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Here you can have your detailed UI

+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/color picker chrome extension/popup.html b/color picker chrome extension/popup.html index 41ed9f2..bb4a3f1 100644 --- a/color picker chrome extension/popup.html +++ b/color picker chrome extension/popup.html @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ + diff --git a/tab manager/lib/react.min.js b/tab manager/lib/react.min.js index c6559bd..e7af3fd 100644 --- a/tab manager/lib/react.min.js +++ b/tab manager/lib/react.min.js @@ -9,8 +9,7887 @@ * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * */ -!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var t;"undefined"!=typeof window?t=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?t=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(t=self),t.React=e()}}(function(){return function e(t,n,r){function o(i,s){if(!n[i]){if(!t[i]){var u="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!s&&u)return u(i,!0);if(a)return a(i,!0);var c=new 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use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings.");else{var c=[n,r,o,a,i,s],l=0;u=new Error("Invariant Violation: "+t.replace(/%s/g,function(){return c[l++]}))}throw u.framesToPop=1,u}};t.exports=n},{}],125:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){if(!o.canUseDOM||t&&!("addEventListener"in document))return!1;var n="on"+e,a=n in document;if(!a){var i=document.createElement("div");i.setAttribute(n,"return;"),a="function"==typeof i[n]}return!a&&r&&"wheel"===e&&(a=document.implementation.hasFeature("Events.wheel","3.0")),a}var r,o=e("./ExecutionEnvironment");o.canUseDOM&&(r=document.implementation&&document.implementation.hasFeature&&document.implementation.hasFeature("","")!==!0),t.exports=n},{"./ExecutionEnvironment":22}],126:[function(e,t){function n(e){return!(!e||!("function"==typeof Node?e instanceof Node:"object"==typeof e&&"number"==typeof e.nodeType&&"string"==typeof e.nodeName))}t.exports=n},{}],127:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return e&&("INPUT"===e.nodeName&&r[e.type]||"TEXTAREA"===e.nodeName)}var r={color:!0,date:!0,datetime:!0,"datetime-local":!0,email:!0,month:!0,number:!0,password:!0,range:!0,search:!0,tel:!0,text:!0,time:!0,url:!0,week:!0};t.exports=n},{}],128:[function(e,t){function n(e){return r(e)&&3==e.nodeType}var r=e("./isNode");t.exports=n},{"./isNode":126}],129:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){e||(e="");var t,n=arguments.length;if(n>1)for(var r=1;n>r;r++)t=arguments[r],t&&(e=(e?e+" ":"")+t);return e}t.exports=n},{}],130:[function(e,t){"use strict";var n=e("./invariant"),r=function(e){var t,r={};n(e instanceof Object&&!Array.isArray(e));for(t in e)e.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(r[t]=t);return r};t.exports=r},{"./invariant":124}],131:[function(e,t){var n=function(e){var t;for(t in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(t))return t;return null};t.exports=n},{}],132:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t,n){if(!e)return null;var o={};for(var a in e)r.call(e,a)&&(o[a]=t.call(n,e[a],a,e));return o}var r=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;t.exports=n},{}],133:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){var t={};return function(n){return t.hasOwnProperty(n)?t[n]:t[n]=e.call(this,n)}}t.exports=n},{}],134:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){r(e&&!/[^a-z0-9_]/.test(e))}var r=e("./invariant");t.exports=n},{"./invariant":124}],135:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return o(r.isValidElement(e)),e}var r=e("./ReactElement"),o=e("./invariant");t.exports=n},{"./ReactElement":50,"./invariant":124}],136:[function(e,t){"use strict";var n=e("./ExecutionEnvironment"),r=/^[ \r\n\t\f]/,o=/<(!--|link|noscript|meta|script|style)[ \r\n\t\f\/>]/,a=function(e,t){e.innerHTML=t};if(n.canUseDOM){var i=document.createElement("div");i.innerHTML=" ",""===i.innerHTML&&(a=function(e,t){if(e.parentNode&&e.parentNode.replaceChild(e,e),r.test(t)||"<"===t[0]&&o.test(t)){e.innerHTML=""+t; -var n=e.firstChild;1===n.data.length?e.removeChild(n):n.deleteData(0,1)}else e.innerHTML=t})}t.exports=a},{"./ExecutionEnvironment":22}],137:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){if(e===t)return!0;var n;for(n in e)if(e.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(!t.hasOwnProperty(n)||e[n]!==t[n]))return!1;for(n in t)if(t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&!e.hasOwnProperty(n))return!1;return!0}t.exports=n},{}],138:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e,t){return e&&t&&e.type===t.type&&e.key===t.key&&e._owner===t._owner?!0:!1}t.exports=n},{}],139:[function(e,t){function n(e){var t=e.length;if(r(!Array.isArray(e)&&("object"==typeof e||"function"==typeof e)),r("number"==typeof t),r(0===t||t-1 in e),e.hasOwnProperty)try{return Array.prototype.slice.call(e)}catch(n){}for(var o=Array(t),a=0;t>a;a++)o[a]=e[a];return o}var r=e("./invariant");t.exports=n},{"./invariant":124}],140:[function(e,t){"use strict";function n(e){return d[e]}function r(e,t){return e&&null!=e.key?a(e.key):t.toString(36)}function o(e){return(""+e).replace(f,n)}function a(e){return"$"+o(e)}function i(e,t,n){return null==e?0:h(e,"",0,t,n)}var s=e("./ReactElement"),u=e("./ReactInstanceHandles"),c=e("./invariant"),l=u.SEPARATOR,p=":",d={"=":"=0",".":"=1",":":"=2"},f=/[=.:]/g,h=function(e,t,n,o,i){var u,d,f=0;if(Array.isArray(e))for(var m=0;m n; n++) e[n].call(t[n]); + (e.length = 0), (t.length = 0); + } + }, + reset: function () { + (this._callbacks = null), (this._contexts = null); + }, + destructor: function () { + this.reset(); + }, + }), + r.addPoolingTo(n), + (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./Object.assign": 27, "./PooledClass": 28, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 7: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return ( + "SELECT" === e.nodeName || + ("INPUT" === e.nodeName && "file" === e.type) + ); + } + function r(e) { + var t = M.getPooled(P.change, w, e); + E.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(t), R.batchedUpdates(o, t); + } + function o(e) { + y.enqueueEvents(e), y.processEventQueue(); + } + function a(e, t) { + (_ = e), (w = t), _.attachEvent("onchange", r); + } + function i() { + _ && (_.detachEvent("onchange", r), (_ = null), (w = null)); + } + function s(e, t, n) { + return e === x.topChange ? n : void 0; + } + function u(e, t, n) { + e === x.topFocus ? (i(), a(t, n)) : e === x.topBlur && i(); + } + function c(e, t) { + (_ = e), + (w = t), + (T = e.value), + (N = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( + e.constructor.prototype, + "value" + )), + Object.defineProperty(_, "value", k), + _.attachEvent("onpropertychange", p); + } + function l() { + _ && + (delete _.value, + _.detachEvent("onpropertychange", p), + (_ = null), + (w = null), + (T = null), + (N = null)); + } + function p(e) { + if ("value" === e.propertyName) { + var t = e.srcElement.value; + t !== T && ((T = t), r(e)); + } + } + function d(e, t, n) { + return e === x.topInput ? n : void 0; + } + function f(e, t, n) { + e === x.topFocus ? (l(), c(t, n)) : e === x.topBlur && l(); + } + function h(e) { + return (e !== x.topSelectionChange && + e !== x.topKeyUp && + e !== x.topKeyDown) || + !_ || + _.value === T + ? void 0 + : ((T = _.value), w); + } + function m(e) { + return ( + "INPUT" === e.nodeName && + ("checkbox" === e.type || "radio" === e.type) + ); + } + function v(e, t, n) { + return e === x.topClick ? n : void 0; + } + var g = e("./EventConstants"), + y = e("./EventPluginHub"), + E = e("./EventPropagators"), + C = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + R = e("./ReactUpdates"), + M = e("./SyntheticEvent"), + b = e("./isEventSupported"), + O = e("./isTextInputElement"), + D = e("./keyOf"), + x = g.topLevelTypes, + P = { + change: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: D({ onChange: null }), + captured: D({ onChangeCapture: null }), + }, + dependencies: [ + x.topBlur, + x.topChange, + x.topClick, + x.topFocus, + x.topInput, + x.topKeyDown, + x.topKeyUp, + x.topSelectionChange, + ], + }, + }, + _ = null, + w = null, + T = null, + N = null, + I = !1; + C.canUseDOM && + (I = + b("change") && + (!("documentMode" in document) || document.documentMode > 8)); + var S = !1; + C.canUseDOM && + (S = + b("input") && + (!("documentMode" in document) || document.documentMode > 9)); + var k = { + get: function () { + return N.get.call(this); + }, + set: function (e) { + (T = "" + e), N.set.call(this, e); + }, + }, + A = { + eventTypes: P, + extractEvents: function (e, t, r, o) { + var a, i; + if ( + (n(t) + ? I + ? (a = s) + : (i = u) + : O(t) + ? S + ? (a = d) + : ((a = h), (i = f)) + : m(t) && (a = v), + a) + ) { + var c = a(e, t, r); + if (c) { + var l = M.getPooled(P.change, c, o); + return E.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(l), l; + } + } + i && i(e, t, r); + }, + }; + t.exports = A; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./EventPluginHub": 18, + "./EventPropagators": 21, + "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + "./SyntheticEvent": 85, + "./isEventSupported": 125, + "./isTextInputElement": 127, + "./keyOf": 131, + }, + ], + 8: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = 0, + r = { + createReactRootIndex: function () { + return n++; + }, + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + {}, + ], + 9: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + switch (e) { + case g.topCompositionStart: + return E.compositionStart; + case g.topCompositionEnd: + return E.compositionEnd; + case g.topCompositionUpdate: + return E.compositionUpdate; + } + } + function r(e, t) { + return e === g.topKeyDown && t.keyCode === h; + } + function o(e, t) { + switch (e) { + case g.topKeyUp: + return -1 !== f.indexOf(t.keyCode); + case g.topKeyDown: + return t.keyCode !== h; + case g.topKeyPress: + case g.topMouseDown: + case g.topBlur: + return !0; + default: + return !1; + } + } + function a(e) { + (this.root = e), + (this.startSelection = c.getSelection(e)), + (this.startValue = this.getText()); + } + var i = e("./EventConstants"), + s = e("./EventPropagators"), + u = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + c = e("./ReactInputSelection"), + l = e("./SyntheticCompositionEvent"), + p = e("./getTextContentAccessor"), + d = e("./keyOf"), + f = [9, 13, 27, 32], + h = 229, + m = u.canUseDOM && "CompositionEvent" in window, + v = + !m || + ("documentMode" in document && + document.documentMode > 8 && + document.documentMode <= 11), + g = i.topLevelTypes, + y = null, + E = { + compositionEnd: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: d({ onCompositionEnd: null }), + captured: d({ onCompositionEndCapture: null }), + }, + dependencies: [ + g.topBlur, + g.topCompositionEnd, + g.topKeyDown, + g.topKeyPress, + g.topKeyUp, + g.topMouseDown, + ], + }, + compositionStart: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: d({ onCompositionStart: null }), + captured: d({ onCompositionStartCapture: null }), + }, + dependencies: [ + g.topBlur, + g.topCompositionStart, + g.topKeyDown, + g.topKeyPress, + g.topKeyUp, + g.topMouseDown, + ], + }, + compositionUpdate: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: d({ onCompositionUpdate: null }), + captured: d({ onCompositionUpdateCapture: null }), + }, + dependencies: [ + g.topBlur, + g.topCompositionUpdate, + g.topKeyDown, + g.topKeyPress, + g.topKeyUp, + g.topMouseDown, + ], + }, + }; + (a.prototype.getText = function () { + return this.root.value || this.root[p()]; + }), + (a.prototype.getData = function () { + var e = this.getText(), + t = this.startSelection.start, + n = this.startValue.length - this.startSelection.end; + return e.substr(t, e.length - n - t); + }); + var C = { + eventTypes: E, + extractEvents: function (e, t, i, u) { + var c, p; + if ( + (m + ? (c = n(e)) + : y + ? o(e, u) && (c = E.compositionEnd) + : r(e, u) && (c = E.compositionStart), + v && + (y || c !