Endpoint: https://api.route.mixin.one/
GET /web3/tokens?source=mixin
List of supported tokens
type TokenView struct {
AssetId string `json:"assetId"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Chain TokenChain `json:"chain"`
type TokenChain struct {
ChainId string `json:"chainId"`
Symbol string `json:"symbol"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Decimals int `json:"decimals"`
GET /web3/quote
Estimate the amount of outputMint
request query parameters
- inputMint: Asset ID in Mixin
- outputMint: Asset ID in Mixin
- amount: Represents the quantity of inputMint
- source: Fixed string
For example, for 3 ETH -> USDT, it would be "web3/quote?source=mixin&inputMint=43d61dcd-e413-450d-80b8-101d5e903357&outputMint=4d8c508b-91c5-375b-92b0-ee702ed2dac5&amount=3"
- outAmount: Estimated quantity of outputMint
- payload: Exchange path, which needs to be carried when making a POST request to
type QuoteRespView struct {
InputMint string `json:"inputMint"`
InAmount string `json:"inAmount"`
OutputMint string `json:"outputMint"`
OutAmount string `json:"outAmount"`
Payload string `json:"payload"`
POST /web3/swap
request body parameters
- payer: User ID in Mixin
- inputMint: Asset ID in Mixin
- outputMint: Asset ID in Mixin
- inputAmount: Represents the quantity of inputMint
- payload: Exchange path returned from GET
- referral: User ID in Mixin, optional
type SwapReq struct {
Payer string `json:"payer"`
InputMint string `json:"inputMint"`
InputAmount string `json:"inputAmount"`
OutputMint string `json:"outputMint"`
Payload string `json:"payload"`
Referral string `json:"referral"`
- tx: Mixin payment link, format is
- trace is pay uuid
- memo is orderId
- quote: Corresponding response from GET
type SwapRespView struct {
Tx string `json:"tx"`
Quote QuoteRespView `json:"quote"`
Error Code | Description |
10611 | Invalid swap |
10614 | Invalid quote amount |
10615 | No available quote found |
For error code 10614, there may be an extra
field to suggest safe input ranges for users
type QuoteRange struct {
AssetId string `json:"assetId"`
Min string `json:"min"`
Max string `json:"max"`
Source se.SwapSource `json:"source"`