- Use the Testnet Config.
- Use the executable JAR(Recommended way)
java -jar FullNode.jar -p your private key --witness -c your config.conf(Example:/data/resources/config.conf)
java -jar FullNode.jar -p 650950B193DDDDB35B6E48912DD28F7AB0E7140C1BFDEFD493348F02295BD812 --witness -c /data/resources/config.conf
This is similar to running a private testnet, except that the IPs in the config.conf
are officially declared by Mcashchain.
Correct output
20:43:18.138 INFO [main] [o.t.p.FullNode](FullNode.java:21) Full node running.
20:43:18.486 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.a.Args](Args.java:429) Bind address wasn't set, Punching to identify it...
20:43:18.493 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.a.Args](Args.java:433) UDP local bound to:
20:43:18.495 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.a.Args](Args.java:448) External IP wasn't set, using checkip.amazonaws.com to identify it...
20:43:19.450 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.a.Args](Args.java:461) External address identified:
20:43:19.599 INFO [main] [o.s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext](AbstractApplicationContext.java:573) Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@124c278f: startup date [Fri Apr 27 20:43:19 CST 2018]; root of context hierarchy
20:43:19.972 INFO [main] [o.s.b.f.a.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor](AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.java:153) JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring
20:43:20.380 INFO [main] [o.t.c.d.DynamicPropertiesStore](DynamicPropertiesStore.java:244) update latest block header timestamp = 0
20:43:20.383 INFO [main] [o.t.c.d.DynamicPropertiesStore](DynamicPropertiesStore.java:252) update latest block header number = 0
20:43:20.393 INFO [main] [o.t.c.d.DynamicPropertiesStore](DynamicPropertiesStore.java:260) update latest block header id = 00
20:43:20.394 INFO [main] [o.t.c.d.DynamicPropertiesStore](DynamicPropertiesStore.java:265) update state flag = 0
20:43:20.559 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.TransactionCapsule](TransactionCapsule.java:83) Transaction create succeeded!
20:43:20.567 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.TransactionCapsule](TransactionCapsule.java:83) Transaction create succeeded!
20:43:20.568 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.TransactionCapsule](TransactionCapsule.java:83) Transaction create succeeded!
20:43:20.568 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.TransactionCapsule](TransactionCapsule.java:83) Transaction create succeeded!
20:43:20.569 INFO [main] [o.t.c.c.TransactionCapsule](TransactionCapsule.java:83) Transaction create succeeded!
20:43:20.596 INFO [main] [o.t.c.d.Manager](Manager.java:300) create genesis block
20:43:20.607 INFO [main] [o.t.c.d.Manager](Manager.java:306) save block: BlockCapsule
Then observe whether block synchronization success,If synchronization successfully explains the success of the super node
use master branch
You should modify the config.conf
- Replace existing entry in genesis.block.witnesses with your address.
- Replace existing entry in seed.node ip.list with your ip list.
- The first Super Node start, needSyncCheck should be set false
- Set p2pversion to 61
Use the executable JAR(Recommended way)
cd build/libs
java -jar FullNode.jar -p your private key --witness -c your config.conf (Example:/data/resource/config.conf)
java -jar FullNode.jar -p 650950B193DDDDB35B6E48912DD28F7AB0E7140C1BFDEFD493348F02295BD812 --witness -c /data/resource/config.conf
Show Output
> ./gradlew run -Pwitness
> Task :generateProto UP-TO-DATE
Using TaskInputs.file() with something that doesn't resolve to a File object has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0. Use TaskInputs.files() instead.
> Task :run
20:39:22.749 INFO [o.t.c.c.a.Args] private.key = 63e62a71ed39e30bac7223097a173924aad5855959de517ff2987b0e0ec89f1a
20:39:22.816 WARN [o.t.c.c.a.Args] localwitness size must be one, get the first one
20:39:22.832 INFO [o.t.p.FullNode] Here is the help message.output-directory/
三月 22, 2018 8:39:23 下午 org.tron.core.services.RpcApiService start
信息: Server started, listening on 50051
20:39:23.706 INFO [o.t.c.o.n.GossipLocalNode] listener message
20:39:23.712 INFO [o.t.c.o.n.GossipLocalNode] sync group = a41d27f10194c53703be90c6f8735bb66ffc53aa10ea9024d92dbe7324b1aee3
20:39:23.716 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Sleep : 1296 ms,next time:2018-03-22T20:39:25.000+08:00
20:39:23.734 WARN [i.s.t.BootstrapFactory] Env doesn't support epoll transport
20:39:23.746 INFO [i.s.t.TransportImpl] Bound to:
20:39:23.803 INFO [o.t.c.n.n.NodeImpl] other peer is nil, please wait ...