== E.compositionStart + ? c === E.compositionEnd && + y && + ((p = y.getData()), (y = null)) + : (y = new a(t))), + c) + ) { + var d = l.getPooled(c, i, u); + return p && (d.data = p), s.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(d), d; + } + }, + }; + t.exports = C; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./EventPropagators": 21, + "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22, + "./ReactInputSelection": 57, + "./SyntheticCompositionEvent": 83, + "./getTextContentAccessor": 119, + "./keyOf": 131, + }, + ], + 10: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + e.insertBefore(t, e.childNodes[n] || null); + } + var r, + o = e("./Danger"), + a = e("./ReactMultiChildUpdateTypes"), + i = e("./getTextContentAccessor"), + s = e("./invariant"), + u = i(); + r = + "textContent" === u + ? function (e, t) { + e.textContent = t; + } + : function (e, t) { + for (; e.firstChild; ) e.removeChild(e.firstChild); + if (t) { + var n = e.ownerDocument || document; + e.appendChild(n.createTextNode(t)); + } + }; + var c = { + dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup: + o.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup, + updateTextContent: r, + processUpdates: function (e, t) { + for (var i, u = null, c = null, l = 0; (i = e[l]); l++) + if (i.type === a.MOVE_EXISTING || i.type === a.REMOVE_NODE) { + var p = i.fromIndex, + d = i.parentNode.childNodes[p], + f = i.parentID; + s(d), + (u = u || {}), + (u[f] = u[f] || []), + (u[f][p] = d), + (c = c || []), + c.push(d); + } + var h = o.dangerouslyRenderMarkup(t); + if (c) + for (var m = 0; m < c.length; m++) + c[m].parentNode.removeChild(c[m]); + for (var v = 0; (i = e[v]); v++) + switch (i.type) { + case a.INSERT_MARKUP: + n(i.parentNode, h[i.markupIndex], i.toIndex); + break; + case a.MOVE_EXISTING: + n(i.parentNode, u[i.parentID][i.fromIndex], i.toIndex); + break; + case a.TEXT_CONTENT: + r(i.parentNode, i.textContent); + break; + case a.REMOVE_NODE: + } + }, + }; + t.exports = c; + }, + { + "./Danger": 13, + "./ReactMultiChildUpdateTypes": 63, + "./getTextContentAccessor": 119, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 11: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + return (e & t) === t; + } + var r = e("./invariant"), + o = { + MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE: 1, + MUST_USE_PROPERTY: 2, + HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS: 4, + HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE: 8, + HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE: 16, + HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE: 48, + HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE: 64, + injectDOMPropertyConfig: function (e) { + var t = e.Properties || {}, + a = e.DOMAttributeNames || {}, + s = e.DOMPropertyNames || {}, + u = e.DOMMutationMethods || {}; + e.isCustomAttribute && + i._isCustomAttributeFunctions.push(e.isCustomAttribute); + for (var c in t) { + r(!i.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(c)), + (i.isStandardName[c] = !0); + var l = c.toLowerCase(); + if ( + ((i.getPossibleStandardName[l] = c), a.hasOwnProperty(c)) + ) { + var p = a[c]; + (i.getPossibleStandardName[p] = c), + (i.getAttributeName[c] = p); + } else i.getAttributeName[c] = l; + (i.getPropertyName[c] = s.hasOwnProperty(c) ? s[c] : c), + (i.getMutationMethod[c] = u.hasOwnProperty(c) + ? u[c] + : null); + var d = t[c]; + (i.mustUseAttribute[c] = n(d, o.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE)), + (i.mustUseProperty[c] = n(d, o.MUST_USE_PROPERTY)), + (i.hasSideEffects[c] = n(d, o.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS)), + (i.hasBooleanValue[c] = n(d, o.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE)), + (i.hasNumericValue[c] = n(d, o.HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE)), + (i.hasPositiveNumericValue[c] = n( + d, + o.HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE + )), + (i.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[c] = n( + d, + o.HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE + )), + r(!i.mustUseAttribute[c] || !i.mustUseProperty[c]), + r(i.mustUseProperty[c] || !i.hasSideEffects[c]), + r( + !!i.hasBooleanValue[c] + + !!i.hasNumericValue[c] + + !!i.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[c] <= + 1 + ); + } + }, + }, + a = {}, + i = { + ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: "data-reactid", + isStandardName: {}, + getPossibleStandardName: {}, + getAttributeName: {}, + getPropertyName: {}, + getMutationMethod: {}, + mustUseAttribute: {}, + mustUseProperty: {}, + hasSideEffects: {}, + hasBooleanValue: {}, + hasNumericValue: {}, + hasPositiveNumericValue: {}, + hasOverloadedBooleanValue: {}, + _isCustomAttributeFunctions: [], + isCustomAttribute: function (e) { + for (var t = 0; t < i._isCustomAttributeFunctions.length; t++) { + var n = i._isCustomAttributeFunctions[t]; + if (n(e)) return !0; + } + return !1; + }, + getDefaultValueForProperty: function (e, t) { + var n, + r = a[e]; + return ( + r || (a[e] = r = {}), + t in r || ((n = document.createElement(e)), (r[t] = n[t])), + r[t] + ); + }, + injection: o, + }; + t.exports = i; + }, + { "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 12: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + return ( + null == t || + (r.hasBooleanValue[e] && !t) || + (r.hasNumericValue[e] && isNaN(t)) || + (r.hasPositiveNumericValue[e] && 1 > t) || + (r.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[e] && t === !1) + ); + } + var r = e("./DOMProperty"), + o = e("./escapeTextForBrowser"), + a = e("./memoizeStringOnly"), + i = + (e("./warning"), + a(function (e) { + return o(e) + '="'; + })), + s = { + createMarkupForID: function (e) { + return i(r.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) + o(e) + '"'; + }, + createMarkupForProperty: function (e, t) { + if (r.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(e) && r.isStandardName[e]) { + if (n(e, t)) return ""; + var a = r.getAttributeName[e]; + return r.hasBooleanValue[e] || + (r.hasOverloadedBooleanValue[e] && t === !0) + ? o(a) + : i(a) + o(t) + '"'; + } + return r.isCustomAttribute(e) + ? null == t + ? "" + : i(e) + o(t) + '"' + : null; + }, + setValueForProperty: function (e, t, o) { + if (r.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(t) && r.isStandardName[t]) { + var a = r.getMutationMethod[t]; + if (a) a(e, o); + else if (n(t, o)) this.deleteValueForProperty(e, t); + else if (r.mustUseAttribute[t]) + e.setAttribute(r.getAttributeName[t], "" + o); + else { + var i = r.getPropertyName[t]; + (r.hasSideEffects[t] && "" + e[i] == "" + o) || (e[i] = o); + } + } else + r.isCustomAttribute(t) && + (null == o + ? e.removeAttribute(t) + : e.setAttribute(t, "" + o)); + }, + deleteValueForProperty: function (e, t) { + if (r.isStandardName.hasOwnProperty(t) && r.isStandardName[t]) { + var n = r.getMutationMethod[t]; + if (n) n(e, void 0); + else if (r.mustUseAttribute[t]) + e.removeAttribute(r.getAttributeName[t]); + else { + var o = r.getPropertyName[t], + a = r.getDefaultValueForProperty(e.nodeName, o); + (r.hasSideEffects[t] && "" + e[o] === a) || (e[o] = a); + } + } else r.isCustomAttribute(t) && e.removeAttribute(t); + }, + }; + t.exports = s; + }, + { + "./DOMProperty": 11, + "./escapeTextForBrowser": 107, + "./memoizeStringOnly": 133, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 13: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return e.substring(1, e.indexOf(" ")); + } + var r = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + o = e("./createNodesFromMarkup"), + a = e("./emptyFunction"), + i = e("./getMarkupWrap"), + s = e("./invariant"), + u = /^(<[^ \/>]+)/, + c = "data-danger-index", + l = { + dangerouslyRenderMarkup: function (e) { + s(r.canUseDOM); + for (var t, l = {}, p = 0; p < e.length; p++) + s(e[p]), + (t = n(e[p])), + (t = i(t) ? t : "*"), + (l[t] = l[t] || []), + (l[t][p] = e[p]); + var d = [], + f = 0; + for (t in l) + if (l.hasOwnProperty(t)) { + var h = l[t]; + for (var m in h) + if (h.hasOwnProperty(m)) { + var v = h[m]; + h[m] = v.replace(u, "$1 " + c + '="' + m + '" '); + } + var g = o(h.join(""), a); + for (p = 0; p < g.length; ++p) { + var y = g[p]; + y.hasAttribute && + y.hasAttribute(c) && + ((m = +y.getAttribute(c)), + y.removeAttribute(c), + s(!d.hasOwnProperty(m)), + (d[m] = y), + (f += 1)); + } + } + return s(f === d.length), s(d.length === e.length), d; + }, + dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup: function (e, t) { + s(r.canUseDOM), s(t), s("html" !== e.tagName.toLowerCase()); + var n = o(t, a)[0]; + e.parentNode.replaceChild(n, e); + }, + }; + t.exports = l; + }, + { + "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22, + "./createNodesFromMarkup": 102, + "./emptyFunction": 105, + "./getMarkupWrap": 116, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 14: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./keyOf"), + r = [ + n({ ResponderEventPlugin: null }), + n({ SimpleEventPlugin: null }), + n({ TapEventPlugin: null }), + n({ EnterLeaveEventPlugin: null }), + n({ ChangeEventPlugin: null }), + n({ SelectEventPlugin: null }), + n({ CompositionEventPlugin: null }), + n({ BeforeInputEventPlugin: null }), + n({ AnalyticsEventPlugin: null }), + n({ MobileSafariClickEventPlugin: null }), + ]; + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./keyOf": 131 }, + ], + 15: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./EventConstants"), + r = e("./EventPropagators"), + o = e("./SyntheticMouseEvent"), + a = e("./ReactMount"), + i = e("./keyOf"), + s = n.topLevelTypes, + u = a.getFirstReactDOM, + c = { + mouseEnter: { + registrationName: i({ onMouseEnter: null }), + dependencies: [s.topMouseOut, s.topMouseOver], + }, + mouseLeave: { + registrationName: i({ onMouseLeave: null }), + dependencies: [s.topMouseOut, s.topMouseOver], + }, + }, + l = [null, null], + p = { + eventTypes: c, + extractEvents: function (e, t, n, i) { + if (e === s.topMouseOver && (i.relatedTarget || i.fromElement)) + return null; + if (e !== s.topMouseOut && e !== s.topMouseOver) return null; + var p; + if (t.window === t) p = t; + else { + var d = t.ownerDocument; + p = d ? d.defaultView || d.parentWindow : window; + } + var f, h; + if ( + (e === s.topMouseOut + ? ((f = t), (h = u(i.relatedTarget || i.toElement) || p)) + : ((f = p), (h = t)), + f === h) + ) + return null; + var m = f ? a.getID(f) : "", + v = h ? a.getID(h) : "", + g = o.getPooled(c.mouseLeave, m, i); + (g.type = "mouseleave"), (g.target = f), (g.relatedTarget = h); + var y = o.getPooled(c.mouseEnter, v, i); + return ( + (y.type = "mouseenter"), + (y.target = h), + (y.relatedTarget = f), + r.accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches(g, y, m, v), + (l[0] = g), + (l[1] = y), + l + ); + }, + }; + t.exports = p; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./EventPropagators": 21, + "./ReactMount": 61, + "./SyntheticMouseEvent": 89, + "./keyOf": 131, + }, + ], + 16: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./keyMirror"), + r = n({ bubbled: null, captured: null }), + o = n({ + topBlur: null, + topChange: null, + topClick: null, + topCompositionEnd: null, + topCompositionStart: null, + topCompositionUpdate: null, + topContextMenu: null, + topCopy: null, + topCut: null, + topDoubleClick: null, + topDrag: null, + topDragEnd: null, + topDragEnter: null, + topDragExit: null, + topDragLeave: null, + topDragOver: null, + topDragStart: null, + topDrop: null, + topError: null, + topFocus: null, + topInput: null, + topKeyDown: null, + topKeyPress: null, + topKeyUp: null, + topLoad: null, + topMouseDown: null, + topMouseMove: null, + topMouseOut: null, + topMouseOver: null, + topMouseUp: null, + topPaste: null, + topReset: null, + topScroll: null, + topSelectionChange: null, + topSubmit: null, + topTextInput: null, + topTouchCancel: null, + topTouchEnd: null, + topTouchMove: null, + topTouchStart: null, + topWheel: null, + }), + a = { topLevelTypes: o, PropagationPhases: