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HAL Directory - Purpose

This directory contains all the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) files used to adapt the upper levels of atca-ng and abstractions to physical hardware.

HAL contains physical implementations for I2C, SWI, SPI, UART and timers for specific hardware platforms.

Include just those HAL files you require based on platform type.

Cryptoauthlib HAL Architecture

Cryptoauthlib has several intermediate conceptual layers

  1. The highest layer of cryptoauthlib (outside of integration APIS) that may be used with an application is the atcab_ api functions. These are general purpose functions that present a simple and consistent crypto interface to the application regardless of the device being used.

  2. calib_, talib_ APIs are the library functions behind atcab_ ones that generate the correct command packets and process the received responses. Device specific logic is handled by the library here

  3. hal_ these functions perform the transmit/recieve of data for a given interface. These are split into sublayers

    • The HAL layer is the first hal layer that presents the interface expected by the higher level library. When using a native driver and no further interpretation is required this layer is all that is required.
    • The PHY layer if for hals that perform an interpretation or additional protocol logic. In this situation the HAL performs protocol interpretation while the phy performs the physical communication

HAL and PHY Requirements

The hal and phy layers have the same construction. A hal or phy must have the following functions and their signatures

  • ATCA_STATUS hal__init(ATCAIface iface, ATCAIfaceCfg *cfg);
  • ATCA_STATUS hal__post_init(ATCAIface iface);
  • ATCA_STATUS hal__send(ATCAIface iface, uint8_t address, uint8_t *txdata, int txlength);
  • ATCA_STATUS hal__receive(ATCAIface iface, uint8_t address, uint8_t *rxdata, uint16_t *rxlength);
  • ATCA_STATUS hal__control(ATCAIface iface, uint8_t option, void* param, size_t paramlen);
  • ATCA_STATUS hal__release(void *hal_data);

If the hal is a native driver no phy is required. See the tables below for which hal is required to be ported based on a configured interface

CryptoAuthLib Supported HAL Layers

Device Interface Physical Interface HAL PHY
i2c i2c hal_i2c
gpio hal_i2c_gpio hal_gpio
spi spi hal_spi
swi uart hal_swi hal_uart
gpio hal_swi_gpio hal_gpio
any uart kit hal_uart
hid kit hal_hid
any (user provided) kit_bridge

Microchip Harmony 3 for all PIC32 & ARM products - Use the Harmony 3 Configurator to generate and configure prjects

Obtain library and configure using Harmony 3

Interface Files API Notes
I2C hal_i2c_harmony.c plib.h For all Harmony 3 based projects
SPI hal_spi_harmony.c plib.h
UART hal_uart_harmony.c plib.h

Microchip 8 & 16 bit products - AVR, PIC16/18, PIC24/DSPIC

Obtain library and integration through Microchip Code Configurator

OS & RTOS integrations

Use CMake to configure the library in Linux, Windows, and MacOS environments

OS Interface Files API Notes
Linux I2C hal_linux_i2c_userspace.c/h i2c-dev
Linux SPI hal_linux_spi_userspace.c/h spidev
Linux/Mac hal_linux.c For all Linux/Mac projects
Windows hal_windows.c For all Windows projects
All kit-hid hal_all_platforms_kit_hidapi.c/h hidapi Works for Windows, Linux, and Mac
freeRTOS hal_freertos.c freeRTOS common routines

Legacy Support - Atmel START for AVR, ARM based processesors (SAM)

Interface Files API Notes
hal_timer_start.c START Timer implementation
I2C hal_i2c_start.c/h START
SWI swi_uart_start.c/h START SWI using UART

Legacy Support - ASF3 for ARM Cortex-m0 & Cortex-m based processors (SAM)

SAM Micros Interface Files API Notes
cortex-m0 I2C hal_sam0_i2c_asf.c/h ASF3 SAMD21, SAMB11, etc
cortex-m3/4/7 I2C hal_sam_i2c_asf.c/h ASF3 SAM4S, SAMG55, SAMV71, etc
all hal_sam_timer_asf.c ASF3 Common timer hal for all platforms

@ingroup hal_