20:39:25.019 WARN [o.t.c.d.Manager] nextFirstSlotTime:[2018-03-22T17:57:20.001+08:00],now[2018-03-22T20:39:25.067+08:00]
20:39:25.019 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] ScheduledWitness[448d53b2df0cd78158f6f0aecdf60c1c10b15413],slot[1946]
20:39:25.021 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] It's not my turn
20:39:25.021 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Sleep : 4979 ms,next time:2018-03-22T20:39:30.000+08:00
20:39:30.003 WARN [o.t.c.d.Manager] nextFirstSlotTime:[2018-03-22T17:57:20.001+08:00],now[2018-03-22T20:39:30.052+08:00]
20:39:30.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] ScheduledWitness[6c22c1af7bfbb2b0e07148ecba27b56f81a54fcf],slot[1947]
20:39:30.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] It's not my turn
20:39:30.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Sleep : 4997 ms,next time:2018-03-22T20:39:35.000+08:00
20:39:33.803 INFO [o.t.c.n.n.NodeImpl] other peer is nil, please wait ...
20:39:35.005 WARN [o.t.c.d.Manager] nextFirstSlotTime:[2018-03-22T17:57:20.001+08:00],now[2018-03-22T20:39:35.054+08:00]
20:39:35.005 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] ScheduledWitness[48e447ec869216de76cfeeadf0db37a3d1c8246d],slot[1948]
20:39:35.005 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] It's not my turn
20:39:35.005 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Sleep : 4995 ms,next time:2018-03-22T20:39:40.000+08:00
20:39:40.005 WARN [o.t.c.d.Manager] nextFirstSlotTime:[2018-03-22T17:57:20.001+08:00],now[2018-03-22T20:39:40.055+08:00]
20:39:40.010 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] postponedTrxCount[0],TrxLeft[0]
20:39:40.022 INFO [o.t.c.d.DynamicPropertiesStore] update latest block header id = fd30a16160715f3ca1a5bcad18e81991cd6f47265a71815bd2c943129b258cd2
20:39:40.022 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [108, 97, 116, 101, 115, 116, 95, 98, 108, 111, 99, 107, 95, 104, 101, 97, 100, 101, 114, 95, 104, 97, 115, 104], BytesCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.BytesCapsule@2ce0e954
20:39:40.023 INFO [o.t.c.d.DynamicPropertiesStore] update latest block header number = 140
20:39:40.024 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [108, 97, 116, 101, 115, 116, 95, 98, 108, 111, 99, 107, 95, 104, 101, 97, 100, 101, 114, 95, 110, 117, 109, 98, 101, 114], BytesCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.BytesCapsule@83924ab
20:39:40.024 INFO [o.t.c.d.DynamicPropertiesStore] update latest block header timestamp = 1521722380001
20:39:40.024 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [108, 97, 116, 101, 115, 116, 95, 98, 108, 111, 99, 107, 95, 104, 101, 97, 100, 101, 114, 95, 116, 105, 109, 101, 115, 116, 97, 109, 112], BytesCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.BytesCapsule@ca6a6f8
20:39:40.024 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] updateWitnessSchedule number:140,HeadBlockTimeStamp:1521722380001
20:39:40.025 WARN [o.t.c.u.RandomGenerator] index[-3] is out of range[0,3],skip
20:39:40.070 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [73, 72, -62, -24, -89, 86, -39, 67, 112, 55, -36, -40, -57, -32, -57, 61, 86, 12, -93, -115], AccountCapsule is account_name: "Sun"
address: "IH\302\350\247V\331Cp7\334\330\307\340\307=V\f\243\215"
balance: 9223372036854775387
20:39:40.081 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [41, -97, 61, -72, 10, 36, -78, 10, 37, 75, -119, -50, 99, -99, 89, 19, 47, 21, 127, 19], AccountCapsule is type: AssetIssue
address: ")\237=\270\n$\262\n%K\211\316c\235Y\023/\025\177\023"
balance: 420
20:39:40.082 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [76, 65, 84, 69, 83, 84, 95, 83, 79, 76, 73, 68, 73, 70, 73, 69, 68, 95, 66, 76, 79, 67, 75, 95, 78, 85, 77], BytesCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.BytesCapsule@ec1439
20:39:40.083 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account List size is 8
20:39:40.084 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account ,account address is 448d53b2df0cd78158f6f0aecdf60c1c10b15413
20:39:40.084 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account ,account address is 548794500882809695a8a687866e76d4271a146a
20:39:40.084 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account ,account address is 48e447ec869216de76cfeeadf0db37a3d1c8246d
20:39:40.084 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account ,account address is 55ddae14564f82d5b94c7a131b5fcfd31ad6515a
20:39:40.085 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account ,account address is 6c22c1af7bfbb2b0e07148ecba27b56f81a54fcf