r }; + t.exports = a; + }, + { "./keyMirror": 130 }, + ], + 17: [ + function (e, t) { + var n = e("./emptyFunction"), + r = { + listen: function (e, t, n) { + return e.addEventListener + ? (e.addEventListener(t, n, !1), + { + remove: function () { + e.removeEventListener(t, n, !1); + }, + }) + : e.attachEvent + ? (e.attachEvent("on" + t, n), + { + remove: function () { + e.detachEvent("on" + t, n); + }, + }) + : void 0; + }, + capture: function (e, t, r) { + return e.addEventListener + ? (e.addEventListener(t, r, !0), + { + remove: function () { + e.removeEventListener(t, r, !0); + }, + }) + : { remove: n }; + }, + registerDefault: function () {}, + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./emptyFunction": 105 }, + ], + 18: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./EventPluginRegistry"), + r = e("./EventPluginUtils"), + o = e("./accumulateInto"), + a = e("./forEachAccumulated"), + i = e("./invariant"), + s = {}, + u = null, + c = function (e) { + if (e) { + var t = r.executeDispatch, + o = n.getPluginModuleForEvent(e); + o && o.executeDispatch && (t = o.executeDispatch), + r.executeDispatchesInOrder(e, t), + e.isPersistent() || e.constructor.release(e); + } + }, + l = null, + p = { + injection: { + injectMount: r.injection.injectMount, + injectInstanceHandle: function (e) { + l = e; + }, + getInstanceHandle: function () { + return l; + }, + injectEventPluginOrder: n.injectEventPluginOrder, + injectEventPluginsByName: n.injectEventPluginsByName, + }, + eventNameDispatchConfigs: n.eventNameDispatchConfigs, + registrationNameModules: n.registrationNameModules, + putListener: function (e, t, n) { + i(!n || "function" == typeof n); + var r = s[t] || (s[t] = {}); + r[e] = n; + }, + getListener: function (e, t) { + var n = s[t]; + return n && n[e]; + }, + deleteListener: function (e, t) { + var n = s[t]; + n && delete n[e]; + }, + deleteAllListeners: function (e) { + for (var t in s) delete s[t][e]; + }, + extractEvents: function (e, t, r, a) { + for (var i, s = n.plugins, u = 0, c = s.length; c > u; u++) { + var l = s[u]; + if (l) { + var p = l.extractEvents(e, t, r, a); + p && (i = o(i, p)); + } + } + return i; + }, + enqueueEvents: function (e) { + e && (u = o(u, e)); + }, + processEventQueue: function () { + var e = u; + (u = null), a(e, c), i(!u); + }, + __purge: function () { + s = {}; + }, + __getListenerBank: function () { + return s; + }, + }; + t.exports = p; + }, + { + "./EventPluginRegistry": 19, + "./EventPluginUtils": 20, + "./accumulateInto": 95, + "./forEachAccumulated": 110, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 19: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + if (i) + for (var e in s) { + var t = s[e], + n = i.indexOf(e); + if ((a(n > -1), !u.plugins[n])) { + a(t.extractEvents), (u.plugins[n] = t); + var o = t.eventTypes; + for (var c in o) a(r(o[c], t, c)); + } + } + } + function r(e, t, n) { + a(!u.eventNameDispatchConfigs.hasOwnProperty(n)), + (u.eventNameDispatchConfigs[n] = e); + var r = e.phasedRegistrationNames; + if (r) { + for (var i in r) + if (r.hasOwnProperty(i)) { + var s = r[i]; + o(s, t, n); + } + return !0; + } + return e.registrationName ? (o(e.registrationName, t, n), !0) : !1; + } + function o(e, t, n) { + a(!u.registrationNameModules[e]), + (u.registrationNameModules[e] = t), + (u.registrationNameDependencies[e] = + t.eventTypes[n].dependencies); + } + var a = e("./invariant"), + i = null, + s = {}, + u = { + plugins: [], + eventNameDispatchConfigs: {}, + registrationNameModules: {}, + registrationNameDependencies: {}, + injectEventPluginOrder: function (e) { + a(!i), (i = Array.prototype.slice.call(e)), n(); + }, + injectEventPluginsByName: function (e) { + var t = !1; + for (var r in e) + if (e.hasOwnProperty(r)) { + var o = e[r]; + (s.hasOwnProperty(r) && s[r] === o) || + (a(!s[r]), (s[r] = o), (t = !0)); + } + t && n(); + }, + getPluginModuleForEvent: function (e) { + var t = e.dispatchConfig; + if (t.registrationName) + return u.registrationNameModules[t.registrationName] || null; + for (var n in t.phasedRegistrationNames) + if (t.phasedRegistrationNames.hasOwnProperty(n)) { + var r = + u.registrationNameModules[t.phasedRegistrationNames[n]]; + if (r) return r; + } + return null; + }, + _resetEventPlugins: function () { + i = null; + for (var e in s) s.hasOwnProperty(e) && delete s[e]; + u.plugins.length = 0; + var t = u.eventNameDispatchConfigs; + for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && delete t[n]; + var r = u.registrationNameModules; + for (var o in r) r.hasOwnProperty(o) && delete r[o]; + }, + }; + t.exports = u; + }, + { "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 20: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return ( + e === m.topMouseUp || + e === m.topTouchEnd || + e === m.topTouchCancel + ); + } + function r(e) { + return e === m.topMouseMove || e === m.topTouchMove; + } + function o(e) { + return e === m.topMouseDown || e === m.topTouchStart; + } + function a(e, t) { + var n = e._dispatchListeners, + r = e._dispatchIDs; + if (Array.isArray(n)) + for (var o = 0; o < n.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); o++) + t(e, n[o], r[o]); + else n && t(e, n, r); + } + function i(e, t, n) { + e.currentTarget = h.Mount.getNode(n); + var r = t(e, n); + return (e.currentTarget = null), r; + } + function s(e, t) { + a(e, t), (e._dispatchListeners = null), (e._dispatchIDs = null); + } + function u(e) { + var t = e._dispatchListeners, + n = e._dispatchIDs; + if (Array.isArray(t)) { + for (var r = 0; r < t.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); r++) + if (t[r](e, n[r])) return n[r]; + } else if (t && t(e, n)) return n; + return null; + } + function c(e) { + var t = u(e); + return (e._dispatchIDs = null), (e._dispatchListeners = null), t; + } + function l(e) { + var t = e._dispatchListeners, + n = e._dispatchIDs; + f(!Array.isArray(t)); + var r = t ? t(e, n) : null; + return (e._dispatchListeners = null), (e._dispatchIDs = null), r; + } + function p(e) { + return !!e._dispatchListeners; + } + var d = e("./EventConstants"), + f = e("./invariant"), + h = { + Mount: null, + injectMount: function (e) { + h.Mount = e; + }, + }, + m = d.topLevelTypes, + v = { + isEndish: n, + isMoveish: r, + isStartish: o, + executeDirectDispatch: l, + executeDispatch: i, + executeDispatchesInOrder: s, + executeDispatchesInOrderStopAtTrue: c, + hasDispatches: p, + injection: h, + useTouchEvents: !1, + }; + t.exports = v; + }, + { "./EventConstants": 16, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 21: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + var r = t.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[n]; + return m(e, r); + } + function r(e, t, r) { + var o = t ? h.bubbled : h.captured, + a = n(e, r, o); + a && + ((r._dispatchListeners = d(r._dispatchListeners, a)), + (r._dispatchIDs = d(r._dispatchIDs, e))); + } + function o(e) { + e && + e.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames && + p.injection + .getInstanceHandle() + .traverseTwoPhase(e.dispatchMarker, r, e); + } + function a(e, t, n) { + if (n && n.dispatchConfig.registrationName) { + var r = n.dispatchConfig.registrationName, + o = m(e, r); + o && + ((n._dispatchListeners = d(n._dispatchListeners, o)), + (n._dispatchIDs = d(n._dispatchIDs, e))); + } + } + function i(e) { + e && + e.dispatchConfig.registrationName && + a(e.dispatchMarker, null, e); + } + function s(e) { + f(e, o); + } + function u(e, t, n, r) { + p.injection.getInstanceHandle().traverseEnterLeave(n, r, a, e, t); + } + function c(e) { + f(e, i); + } + var l = e("./EventConstants"), + p = e("./EventPluginHub"), + d = e("./accumulateInto"), + f = e("./forEachAccumulated"), + h = l.PropagationPhases, + m = p.getListener, + v = { + accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches: s, + accumulateDirectDispatches: c, + accumulateEnterLeaveDispatches: u, + }; + t.exports = v; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./EventPluginHub": 18, + "./accumulateInto": 95, + "./forEachAccumulated": 110, + }, + ], + 22: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = !( + "undefined" == typeof window || + !window.document || + !window.document.createElement + ), + r = { + canUseDOM: n, + canUseWorkers: "undefined" != typeof Worker, + canUseEventListeners: + n && !(!window.addEventListener && !window.attachEvent), + canUseViewport: n && !!window.screen, + isInWorker: !n, + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + {}, + ], + 23: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n, + r = e("./DOMProperty"), + o = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + a = r.injection.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE, + i = r.injection.MUST_USE_PROPERTY, + s = r.injection.HAS_BOOLEAN_VALUE, + u = r.injection.HAS_SIDE_EFFECTS, + c = r.injection.HAS_NUMERIC_VALUE, + l = r.injection.HAS_POSITIVE_NUMERIC_VALUE, + p = r.injection.HAS_OVERLOADED_BOOLEAN_VALUE; + if (o.canUseDOM) { + var d = document.implementation; + n = + d && + d.hasFeature && + d.hasFeature( + "http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", + "1.1" + ); + } + var f = { + isCustomAttribute: RegExp.prototype.test.bind( + /^(data|aria)-[a-z_][a-z\d_.\-]*$/ + ), + Properties: { + accept: null, + acceptCharset: null, + accessKey: null, + action: null, + allowFullScreen: a | s, + allowTransparency: a, + alt: null, + async: s, + autoComplete: null, + autoPlay: s, + cellPadding: null, + cellSpacing: null, + charSet: a, + checked: i | s, + classID: a, + className: n ? a : i, + cols: a | l, + colSpan: null, + content: null, + contentEditable: null, + contextMenu: a, + controls: i | s, + coords: null, + crossOrigin: null, + data: null, + dateTime: a, + defer: s, + dir: null, + disabled: a | s, + download: p, + draggable: null, + encType: null, + form: a, + formAction: a, + formEncType: a, + formMethod: a, + formNoValidate: s, + formTarget: a, + frameBorder: a, + height: a, + hidden: a | s, + href: null, + hrefLang: null, + htmlFor: null, + httpEquiv: null, + icon: null, + id: i, + label: null, + lang: null, + list: a, + loop: i | s, + manifest: a, + marginHeight: null, + marginWidth: null, + max: null, + maxLength: a, + media: a, + mediaGroup: null, + method: null, + min: null, + multiple: i | s, + muted: i | s, + name: null, + noValidate: s, + open: null, + pattern: null, + placeholder: null, + poster: null, + preload: null, + radioGroup: null, + readOnly: i | s, + rel: null, + required: s, + role: a, + rows: a | l, + rowSpan: null, + sandbox: null, + scope: null, + scrolling: null, + seamless: a | s, + selected: i | s, + shape: null, + size: a | l, + sizes: a, + span: l, + spellCheck: null, + src: null, + srcDoc: i, + srcSet: a, + start: c, + step: null, + style: null, + tabIndex: null, + target: null, + title: null, + type: null, + useMap: null, + value: i | u, + width: a, + wmode: a, + autoCapitalize: null, + autoCorrect: null, + itemProp: a, + itemScope: a | s, + itemType: a, + property: null, + }, + DOMAttributeNames: { + acceptCharset: "accept-charset", + className: "class", + htmlFor: "for", + httpEquiv: "http-equiv", + }, + DOMPropertyNames: { + autoCapitalize: "autocapitalize", + autoComplete: "autocomplete", + autoCorrect: "autocorrect", + autoFocus: "autofocus", + autoPlay: "autoplay", + encType: "enctype", + hrefLang: "hreflang", + radioGroup: "radiogroup", + spellCheck: "spellcheck", + srcDoc: "srcdoc", + srcSet: "srcset", + }, + }; + t.exports = f; + }, + { "./DOMProperty": 11, "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22 }, + ], + 24: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + u(null == e.props.checkedLink || null == e.props.valueLink); + } + function r(e) { + n(e), u(null == e.props.value && null == e.props.onChange); + } + function o(e) { + n(e), u(null == e.props.checked && null == e.props.onChange); + } + function a(e) { + this.props.valueLink.requestChange(e.target.value); + } + function i(e) { + this.props.checkedLink.requestChange(e.target.checked); + } + var s = e("./ReactPropTypes"), + u = e("./invariant"), + c = { + button: !0, + checkbox: !0, + image: !0, + hidden: !0, + radio: !0, + reset: !0, + submit: !0, + }, + l = { + Mixin: { + propTypes: { + value: function (e, t) { + return !e[t] || + c[e.type] || + e.onChange || + e.readOnly || + e.disabled + ? void 0 + : new Error( + "You provided a `value` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultValue`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`." + ); + }, + checked: function (e, t) { + return !e[t] || e.onChange || e.readOnly || e.disabled + ? void 0 + : new Error( + "You provided a `checked` prop to a form field without an `onChange` handler. This will render a read-only field. If the field should be mutable use `defaultChecked`. Otherwise, set either `onChange` or `readOnly`." + ); + }, + onChange: s.func, + }, + }, + getValue: function (e) { + return e.props.valueLink + ? (r(e), e.props.valueLink.value) + : e.props.value; + }, + getChecked: function (e) { + return e.props.checkedLink + ? (o(e), e.props.checkedLink.value) + : e.props.checked; + }, + getOnChange: function (e) { + return e.props.valueLink + ? (r(e), a) + : e.props.checkedLink + ? (o(e), i) + : e.props.onChange; + }, + }; + t.exports = l; + }, + { "./ReactPropTypes": 70, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 25: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + e.remove(); + } + var r = e("./ReactBrowserEventEmitter"), + o = e("./accumulateInto"), + a = e("./forEachAccumulated"), + i = e("./invariant"), + s = { + trapBubbledEvent: function (e, t) { + i(this.isMounted()); + var n = r.trapBubbledEvent(e, t, this.getDOMNode()); + this._localEventListeners = o(this._localEventListeners, n); + }, + componentWillUnmount: function () { + this._localEventListeners && a(this._localEventListeners, n); + }, + }; + t.exports = s; + }, + { + "./ReactBrowserEventEmitter": 30, + "./accumulateInto": 95, + "./forEachAccumulated": 110, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 26: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./EventConstants"), + r = e("./emptyFunction"), + o = n.topLevelTypes, + a = { + eventTypes: null, + extractEvents: function (e, t, n, a) { + if (e === o.topTouchStart) { + var i = a.target; + i && !i.onclick && (i.onclick = r); + } + }, + }; + t.exports = a; + }, + { "./EventConstants": 16, "./emptyFunction": 105 }, + ], + 27: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + if (null == e) + throw new TypeError( + "Object.assign target cannot be null or undefined" + ); + for ( + var t = Object(e), n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, r = 1; + r < arguments.length; + r++ + ) { + var o = arguments[r]; + if (null != o) { + var a = Object(o); + for (var i in a) n.call(a, i) && (t[i] = a[i]); + } + } + return t; + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 28: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./invariant"), + r = function (e) { + var t = this; + if (t.instancePool.length) { + var n = t.instancePool.pop(); + return t.call(n, e), n; + } + return new t(e); + }, + o = function (e, t) { + var n = this; + if (n.instancePool.length) { + var r = n.instancePool.pop(); + return n.call(r, e, t), r; + } + return new n(e, t); + }, + a = function (e, t, n) { + var r = this; + if (r.instancePool.length) { + var o = r.instancePool.pop(); + return r.call(o, e, t, n), o; + } + return new r(e, t, n); + }, + i = function (e, t, n, r, o) { + var a = this; + if (a.instancePool.length) { + var i = a.instancePool.pop(); + return a.call(i, e, t, n, r, o), i; + } + return new a(e, t, n, r, o); + }, + s = function (e) { + var t = this; + n(e instanceof t), + e.destructor && e.destructor(), + t.instancePool.length < t.poolSize && t.instancePool.push(e); + }, + u = 10, + c = r, + l = function (e, t) { + var n = e; + return ( + (n.instancePool = []), + (n.getPooled = t || c), + n.poolSize || (n.poolSize = u), + (n.release = s), + n + ); + }, + p = { + addPoolingTo: l, + oneArgumentPooler: r, + twoArgumentPooler: o, + threeArgumentPooler: a, + fiveArgumentPooler: i, + }; + t.exports = p; + }, + { "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 29: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./ReactEmptyComponent"), + r = e("./ReactMount"), + o = e("./invariant"), + a = { + getDOMNode: function () { + return ( + o(this.isMounted()), + n.isNullComponentID(this._rootNodeID) + ? null + : r.getNode(this._rootNodeID) + ); + }, + }; + t.exports = a; + }, + { "./ReactEmptyComponent": 52, "./ReactMount": 61, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 30: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return ( + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, h) || + ((e[h] = d++), (l[e[h]] = {})), + l[e[h]] + ); + } + var r = e("./EventConstants"), + o = e("./EventPluginHub"), + a = e("./EventPluginRegistry"), + i = e("./ReactEventEmitterMixin"), + s = e("./ViewportMetrics"), + u = e("./Object.assign"), + c = e("./isEventSupported"), + l = {}, + p = !1, + d = 0, + f = { + topBlur: "blur", + topChange: "change", + topClick: "click", + topCompositionEnd: "compositionend", + topCompositionStart: "compositionstart", + topCompositionUpdate: "compositionupdate", + topContextMenu: "contextmenu", + topCopy: "copy", + topCut: "cut", + topDoubleClick: "dblclick", + topDrag: "drag", + topDragEnd: "dragend", + topDragEnter: "dragenter", + topDragExit: "dragexit", + topDragLeave: "dragleave", + topDragOver: "dragover", + topDragStart: "dragstart", + topDrop: "drop", + topFocus: "focus", + topInput: "input", + topKeyDown: "keydown", + topKeyPress: "keypress", + topKeyUp: "keyup", + topMouseDown: "mousedown", + topMouseMove: "mousemove", + topMouseOut: "mouseout", + topMouseOver: "mouseover", + topMouseUp: "mouseup", + topPaste: "paste", + topScroll: "scroll", + topSelectionChange: "selectionchange", + topTextInput: "textInput", + topTouchCancel: "touchcancel", + topTouchEnd: "touchend", + topTouchMove: "touchmove", + topTouchStart: "touchstart", + topWheel: "wheel", + }, + h = "_reactListenersID" + String(Math.random()).slice(2), + m = u({}, i, { + ReactEventListener: null, + injection: { + injectReactEventListener: function (e) { + e.setHandleTopLevel(m.handleTopLevel), + (m.ReactEventListener = e); + }, + }, + setEnabled: function (e) { + m.ReactEventListener && m.ReactEventListener.setEnabled(e); + }, + isEnabled: function () { + return !( + !m.ReactEventListener || !m.ReactEventListener.isEnabled() + ); + }, + listenTo: function (e, t) { + for ( + var o = t, + i = n(o), + s = a.registrationNameDependencies[e], + u = r.topLevelTypes, + l = 0, + p = s.length; + p > l; + l++ + ) { + var d = s[l]; + (i.hasOwnProperty(d) && i[d]) || + (d === u.topWheel + ? c("wheel") + ? m.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent( + u.topWheel, + "wheel", + o + ) + : c("mousewheel") + ? m.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent( + u.topWheel, + "mousewheel", + o + ) + : m.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent( + u.topWheel, + "DOMMouseScroll", + o + ) + : d === u.topScroll + ? c("scroll", !0) + ? m.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent( + u.topScroll, + "scroll", + o + ) + : m.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent( + u.topScroll, + "scroll", + m.ReactEventListener.WINDOW_HANDLE + ) + : d === u.topFocus || d === u.topBlur + ? (c("focus", !0) + ? (m.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent( + u.topFocus, + "focus", + o + ), + m.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent( + u.topBlur, + "blur", + o + )) + : c("focusin") && + (m.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent( + u.topFocus, + "focusin", + o + ), + m.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent( + u.topBlur, + "focusout", + o + )), + (i[u.topBlur] = !0), + (i[u.topFocus] = !0)) + : f.hasOwnProperty(d) && + m.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(d, f[d], o), + (i[d] = !0)); + } + }, + trapBubbledEvent: function (e, t, n) { + return m.ReactEventListener.trapBubbledEvent(e, t, n); + }, + trapCapturedEvent: function (e, t, n) { + return m.ReactEventListener.trapCapturedEvent(e, t, n); + }, + ensureScrollValueMonitoring: function () { + if (!p) { + var e = s.refreshScrollValues; + m.ReactEventListener.monitorScrollValue(e), (p = !0); + } + }, + eventNameDispatchConfigs: o.eventNameDispatchConfigs, + registrationNameModules: o.registrationNameModules, + putListener: o.putListener, + getListener: o.getListener, + deleteListener: o.deleteListener, + deleteAllListeners: o.deleteAllListeners, + }); + t.exports = m; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./EventPluginHub": 18, + "./EventPluginRegistry": 19, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactEventEmitterMixin": 54, + "./ViewportMetrics": 94, + "./isEventSupported": 125, + }, + ], + 31: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + (this.forEachFunction = e), (this.forEachContext = t); + } + function r(e, t, n, r) { + var o = e; + o.forEachFunction.call(o.forEachContext, t, r); + } + function o(e, t, o) { + if (null == e) return e; + var a = n.getPooled(t, o); + p(e, r, a), n.release(a); + } + function a(e, t, n) { + (this.mapResult = e), (this.mapFunction = t), (this.mapContext = n); + } + function i(e, t, n, r) { + var o = e, + a = o.mapResult, + i = !a.hasOwnProperty(n); + if (i) { + var s = o.mapFunction.call(o.mapContext, t, r); + a[n] = s; + } + } + function s(e, t, n) { + if (null == e) return e; + var r = {}, + o = a.getPooled(r, t, n); + return p(e, i, o), a.release(o), r; + } + function u() { + return null; + } + function c(e) { + return p(e, u, null); + } + var l = e("./PooledClass"), + p = e("./traverseAllChildren"), + d = (e("./warning"), l.twoArgumentPooler), + f = l.threeArgumentPooler; + l.addPoolingTo(n, d), l.addPoolingTo(a, f); + var h = { forEach: o, map: s, count: c }; + t.exports = h; + }, + { "./PooledClass": 28, "./traverseAllChildren": 140, "./warning": 141 }, + ], + 32: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./ReactElement"), + r = e("./ReactOwner"), + o = e("./ReactUpdates"), + a = e("./Object.assign"), + i = e("./invariant"), + s = e("./keyMirror"), + u = s({ MOUNTED: null, UNMOUNTED: null }), + c = !1, + l = null, + p = null, + d = { + injection: { + injectEnvironment: function (e) { + i(!c), + (p = e.mountImageIntoNode), + (l = e.unmountIDFromEnvironment), + (d.BackendIDOperations = e.BackendIDOperations), + (c = !0); + }, + }, + LifeCycle: u, + BackendIDOperations: null, + Mixin: { + isMounted: function () { + return this._lifeCycleState === u.MOUNTED; + }, + setProps: function (e, t) { + var n = this._pendingElement || this._currentElement; + this.replaceProps(a({}, n.props, e), t); + }, + replaceProps: function (e, t) { + i(this.isMounted()), + i(0 === this._mountDepth), + (this._pendingElement = n.cloneAndReplaceProps( + this._pendingElement || this._currentElement, + e + )), + o.enqueueUpdate(this, t); + }, + _setPropsInternal: function (e, t) { + var r = this._pendingElement || this._currentElement; + (this._pendingElement = n.cloneAndReplaceProps( + r, + a({}, r.props, e) + )), + o.enqueueUpdate(this, t); + }, + construct: function (e) { + (this.props = e.props), + (this._owner = e._owner), + (this._lifeCycleState = u.UNMOUNTED), + (this._pendingCallbacks = null), + (this._currentElement = e), + (this._pendingElement = null); + }, + mountComponent: function (e, t, n) { + i(!this.isMounted()); + var o = this._currentElement.ref; + if (null != o) { + var a = this._currentElement._owner; + r.addComponentAsRefTo(this, o, a); + } + (this._rootNodeID = e), + (this._lifeCycleState = u.MOUNTED), + (this._mountDepth = n); + }, + unmountComponent: function () { + i(this.isMounted()); + var e = this._currentElement.ref; + null != e && r.removeComponentAsRefFrom(this, e, this._owner), + l(this._rootNodeID), + (this._rootNodeID = null), + (this._lifeCycleState = u.UNMOUNTED); + }, + receiveComponent: function (e, t) { + i(this.isMounted()), + (this._pendingElement = e), + this.performUpdateIfNecessary(t); + }, + performUpdateIfNecessary: function (e) { + if (null != this._pendingElement) { + var t = this._currentElement, + n = this._pendingElement; + (this._currentElement = n), + (this.props = n.props), + (this._owner = n._owner), + (this._pendingElement = null), + this.updateComponent(e, t); + } + }, + updateComponent: function (e, t) { + var n = this._currentElement; + (n._owner !