to capitalize

JSONParse(str) ⇒ object

JSONParse Wraps JSON.parse in a try/catch

Kind: global function
Returns: object - JSON Object

Param Type Description
str string String to parse

Example (JSONParse)

// undefined

callbackFilter : function

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
value value item value
key string item key