20:39:40.085 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account ,account address is 299f3db80a24b20a254b89ce639d59132f157f13
20:39:40.085 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account ,account address is abd4b9367799eaa3197fecb144eb71de1e049150
20:39:40.085 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] there is account ,account address is 4948c2e8a756d9437037dcd8c7e0c73d560ca38d
20:39:40.085 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [108, 34, -63, -81, 123, -5, -78, -80, -32, 113, 72, -20, -70, 39, -75, 111, -127, -91, 79, -49], WitnessCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.WitnessCapsule@4cb4f7fb
20:39:40.086 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [41, -97, 61, -72, 10, 36, -78, 10, 37, 75, -119, -50, 99, -99, 89, 19, 47, 21, 127, 19], WitnessCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.WitnessCapsule@7be2474a
20:39:40.086 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [72, -28, 71, -20, -122, -110, 22, -34, 118, -49, -18, -83, -16, -37, 55, -93, -47, -56, 36, 109], WitnessCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.WitnessCapsule@3e375891
20:39:40.086 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [68, -115, 83, -78, -33, 12, -41, -127, 88, -10, -16, -82, -51, -10, 12, 28, 16, -79, 84, 19], WitnessCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.WitnessCapsule@55d77b83
20:39:40.090 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] countWitnessMap size is 0
20:39:40.091 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [41, -97, 61, -72, 10, 36, -78, 10, 37, 75, -119, -50, 99, -99, 89, 19, 47, 21, 127, 19], WitnessCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.WitnessCapsule@310dd876
20:39:40.092 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [72, -28, 71, -20, -122, -110, 22, -34, 118, -49, -18, -83, -16, -37, 55, -93, -47, -56, 36, 109], WitnessCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.WitnessCapsule@151b42bc
20:39:40.092 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [108, 34, -63, -81, 123, -5, -78, -80, -32, 113, 72, -20, -70, 39, -75, 111, -127, -91, 79, -49], WitnessCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.WitnessCapsule@2d0388aa
20:39:40.092 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [68, -115, 83, -78, -33, 12, -41, -127, 88, -10, -16, -82, -51, -10, 12, 28, 16, -79, 84, 19], WitnessCapsule is org.tron.core.capsule.WitnessCapsule@478a55e7
20:39:40.101 INFO [o.t.c.d.TronStoreWithRevoking] Address is [-3, 48, -95, 97, 96, 113, 95, 60, -95, -91, -68, -83, 24, -24, 25, -111, -51, 111, 71, 38, 90, 113, -127, 91, -46, -55, 67, 18, -101, 37, -116, -46], BlockCapsule is BlockCapsule{blockId=fd30a16160715f3ca1a5bcad18e81991cd6f47265a71815bd2c943129b258cd2, num=140, parentId=dadeff07c32d342b941cfa97ba82870958615e7ae73fffeaf3c6a334d81fe3bd, generatedByMyself=true}
20:39:40.102 INFO [o.t.c.d.Manager] save block: BlockCapsule{blockId=fd30a16160715f3ca1a5bcad18e81991cd6f47265a71815bd2c943129b258cd2, num=140, parentId=dadeff07c32d342b941cfa97ba82870958615e7ae73fffeaf3c6a334d81fe3bd, generatedByMyself=true}
20:39:40.102 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Block is generated successfully, Its Id is fd30a16160715f3ca1a5bcad18e81991cd6f47265a71815bd2c943129b258cd2,number140
20:39:40.102 INFO [o.t.c.n.n.NodeImpl] Ready to broadcast a block, Its hash is fd30a16160715f3ca1a5bcad18e81991cd6f47265a71815bd2c943129b258cd2
20:39:40.107 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Produced
20:39:40.107 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Sleep : 4893 ms,next time:2018-03-22T20:39:45.000+08:00
20:39:43.805 INFO [o.t.c.n.n.NodeImpl] other peer is nil, please wait ...
20:39:45.002 WARN [o.t.c.d.Manager] nextFirstSlotTime:[2018-03-22T20:39:45.001+08:00],now[2018-03-22T20:39:45.052+08:00]
20:39:45.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] ScheduledWitness[48e447ec869216de76cfeeadf0db37a3d1c8246d],slot[1]
20:39:45.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] It's not my turn
20:39:45.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Sleep : 4997 ms,next time:2018-03-22T20:39:50.000+08:00
20:39:50.002 WARN [o.t.c.d.Manager] nextFirstSlotTime:[2018-03-22T20:39:45.001+08:00],now[2018-03-22T20:39:50.052+08:00]
20:39:50.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] ScheduledWitness[6c22c1af7bfbb2b0e07148ecba27b56f81a54fcf],slot[2]
20:39:50.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] It's not my turn
20:39:50.003 INFO [o.t.c.s.WitnessService] Sleep : 4997 ms,next time:2018-03-22T20:39:55.000+08:00
- In IntelliJ IDEA
Then, run FullNode::main()
Read the Advanced Configurations.