== t._owner || n.ref !== t.ref) && + (null != t.ref && + r.removeComponentAsRefFrom(this, t.ref, t._owner), + null != n.ref && + r.addComponentAsRefTo(this, n.ref, n._owner)); + }, + mountComponentIntoNode: function (e, t, n) { + var r = o.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled(); + r.perform(this._mountComponentIntoNode, this, e, t, r, n), + o.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(r); + }, + _mountComponentIntoNode: function (e, t, n, r) { + var o = this.mountComponent(e, n, 0); + p(o, t, r); + }, + isOwnedBy: function (e) { + return this._owner === e; + }, + getSiblingByRef: function (e) { + var t = this._owner; + return t && t.refs ? t.refs[e] : null; + }, + }, + }; + t.exports = d; + }, + { + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactOwner": 65, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + "./invariant": 124, + "./keyMirror": 130, + }, + ], + 33: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./ReactDOMIDOperations"), + r = e("./ReactMarkupChecksum"), + o = e("./ReactMount"), + a = e("./ReactPerf"), + i = e("./ReactReconcileTransaction"), + s = e("./getReactRootElementInContainer"), + u = e("./invariant"), + c = e("./setInnerHTML"), + l = 1, + p = 9, + d = { + ReactReconcileTransaction: i, + BackendIDOperations: n, + unmountIDFromEnvironment: function (e) { + o.purgeID(e); + }, + mountImageIntoNode: a.measure( + "ReactComponentBrowserEnvironment", + "mountImageIntoNode", + function (e, t, n) { + if ((u(t && (t.nodeType === l || t.nodeType === p)), n)) { + if (r.canReuseMarkup(e, s(t))) return; + u(t.nodeType !== p); + } + u(t.nodeType !== p), c(t, e); + } + ), + }; + t.exports = d; + }, + { + "./ReactDOMIDOperations": 41, + "./ReactMarkupChecksum": 60, + "./ReactMount": 61, + "./ReactPerf": 66, + "./ReactReconcileTransaction": 72, + "./getReactRootElementInContainer": 118, + "./invariant": 124, + "./setInnerHTML": 136, + }, + ], + 34: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + var t = e._owner || null; + return t && t.constructor && t.constructor.displayName + ? " Check the render method of `" + + t.constructor.displayName + + "`." + : ""; + } + function r(e, t) { + for (var n in t) + t.hasOwnProperty(n) && D("function" == typeof t[n]); + } + function o(e, t) { + var n = S.hasOwnProperty(t) ? S[t] : null; + L.hasOwnProperty(t) && D(n === N.OVERRIDE_BASE), + e.hasOwnProperty(t) && + D(n === N.DEFINE_MANY || n === N.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED); + } + function a(e) { + var t = e._compositeLifeCycleState; + D(e.isMounted() || t === A.MOUNTING), + D(null == f.current), + D(t !== A.UNMOUNTING); + } + function i(e, t) { + if (t) { + D(!g.isValidFactory(t)), D(!h.isValidElement(t)); + var n = e.prototype; + t.hasOwnProperty(T) && k.mixins(e, t.mixins); + for (var r in t) + if (t.hasOwnProperty(r) && r !== T) { + var a = t[r]; + if ((o(n, r), k.hasOwnProperty(r))) k[r](e, a); + else { + var i = S.hasOwnProperty(r), + s = n.hasOwnProperty(r), + u = a && a.__reactDontBind, + p = "function" == typeof a, + d = p && !i && !s && !u; + if (d) + n.__reactAutoBindMap || (n.__reactAutoBindMap = {}), + (n.__reactAutoBindMap[r] = a), + (n[r] = a); + else if (s) { + var f = S[r]; + D( + i && (f === N.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED || f === N.DEFINE_MANY) + ), + f === N.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED + ? (n[r] = c(n[r], a)) + : f === N.DEFINE_MANY && (n[r] = l(n[r], a)); + } else n[r] = a; + } + } + } + } + function s(e, t) { + if (t) + for (var n in t) { + var r = t[n]; + if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { + var o = n in k; + D(!o); + var a = n in e; + D(!a), (e[n] = r); + } + } + } + function u(e, t) { + return ( + D(e && t && "object" == typeof e && "object" == typeof t), + _(t, function (t, n) { + D(void 0 === e[n]), (e[n] = t); + }), + e + ); + } + function c(e, t) { + return function () { + var n = e.apply(this, arguments), + r = t.apply(this, arguments); + return null == n ? r : null == r ? n : u(n, r); + }; + } + function l(e, t) { + return function () { + e.apply(this, arguments), t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + } + var p = e("./ReactComponent"), + d = e("./ReactContext"), + f = e("./ReactCurrentOwner"), + h = e("./ReactElement"), + m = (e("./ReactElementValidator"), e("./ReactEmptyComponent")), + v = e("./ReactErrorUtils"), + g = e("./ReactLegacyElement"), + y = e("./ReactOwner"), + E = e("./ReactPerf"), + C = e("./ReactPropTransferer"), + R = e("./ReactPropTypeLocations"), + M = (e("./ReactPropTypeLocationNames"), e("./ReactUpdates")), + b = e("./Object.assign"), + O = e("./instantiateReactComponent"), + D = e("./invariant"), + x = e("./keyMirror"), + P = e("./keyOf"), + _ = (e("./monitorCodeUse"), e("./mapObject")), + w = e("./shouldUpdateReactComponent"), + T = (e("./warning"), P({ mixins: null })), + N = x({ + DEFINE_ONCE: null, + DEFINE_MANY: null, + OVERRIDE_BASE: null, + DEFINE_MANY_MERGED: null, + }), + I = [], + S = { + mixins: N.DEFINE_MANY, + statics: N.DEFINE_MANY, + propTypes: N.DEFINE_MANY, + contextTypes: N.DEFINE_MANY, + childContextTypes: N.DEFINE_MANY, + getDefaultProps: N.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, + getInitialState: N.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, + getChildContext: N.DEFINE_MANY_MERGED, + render: N.DEFINE_ONCE, + componentWillMount: N.DEFINE_MANY, + componentDidMount: N.DEFINE_MANY, + componentWillReceiveProps: N.DEFINE_MANY, + shouldComponentUpdate: N.DEFINE_ONCE, + componentWillUpdate: N.DEFINE_MANY, + componentDidUpdate: N.DEFINE_MANY, + componentWillUnmount: N.DEFINE_MANY, + updateComponent: N.OVERRIDE_BASE, + }, + k = { + displayName: function (e, t) { + e.displayName = t; + }, + mixins: function (e, t) { + if (t) for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) i(e, t[n]); + }, + childContextTypes: function (e, t) { + r(e, t, R.childContext), + (e.childContextTypes = b({}, e.childContextTypes, t)); + }, + contextTypes: function (e, t) { + r(e, t, R.context), (e.contextTypes = b({}, e.contextTypes, t)); + }, + getDefaultProps: function (e, t) { + e.getDefaultProps = e.getDefaultProps + ? c(e.getDefaultProps, t) + : t; + }, + propTypes: function (e, t) { + r(e, t, R.prop), (e.propTypes = b({}, e.propTypes, t)); + }, + statics: function (e, t) { + s(e, t); + }, + }, + A = x({ MOUNTING: null, UNMOUNTING: null, RECEIVING_PROPS: null }), + L = { + construct: function () { + p.Mixin.construct.apply(this, arguments), + y.Mixin.construct.apply(this, arguments), + (this.state = null), + (this._pendingState = null), + (this.context = null), + (this._compositeLifeCycleState = null); + }, + isMounted: function () { + return ( + p.Mixin.isMounted.call(this) && + this._compositeLifeCycleState !== A.MOUNTING + ); + }, + mountComponent: E.measure( + "ReactCompositeComponent", + "mountComponent", + function (e, t, n) { + p.Mixin.mountComponent.call(this, e, t, n), + (this._compositeLifeCycleState = A.MOUNTING), + this.__reactAutoBindMap && this._bindAutoBindMethods(), + (this.context = this._processContext( + this._currentElement._context + )), + (this.props = this._processProps(this.props)), + (this.state = this.getInitialState + ? this.getInitialState() + : null), + D( + "object" == typeof this.state && + !Array.isArray(this.state) + ), + (this._pendingState = null), + (this._pendingForceUpdate = !1), + this.componentWillMount && + (this.componentWillMount(), + this._pendingState && + ((this.state = this._pendingState), + (this._pendingState = null))), + (this._renderedComponent = O( + this._renderValidatedComponent(), + this._currentElement.type + )), + (this._compositeLifeCycleState = null); + var r = this._renderedComponent.mountComponent(e, t, n + 1); + return ( + this.componentDidMount && + t + .getReactMountReady() + .enqueue(this.componentDidMount, this), + r + ); + } + ), + unmountComponent: function () { + (this._compositeLifeCycleState = A.UNMOUNTING), + this.componentWillUnmount && this.componentWillUnmount(), + (this._compositeLifeCycleState = null), + this._renderedComponent.unmountComponent(), + (this._renderedComponent = null), + p.Mixin.unmountComponent.call(this); + }, + setState: function (e, t) { + D("object" == typeof e || null == e), + this.replaceState( + b({}, this._pendingState || this.state, e), + t + ); + }, + replaceState: function (e, t) { + a(this), + (this._pendingState = e), + this._compositeLifeCycleState !== A.MOUNTING && + M.enqueueUpdate(this, t); + }, + _processContext: function (e) { + var t = null, + n = this.constructor.contextTypes; + if (n) { + t = {}; + for (var r in n) t[r] = e[r]; + } + return t; + }, + _processChildContext: function (e) { + var t = this.getChildContext && this.getChildContext(); + if ( + (this.constructor.displayName || "ReactCompositeComponent", t) + ) { + D("object" == typeof this.constructor.childContextTypes); + for (var n in t) D(n in this.constructor.childContextTypes); + return b({}, e, t); + } + return e; + }, + _processProps: function (e) { + return e; + }, + _checkPropTypes: function (e, t, r) { + var o = this.constructor.displayName; + for (var a in e) + if (e.hasOwnProperty(a)) { + var i = e[a](t, a, o, r); + i instanceof Error && n(this); + } + }, + performUpdateIfNecessary: function (e) { + var t = this._compositeLifeCycleState; + if ( + t !== A.MOUNTING && + t !== A.RECEIVING_PROPS && + (null != this._pendingElement || + null != this._pendingState || + this._pendingForceUpdate) + ) { + var n = this.context, + r = this.props, + o = this._currentElement; + null != this._pendingElement && + ((o = this._pendingElement), + (n = this._processContext(o._context)), + (r = this._processProps(o.props)), + (this._pendingElement = null), + (this._compositeLifeCycleState = A.RECEIVING_PROPS), + this.componentWillReceiveProps && + this.componentWillReceiveProps(r, n)), + (this._compositeLifeCycleState = null); + var a = this._pendingState || this.state; + this._pendingState = null; + var i = + this._pendingForceUpdate || + !this.shouldComponentUpdate || + this.shouldComponentUpdate(r, a, n); + i + ? ((this._pendingForceUpdate = !1), + this._performComponentUpdate(o, r, a, n, e)) + : ((this._currentElement = o), + (this.props = r), + (this.state = a), + (this.context = n), + (this._owner = o._owner)); + } + }, + _performComponentUpdate: function (e, t, n, r, o) { + var a = this._currentElement, + i = this.props, + s = this.state, + u = this.context; + this.componentWillUpdate && this.componentWillUpdate(t, n, r), + (this._currentElement = e), + (this.props = t), + (this.state = n), + (this.context = r), + (this._owner = e._owner), + this.updateComponent(o, a), + this.componentDidUpdate && + o + .getReactMountReady() + .enqueue( + this.componentDidUpdate.bind(this, i, s, u), + this + ); + }, + receiveComponent: function (e, t) { + (e !== this._currentElement || null == e._owner) && + p.Mixin.receiveComponent.call(this, e, t); + }, + updateComponent: E.measure( + "ReactCompositeComponent", + "updateComponent", + function (e, t) { + p.Mixin.updateComponent.call(this, e, t); + var n = this._renderedComponent, + r = n._currentElement, + o = this._renderValidatedComponent(); + if (w(r, o)) n.receiveComponent(o, e); + else { + var a = this._rootNodeID, + i = n._rootNodeID; + n.unmountComponent(), + (this._renderedComponent = O( + o, + this._currentElement.type + )); + var s = this._renderedComponent.mountComponent( + a, + e, + this._mountDepth + 1 + ); + p.BackendIDOperations.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID( + i, + s + ); + } + } + ), + forceUpdate: function (e) { + var t = this._compositeLifeCycleState; + D(this.isMounted() || t === A.MOUNTING), + D(t !== A.UNMOUNTING && null == f.current), + (this._pendingForceUpdate = !0), + M.enqueueUpdate(this, e); + }, + _renderValidatedComponent: E.measure( + "ReactCompositeComponent", + "_renderValidatedComponent", + function () { + var e, + t = d.current; + (d.current = this._processChildContext( + this._currentElement._context + )), + (f.current = this); + try { + (e = this.render()), + null === e || e === !1 + ? ((e = m.getEmptyComponent()), + m.registerNullComponentID(this._rootNodeID)) + : m.deregisterNullComponentID(this._rootNodeID); + } finally { + (d.current = t), (f.current = null); + } + return D(h.isValidElement(e)), e; + } + ), + _bindAutoBindMethods: function () { + for (var e in this.__reactAutoBindMap) + if (this.__reactAutoBindMap.hasOwnProperty(e)) { + var t = this.__reactAutoBindMap[e]; + this[e] = this._bindAutoBindMethod( + v.guard(t, this.constructor.displayName + "." + e) + ); + } + }, + _bindAutoBindMethod: function (e) { + var t = this, + n = e.bind(t); + return n; + }, + }, + U = function () {}; + b(U.prototype, p.Mixin, y.Mixin, C.Mixin, L); + var F = { + LifeCycle: A, + Base: U, + createClass: function (e) { + var t = function () {}; + (t.prototype = new U()), + (t.prototype.constructor = t), + I.forEach(i.bind(null, t)), + i(t, e), + t.getDefaultProps && (t.defaultProps = t.getDefaultProps()), + D(t.prototype.render); + for (var n in S) t.prototype[n] || (t.prototype[n] = null); + return g.wrapFactory(h.createFactory(t)); + }, + injection: { + injectMixin: function (e) { + I.push(e); + }, + }, + }; + t.exports = F; + }, + { + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactComponent": 32, + "./ReactContext": 35, + "./ReactCurrentOwner": 36, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactElementValidator": 51, + "./ReactEmptyComponent": 52, + "./ReactErrorUtils": 53, + "./ReactLegacyElement": 59, + "./ReactOwner": 65, + "./ReactPerf": 66, + "./ReactPropTransferer": 67, + "./ReactPropTypeLocationNames": 68, + "./ReactPropTypeLocations": 69, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + "./instantiateReactComponent": 123, + "./invariant": 124, + "./keyMirror": 130, + "./keyOf": 131, + "./mapObject": 132, + "./monitorCodeUse": 134, + "./shouldUpdateReactComponent": 138, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 35: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./Object.assign"), + r = { + current: {}, + withContext: function (e, t) { + var o, + a = r.current; + r.current = n({}, a, e); + try { + o = t(); + } finally { + r.current = a; + } + return o; + }, + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./Object.assign": 27 }, + ], + 36: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = { current: null }; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 37: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return o.markNonLegacyFactory(r.createFactory(e)); + } + var r = e("./ReactElement"), + o = (e("./ReactElementValidator"), e("./ReactLegacyElement")), + a = e("./mapObject"), + i = a( + { + a: "a", + abbr: "abbr", + address: "address", + area: "area", + article: "article", + aside: "aside", + audio: "audio", + b: "b", + base: "base", + bdi: "bdi", + bdo: "bdo", + big: "big", + blockquote: "blockquote", + body: "body", + br: "br", + button: "button", + canvas: "canvas", + caption: "caption", + cite: "cite", + code: "code", + col: "col", + colgroup: "colgroup", + data: "data", + datalist: "datalist", + dd: "dd", + del: "del", + details: "details", + dfn: "dfn", + dialog: "dialog", + div: "div", + dl: "dl", + dt: "dt", + em: "em", + embed: "embed", + fieldset: "fieldset", + figcaption: "figcaption", + figure: "figure", + footer: "footer", + form: "form", + h1: "h1", + h2: "h2", + h3: "h3", + h4: "h4", + h5: "h5", + h6: "h6", + head: "head", + header: "header", + hr: "hr", + html: "html", + i: "i", + iframe: "iframe", + img: "img", + input: "input", + ins: "ins", + kbd: "kbd", + keygen: "keygen", + label: "label", + legend: "legend", + li: "li", + link: "link", + main: "main", + map: "map", + mark: "mark", + menu: "menu", + menuitem: "menuitem", + meta: "meta", + meter: "meter", + nav: "nav", + noscript: "noscript", + object: "object", + ol: "ol", + optgroup: "optgroup", + option: "option", + output: "output", + p: "p", + param: "param", + picture: "picture", + pre: "pre", + progress: "progress", + q: "q", + rp: "rp", + rt: "rt", + ruby: "ruby", + s: "s", + samp: "samp", + script: "script", + section: "section", + select: "select", + small: "small", + source: "source", + span: "span", + strong: "strong", + style: "style", + sub: "sub", + summary: "summary", + sup: "sup", + table: "table", + tbody: "tbody", + td: "td", + textarea: "textarea", + tfoot: "tfoot", + th: "th", + thead: "thead", + time: "time", + title: "title", + tr: "tr", + track: "track", + u: "u", + ul: "ul", + var: "var", + video: "video", + wbr: "wbr", + circle: "circle", + defs: "defs", + ellipse: "ellipse", + g: "g", + line: "line", + linearGradient: "linearGradient", + mask: "mask", + path: "path", + pattern: "pattern", + polygon: "polygon", + polyline: "polyline", + radialGradient: "radialGradient", + rect: "rect", + stop: "stop", + svg: "svg", + text: "text", + tspan: "tspan", + }, + n + ); + t.exports = i; + }, + { + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactElementValidator": 51, + "./ReactLegacyElement": 59, + "./mapObject": 132, + }, + ], + 38: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./AutoFocusMixin"), + r = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + o = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + a = e("./ReactElement"), + i = e("./ReactDOM"), + s = e("./keyMirror"), + u = a.createFactory(i.button.type), + c = s({ + onClick: !0, + onDoubleClick: !0, + onMouseDown: !0, + onMouseMove: !0, + onMouseUp: !0, + onClickCapture: !0, + onDoubleClickCapture: !0, + onMouseDownCapture: !0, + onMouseMoveCapture: !0, + onMouseUpCapture: !0, + }), + l = o.createClass({ + displayName: "ReactDOMButton", + mixins: [n, r], + render: function () { + var e = {}; + for (var t in this.props) + !this.props.hasOwnProperty(t) || + (this.props.disabled && c[t]) || + (e[t] = this.props[t]); + return u(e, this.props.children); + }, + }); + t.exports = l; + }, + { + "./AutoFocusMixin": 2, + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactDOM": 37, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./keyMirror": 130, + }, + ], + 39: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + e && + (g(null == e.children || null == e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML), + g(null == e.style || "object" == typeof e.style)); + } + function r(e, t, n, r) { + var o = d.findReactContainerForID(e); + if (o) { + var a = o.nodeType === O ? o.ownerDocument : o; + C(t, a); + } + r.getPutListenerQueue().enqueuePutListener(e, t, n); + } + function o(e) { + _.call(P, e) || (g(x.test(e)), (P[e] = !0)); + } + function a(e) { + o(e), (this._tag = e), (this.tagName = e.toUpperCase()); + } + var i = e("./CSSPropertyOperations"), + s = e("./DOMProperty"), + u = e("./DOMPropertyOperations"), + c = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + l = e("./ReactComponent"), + p = e("./ReactBrowserEventEmitter"), + d = e("./ReactMount"), + f = e("./ReactMultiChild"), + h = e("./ReactPerf"), + m = e("./Object.assign"), + v = e("./escapeTextForBrowser"), + g = e("./invariant"), + y = (e("./isEventSupported"), e("./keyOf")), + E = (e("./monitorCodeUse"), p.deleteListener), + C = p.listenTo, + R = p.registrationNameModules, + M = { string: !0, number: !0 }, + b = y({ style: null }), + O = 1, + D = { + area: !0, + base: !0, + br: !0, + col: !0, + embed: !0, + hr: !0, + img: !0, + input: !0, + keygen: !0, + link: !0, + meta: !0, + param: !0, + source: !0, + track: !0, + wbr: !0, + }, + x = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z:_\.\-\d]*$/, + P = {}, + _ = {}.hasOwnProperty; + (a.displayName = "ReactDOMComponent"), + (a.Mixin = { + mountComponent: h.measure( + "ReactDOMComponent", + "mountComponent", + function (e, t, r) { + l.Mixin.mountComponent.call(this, e, t, r), n(this.props); + var o = D[this._tag] ? "" : ""; + return ( + this._createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners(t) + + this._createContentMarkup(t) + + o + ); + } + ), + _createOpenTagMarkupAndPutListeners: function (e) { + var t = this.props, + n = "<" + this._tag; + for (var o in t) + if (t.hasOwnProperty(o)) { + var a = t[o]; + if (null != a) + if (R.hasOwnProperty(o)) r(this._rootNodeID, o, a, e); + else { + o === b && + (a && (a = t.style = m({}, t.style)), + (a = i.createMarkupForStyles(a))); + var s = u.createMarkupForProperty(o, a); + s && (n += " " + s); + } + } + if (e.renderToStaticMarkup) return n + ">"; + var c = u.createMarkupForID(this._rootNodeID); + return n + " " + c + ">"; + }, + _createContentMarkup: function (e) { + var t = this.props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML; + if (null != t) { + if (null != t.__html) return t.__html; + } else { + var n = M[typeof this.props.children] + ? this.props.children + : null, + r = null != n ? null : this.props.children; + if (null != n) return v(n); + if (null != r) { + var o = this.mountChildren(r, e); + return o.join(""); + } + } + return ""; + }, + receiveComponent: function (e, t) { + (e !== this._currentElement || null == e._owner) && + l.Mixin.receiveComponent.call(this, e, t); + }, + updateComponent: h.measure( + "ReactDOMComponent", + "updateComponent", + function (e, t) { + n(this._currentElement.props), + l.Mixin.updateComponent.call(this, e, t), + this._updateDOMProperties(t.props, e), + this._updateDOMChildren(t.props, e); + } + ), + _updateDOMProperties: function (e, t) { + var n, + o, + a, + i = this.props; + for (n in e) + if (!i.hasOwnProperty(n) && e.hasOwnProperty(n)) + if (n === b) { + var u = e[n]; + for (o in u) + u.hasOwnProperty(o) && ((a = a || {}), (a[o] = "")); + } else + R.hasOwnProperty(n) + ? E(this._rootNodeID, n) + : (s.isStandardName[n] || s.isCustomAttribute(n)) && + l.BackendIDOperations.deletePropertyByID( + this._rootNodeID, + n + ); + for (n in i) { + var c = i[n], + p = e[n]; + if (i.hasOwnProperty(n) && c !== p) + if (n === b) + if ((c && (c = i.style = m({}, c)), p)) { + for (o in p) + !p.hasOwnProperty(o) || + (c && c.hasOwnProperty(o)) || + ((a = a || {}), (a[o] = "")); + for (o in c) + c.hasOwnProperty(o) && + p[o] !== c[o] && + ((a = a || {}), (a[o] = c[o])); + } else a = c; + else + R.hasOwnProperty(n) + ? r(this._rootNodeID, n, c, t) + : (s.isStandardName[n] || s.isCustomAttribute(n)) && + l.BackendIDOperations.updatePropertyByID( + this._rootNodeID, + n, + c + ); + } + a && + l.BackendIDOperations.updateStylesByID(this._rootNodeID, a); + }, + _updateDOMChildren: function (e, t) { + var n = this.props, + r = M[typeof e.children] ? e.children : null, + o = M[typeof n.children] ? n.children : null, + a = + e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && + e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html, + i = + n.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && + n.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html, + s = null != r ? null : e.children, + u = null != o ? null : n.children, + c = null != r || null != a, + p = null != o || null != i; + null != s && null == u + ? this.updateChildren(null, t) + : c && !p && this.updateTextContent(""), + null != o + ? r !== o && this.updateTextContent("" + o) + : null != i + ? a !== i && + l.BackendIDOperations.updateInnerHTMLByID( + this._rootNodeID, + i + ) + : null != u && this.updateChildren(u, t); + }, + unmountComponent: function () { + this.unmountChildren(), + p.deleteAllListeners(this._rootNodeID), + l.Mixin.unmountComponent.call(this); + }, + }), + m(a.prototype, l.Mixin, a.Mixin, f.Mixin, c), + (t.exports = a); + }, + { + "./CSSPropertyOperations": 5, + "./DOMProperty": 11, + "./DOMPropertyOperations": 12, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactBrowserEventEmitter": 30, + "./ReactComponent": 32, + "./ReactMount": 61, + "./ReactMultiChild": 62, + "./ReactPerf": 66, + "./escapeTextForBrowser": 107, + "./invariant": 124, + "./isEventSupported": 125, + "./keyOf": 131, + "./monitorCodeUse": 134, + }, + ], + 40: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./EventConstants"), + r = e("./LocalEventTrapMixin"), + o = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + a = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + i = e("./ReactElement"), + s = e("./ReactDOM"), + u = i.createFactory(s.form.type), + c = a.createClass({ + displayName: "ReactDOMForm", + mixins: [o, r], + render: function () { + return u(this.props); + }, + componentDidMount: function () { + this.trapBubbledEvent(n.topLevelTypes.topReset, "reset"), + this.trapBubbledEvent(n.topLevelTypes.topSubmit, "submit"); + }, + }); + t.exports = c; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./LocalEventTrapMixin": 25, + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactDOM": 37, + "./ReactElement": 50, + }, + ], + 41: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./CSSPropertyOperations"), + r = e("./DOMChildrenOperations"), + o = e("./DOMPropertyOperations"), + a = e("./ReactMount"), + i = e("./ReactPerf"), + s = e("./invariant"), + u = e("./setInnerHTML"), + c = { + dangerouslySetInnerHTML: + "`dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be set using `updateInnerHTMLByID()`.", + style: "`style` must be set using `updateStylesByID()`.", + }, + l = { + updatePropertyByID: i.measure( + "ReactDOMIDOperations", + "updatePropertyByID", + function (e, t, n) { + var r = a.getNode(e); + s(!c.hasOwnProperty(t)), + null != n + ? o.setValueForProperty(r, t, n) + : o.deleteValueForProperty(r, t); + } + ), + deletePropertyByID: i.measure( + "ReactDOMIDOperations", + "deletePropertyByID", + function (e, t, n) { + var r = a.getNode(e); + s(!c.hasOwnProperty(t)), o.deleteValueForProperty(r, t, n); + } + ), + updateStylesByID: i.measure( + "ReactDOMIDOperations", + "updateStylesByID", + function (e, t) { + var r = a.getNode(e); + n.setValueForStyles(r, t); + } + ), + updateInnerHTMLByID: i.measure( + "ReactDOMIDOperations", + "updateInnerHTMLByID", + function (e, t) { + var n = a.getNode(e); + u(n, t); + } + ), + updateTextContentByID: i.measure( + "ReactDOMIDOperations", + "updateTextContentByID", + function (e, t) { + var n = a.getNode(e); + r.updateTextContent(n, t); + } + ), + dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID: i.measure( + "ReactDOMIDOperations", + "dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkupByID", + function (e, t) { + var n = a.getNode(e); + r.dangerouslyReplaceNodeWithMarkup(n, t); + } + ), + dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates: i.measure( + "ReactDOMIDOperations", + "dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates", + function (e, t) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) + e[n].parentNode = a.getNode(e[n].parentID); + r.processUpdates(e, t); + } + ), + }; + t.exports = l; + }, + { + "./CSSPropertyOperations": 5, + "./DOMChildrenOperations": 10, + "./DOMPropertyOperations": 12, + "./ReactMount": 61, + "./ReactPerf": 66, + "./invariant": 124, + "./setInnerHTML": 136, + }, + ], + 42: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./EventConstants"), + r = e("./LocalEventTrapMixin"), + o = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + a = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + i = e("./ReactElement"), + s = e("./ReactDOM"), + u = i.createFactory(s.img.type), + c = a.createClass({ + displayName: "ReactDOMImg", + tagName: "IMG", + mixins: [o, r], + render: function () { + return u(this.props); + }, + componentDidMount: function () { + this.trapBubbledEvent(n.topLevelTypes.topLoad, "load"), + this.trapBubbledEvent(n.topLevelTypes.topError, "error"); + }, + }); + t.exports = c; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./LocalEventTrapMixin": 25, + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactDOM": 37, + "./ReactElement": 50, + }, + ], + 43: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + this.isMounted() && this.forceUpdate(); + } + var r = e("./AutoFocusMixin"), + o = e("./DOMPropertyOperations"), + a = e("./LinkedValueUtils"), + i = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + s = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + u = e("./ReactElement"), + c = e("./ReactDOM"), + l = e("./ReactMount"), + p = e("./ReactUpdates"), + d = e("./Object.assign"), + f = e("./invariant"), + h = u.createFactory(c.input.type), + m = {}, + v = s.createClass({ + displayName: "ReactDOMInput", + mixins: [r, a.Mixin, i], + getInitialState: function () { + var e = this.props.defaultValue; + return { + initialChecked: this.props.defaultChecked || !1, + initialValue: null != e ? e : null, + }; + }, + render: function () { + var e = d({}, this.props); + (e.defaultChecked = null), (e.defaultValue = null); + var t = a.getValue(this); + e.value = null != t ? t : this.state.initialValue; + var n = a.getChecked(this); + return ( + (e.checked = null != n ? n : this.state.initialChecked), + (e.onChange = this._handleChange), + h(e, this.props.children) + ); + }, + componentDidMount: function () { + var e = l.getID(this.getDOMNode()); + m[e] = this; + }, + componentWillUnmount: function () { + var e = this.getDOMNode(), + t = l.getID(e); + delete m[t]; + }, + componentDidUpdate: function () { + var e = this.getDOMNode(); + null != this.props.checked && + o.setValueForProperty(e, "checked", this.props.checked || !1); + var t = a.getValue(this); + null != t && o.setValueForProperty(e, "value", "" + t); + }, + _handleChange: function (e) { + var t, + r = a.getOnChange(this); + r && (t = r.call(this, e)), p.asap(n, this); + var o = this.props.name; + if ("radio" === this.props.type && null != o) { + for (var i = this.getDOMNode(), s = i; s.parentNode; ) + s = s.parentNode; + for ( + var u = s.querySelectorAll( + "input[name=" + + JSON.stringify("" + o) + + '][type="radio"]' + ), + c = 0, + d = u.length; + d > c; + c++ + ) { + var h = u[c]; + if (h !== i && h.form === i.form) { + var v = l.getID(h); + f(v); + var g = m[v]; + f(g), p.asap(n, g); + } + } + } + return t; + }, + }); + t.exports = v; + }, + { + "./AutoFocusMixin": 2, + "./DOMPropertyOperations": 12, + "./LinkedValueUtils": 24, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactDOM": 37, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactMount": 61, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 44: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + r = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + o = e("./ReactElement"), + a = e("./ReactDOM"), + i = (e("./warning"), o.createFactory(a.option.type)), + s = r.createClass({ + displayName: "ReactDOMOption", + mixins: [n], + componentWillMount: function () {}, + render: function () { + return i(this.props, this.props.children); + }, + }); + t.exports = s; + }, + { + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactDOM": 37, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 45: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + this.isMounted() && + (this.setState({ value: this._pendingValue }), + (this._pendingValue = 0)); + } + function r(e, t) { + if (null != e[t]) + if (e.multiple) { + if (!Array.isArray(e[t])) + return new Error( + "The `" + + t + + "` prop supplied to must be a scalar value if `multiple` is false." + ); + } + function o(e, t) { + var n, + r, + o, + a = e.props.multiple, + i = null != t ? t : e.state.value, + s = e.getDOMNode().options; + if (a) + for (n = {}, r = 0, o = i.length; o > r; ++r) n["" + i[r]] = !0; + else n = "" + i; + for (r = 0, o = s.length; o > r; r++) { + var u = a ? n.hasOwnProperty(s[r].value) : s[r].value === n; + u !== s[r].selected && (s[r].selected = u); + } + } + var a = e("./AutoFocusMixin"), + i = e("./LinkedValueUtils"), + s = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + u = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + c = e("./ReactElement"), + l = e("./ReactDOM"), + p = e("./ReactUpdates"), + d = e("./Object.assign"), + f = c.createFactory(l.select.type), + h = u.createClass({ + displayName: "ReactDOMSelect", + mixins: [a, i.Mixin, s], + propTypes: { defaultValue: r, value: r }, + getInitialState: function () { + return { + value: + this.props.defaultValue || (this.props.multiple ? [] : ""), + }; + }, + componentWillMount: function () { + this._pendingValue = null; + }, + componentWillReceiveProps: function (e) { + !this.props.multiple && e.multiple + ? this.setState({ value: [this.state.value] }) + : this.props.multiple && + !e.multiple && + this.setState({ value: this.state.value[0] }); + }, + render: function () { + var e = d({}, this.props); + return ( + (e.onChange = this._handleChange), + (e.value = null), + f(e, this.props.children) + ); + }, + componentDidMount: function () { + o(this, i.getValue(this)); + }, + componentDidUpdate: function (e) { + var t = i.getValue(this), + n = !!e.multiple, + r = !!this.props.multiple; + (null != t || n !== r) && o(this, t); + }, + _handleChange: function (e) { + var t, + r = i.getOnChange(this); + r && (t = r.call(this, e)); + var o; + if (this.props.multiple) { + o = []; + for ( + var a = e.target.options, s = 0, u = a.length; + u > s; + s++ + ) + a[s].selected && o.push(a[s].value); + } else o = e.target.value; + return (this._pendingValue = o), p.asap(n, this), t; + }, + }); + t.exports = h; + }, + { + "./AutoFocusMixin": 2, + "./LinkedValueUtils": 24, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactDOM": 37, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + }, + ], + 46: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n, r) { + return e === n && t === r; + } + function r(e) { + var t = document.selection, + n = t.createRange(), + r = n.text.length, + o = n.duplicate(); + o.moveToElementText(e), o.setEndPoint("EndToStart", n); + var a = o.text.length, + i = a + r; + return { start: a, end: i }; + } + function o(e) { + var t = window.getSelection && window.getSelection(); + if (!t || 0 === t.rangeCount) return null; + var r = t.anchorNode, + o = t.anchorOffset, + a = t.focusNode, + i = t.focusOffset, + s = t.getRangeAt(0), + u = n(t.anchorNode, t.anchorOffset, t.focusNode, t.focusOffset), + c = u ? 0 : s.toString().length, + l = s.cloneRange(); + l.selectNodeContents(e), l.setEnd(s.startContainer, s.startOffset); + var p = n( + l.startContainer, + l.startOffset, + l.endContainer, + l.endOffset + ), + d = p ? 0 : l.toString().length, + f = d + c, + h = document.createRange(); + h.setStart(r, o), h.setEnd(a, i); + var m = h.collapsed; + return { start: m ? f : d, end: m ? d : f }; + } + function a(e, t) { + var n, + r, + o = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); + "undefined" == typeof t.end + ? ((n = t.start), (r = n)) + : t.start > t.end + ? ((n = t.end), (r = t.start)) + : ((n = t.start), (r = t.end)), + o.moveToElementText(e), + o.moveStart("character", n), + o.setEndPoint("EndToStart", o), + o.moveEnd("character", r - n), + o.select(); + } + function i(e, t) { + if (window.getSelection) { + var n = window.getSelection(), + r = e[c()].length, + o = Math.min(t.start, r), + a = "undefined" == typeof t.end ? o : Math.min(t.end, r); + if (!n.extend && o > a) { + var i = a; + (a = o), (o = i); + } + var s = u(e, o), + l = u(e, a); + if (s && l) { + var p = document.createRange(); + p.setStart(s.node, s.offset), + n.removeAllRanges(), + o > a + ? (n.addRange(p), n.extend(l.node, l.offset)) + : (p.setEnd(l.node, l.offset), n.addRange(p)); + } + } + } + var s = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + u = e("./getNodeForCharacterOffset"), + c = e("./getTextContentAccessor"), + l = s.canUseDOM && document.selection, + p = { getOffsets: l ? r : o, setOffsets: l ? a : i }; + t.exports = p; + }, + { + "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22, + "./getNodeForCharacterOffset": 117, + "./getTextContentAccessor": 119, + }, + ], + 47: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + this.isMounted() && this.forceUpdate(); + } + var r = e("./AutoFocusMixin"), + o = e("./DOMPropertyOperations"), + a = e("./LinkedValueUtils"), + i = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + s = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + u = e("./ReactElement"), + c = e("./ReactDOM"), + l = e("./ReactUpdates"), + p = e("./Object.assign"), + d = e("./invariant"), + f = (e("./warning"), u.createFactory(c.textarea.type)), + h = s.createClass({ + displayName: "ReactDOMTextarea", + mixins: [r, a.Mixin, i], + getInitialState: function () { + var e = this.props.defaultValue, + t = this.props.children; + null != t && + (d(null == e), + Array.isArray(t) && (d(t.length <= 1), (t = t[0])), + (e = "" + t)), + null == e && (e = ""); + var n = a.getValue(this); + return { initialValue: "" + (null != n ? n : e) }; + }, + render: function () { + var e = p({}, this.props); + return ( + d(null == e.dangerouslySetInnerHTML), + (e.defaultValue = null), + (e.value = null), + (e.onChange = this._handleChange), + f(e, this.state.initialValue) + ); + }, + componentDidUpdate: function () { + var e = a.getValue(this); + if (null != e) { + var t = this.getDOMNode(); + o.setValueForProperty(t, "value", "" + e); + } + }, + _handleChange: function (e) { + var t, + r = a.getOnChange(this); + return r && (t = r.call(this, e)), l.asap(n, this), t; + }, + }); + t.exports = h; + }, + { + "./AutoFocusMixin": 2, + "./DOMPropertyOperations": 12, + "./LinkedValueUtils": 24, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactDOM": 37, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + "./invariant": 124, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 48: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + this.reinitializeTransaction(); + } + var r = e("./ReactUpdates"), + o = e("./Transaction"), + a = e("./Object.assign"), + i = e("./emptyFunction"), + s = { + initialize: i, + close: function () { + p.isBatchingUpdates = !1; + }, + }, + u = { initialize: i, close: r.flushBatchedUpdates.bind(r) }, + c = [u, s]; + a(n.prototype, o.Mixin, { + getTransactionWrappers: function () { + return c; + }, + }); + var l = new n(), + p = { + isBatchingUpdates: !1, + batchedUpdates: function (e, t, n) { + var r = p.isBatchingUpdates; + (p.isBatchingUpdates = !0), + r ? e(t, n) : l.perform(e, null, t, n); + }, + }; + t.exports = p; + }, + { + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + "./Transaction": 93, + "./emptyFunction": 105, + }, + ], + 49: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + O.EventEmitter.injectReactEventListener(b), + O.EventPluginHub.injectEventPluginOrder(s), + O.EventPluginHub.injectInstanceHandle(D), + O.EventPluginHub.injectMount(x), + O.EventPluginHub.injectEventPluginsByName({ + SimpleEventPlugin: w, + EnterLeaveEventPlugin: u, + ChangeEventPlugin: o, + CompositionEventPlugin: i, + MobileSafariClickEventPlugin: p, + SelectEventPlugin: P, + BeforeInputEventPlugin: r, + }), + O.NativeComponent.injectGenericComponentClass(m), + O.NativeComponent.injectComponentClasses({ + button: v, + form: g, + img: y, + input: E, + option: C, + select: R, + textarea: M, + html: N("html"), + head: N("head"), + body: N("body"), + }), + O.CompositeComponent.injectMixin(d), + O.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(l), + O.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(T), + O.EmptyComponent.injectEmptyComponent("noscript"), + O.Updates.injectReconcileTransaction(f.ReactReconcileTransaction), + O.Updates.injectBatchingStrategy(h), + O.RootIndex.injectCreateReactRootIndex( + c.canUseDOM ? a.createReactRootIndex : _.createReactRootIndex + ), + O.Component.injectEnvironment(f); + } + var r = e("./BeforeInputEventPlugin"), + o = e("./ChangeEventPlugin"), + a = e("./ClientReactRootIndex"), + i = e("./CompositionEventPlugin"), + s = e("./DefaultEventPluginOrder"), + u = e("./EnterLeaveEventPlugin"), + c = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + l = e("./HTMLDOMPropertyConfig"), + p = e("./MobileSafariClickEventPlugin"), + d = e("./ReactBrowserComponentMixin"), + f = e("./ReactComponentBrowserEnvironment"), + h = e("./ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy"), + m = e("./ReactDOMComponent"), + v = e("./ReactDOMButton"), + g = e("./ReactDOMForm"), + y = e("./ReactDOMImg"), + E = e("./ReactDOMInput"), + C = e("./ReactDOMOption"), + R = e("./ReactDOMSelect"), + M = e("./ReactDOMTextarea"), + b = e("./ReactEventListener"), + O = e("./ReactInjection"), + D = e("./ReactInstanceHandles"), + x = e("./ReactMount"), + P = e("./SelectEventPlugin"), + _ = e("./ServerReactRootIndex"), + w = e("./SimpleEventPlugin"), + T = e("./SVGDOMPropertyConfig"), + N = e("./createFullPageComponent"); + t.exports = { inject: n }; + }, + { + "./BeforeInputEventPlugin": 3, + "./ChangeEventPlugin": 7, + "./ClientReactRootIndex": 8, + "./CompositionEventPlugin": 9, + "./DefaultEventPluginOrder": 14, + "./EnterLeaveEventPlugin": 15, + "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22, + "./HTMLDOMPropertyConfig": 23, + "./MobileSafariClickEventPlugin": 26, + "./ReactBrowserComponentMixin": 29, + "./ReactComponentBrowserEnvironment": 33, + "./ReactDOMButton": 38, + "./ReactDOMComponent": 39, + "./ReactDOMForm": 40, + "./ReactDOMImg": 42, + "./ReactDOMInput": 43, + "./ReactDOMOption": 44, + "./ReactDOMSelect": 45, + "./ReactDOMTextarea": 47, + "./ReactDefaultBatchingStrategy": 48, + "./ReactEventListener": 55, + "./ReactInjection": 56, + "./ReactInstanceHandles": 58, + "./ReactMount": 61, + "./SVGDOMPropertyConfig": 78, + "./SelectEventPlugin": 79, + "./ServerReactRootIndex": 80, + "./SimpleEventPlugin": 81, + "./createFullPageComponent": 101, + }, + ], + 50: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./ReactContext"), + r = e("./ReactCurrentOwner"), + o = (e("./warning"), { key: !0, ref: !0 }), + a = function (e, t, n, r, o, a) { + (this.type = e), + (this.key = t), + (this.ref = n), + (this._owner = r), + (this._context = o), + (this.props = a); + }; + (a.prototype = { _isReactElement: !0 }), + (a.createElement = function (e, t, i) { + var s, + u = {}, + c = null, + l = null; + if (null != t) { + (l = void 0 === t.ref ? null : t.ref), + (c = null == t.key ? null : "" + t.key); + for (s in t) + t.hasOwnProperty(s) && !o.hasOwnProperty(s) && (u[s] = t[s]); + } + var p = arguments.length - 2; + if (1 === p) u.children = i; + else if (p > 1) { + for (var d = Array(p), f = 0; p > f; f++) + d[f] = arguments[f + 2]; + u.children = d; + } + if (e && e.defaultProps) { + var h = e.defaultProps; + for (s in h) "undefined" == typeof u[s] && (u[s] = h[s]); + } + return new a(e, c, l, r.current, n.current, u); + }), + (a.createFactory = function (e) { + var t = a.createElement.bind(null, e); + return (t.type = e), t; + }), + (a.cloneAndReplaceProps = function (e, t) { + var n = new a(e.type, e.key, e.ref, e._owner, e._context, t); + return n; + }), + (a.isValidElement = function (e) { + var t = !(!e || !e._isReactElement); + return t; + }), + (t.exports = a); + }, + { "./ReactContext": 35, "./ReactCurrentOwner": 36, "./warning": 141 }, + ], + 51: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + var e = p.current; + return (e && e.constructor.displayName) || void 0; + } + function r(e, t) { + e._store.validated || + null != e.key || + ((e._store.validated = !0), + a( + "react_key_warning", + 'Each child in an array should have a unique "key" prop.', + e, + t + )); + } + function o(e, t, n) { + v.test(e) && + a( + "react_numeric_key_warning", + "Child objects should have non-numeric keys so ordering is preserved.", + t, + n + ); + } + function a(e, t, r, o) { + var a = n(), + i = o.displayName, + s = a || i, + u = f[e]; + if (!u.hasOwnProperty(s)) { + (u[s] = !0), + (t += a + ? " Check the render method of " + a + "." + : " Check the renderComponent call using <" + i + ">."); + var c = null; + r._owner && + r._owner !== p.current && + ((c = r._owner.constructor.displayName), + (t += " It was passed a child from " + c + ".")), + (t += + " See http://fb.me/react-warning-keys for more information."), + d(e, { component: s, componentOwner: c }), + console.warn(t); + } + } + function i() { + var e = n() || ""; + h.hasOwnProperty(e) || + ((h[e] = !0), d("react_object_map_children")); + } + function s(e, t) { + if (Array.isArray(e)) + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + var a = e[n]; + c.isValidElement(a) && r(a, t); + } + else if (c.isValidElement(e)) e._store.validated = !0; + else if (e && "object" == typeof e) { + i(); + for (var s in e) o(s, e[s], t); + } + } + function u(e, t, n, r) { + for (var o in t) + if (t.hasOwnProperty(o)) { + var a; + try { + a = t[o](n, o, e, r); + } catch (i) { + a = i; + } + a instanceof Error && + !(a.message in m) && + ((m[a.message] = !0), + d("react_failed_descriptor_type_check", { + message: a.message, + })); + } + } + var c = e("./ReactElement"), + l = e("./ReactPropTypeLocations"), + p = e("./ReactCurrentOwner"), + d = e("./monitorCodeUse"), + f = + (e("./warning"), + { react_key_warning: {}, react_numeric_key_warning: {} }), + h = {}, + m = {}, + v = /^\d+$/, + g = { + createElement: function (e) { + var t = c.createElement.apply(this, arguments); + if (null == t) return t; + for (var n = 2; n < arguments.length; n++) s(arguments[n], e); + if (e) { + var r = e.displayName; + e.propTypes && u(r, e.propTypes, t.props, l.prop), + e.contextTypes && + u(r, e.contextTypes, t._context, l.context); + } + return t; + }, + createFactory: function (e) { + var t = g.createElement.bind(null, e); + return (t.type = e), t; + }, + }; + t.exports = g; + }, + { + "./ReactCurrentOwner": 36, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactPropTypeLocations": 69, + "./monitorCodeUse": 134, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 52: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + return u(i), i(); + } + function r(e) { + c[e] = !0; + } + function o(e) { + delete c[e]; + } + function a(e) { + return c[e]; + } + var i, + s = e("./ReactElement"), + u = e("./invariant"), + c = {}, + l = { + injectEmptyComponent: function (e) { + i = s.createFactory(e); + }, + }, + p = { + deregisterNullComponentID: o, + getEmptyComponent: n, + injection: l, + isNullComponentID: a, + registerNullComponentID: r, + }; + t.exports = p; + }, + { "./ReactElement": 50, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 53: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = { + guard: function (e) { + return e; + }, + }; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 54: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + r.enqueueEvents(e), r.processEventQueue(); + } + var r = e("./EventPluginHub"), + o = { + handleTopLevel: function (e, t, o, a) { + var i = r.extractEvents(e, t, o, a); + n(i); + }, + }; + t.exports = o; + }, + { "./EventPluginHub": 18 }, + ], + 55: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + var t = l.getID(e), + n = c.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t), + r = l.findReactContainerForID(n), + o = l.getFirstReactDOM(r); + return o; + } + function r(e, t) { + (this.topLevelType = e), + (this.nativeEvent = t), + (this.ancestors = []); + } + function o(e) { + for ( + var t = l.getFirstReactDOM(f(e.nativeEvent)) || window, r = t; + r; + + ) + e.ancestors.push(r), (r = n(r)); + for (var o = 0, a = e.ancestors.length; a > o; o++) { + t = e.ancestors[o]; + var i = l.getID(t) || ""; + m._handleTopLevel(e.topLevelType, t, i, e.nativeEvent); + } + } + function a(e) { + var t = h(window); + e(t); + } + var i = e("./EventListener"), + s = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + u = e("./PooledClass"), + c = e("./ReactInstanceHandles"), + l = e("./ReactMount"), + p = e("./ReactUpdates"), + d = e("./Object.assign"), + f = e("./getEventTarget"), + h = e("./getUnboundedScrollPosition"); + d(r.prototype, { + destructor: function () { + (this.topLevelType = null), + (this.nativeEvent = null), + (this.ancestors.length = 0); + }, + }), + u.addPoolingTo(r, u.twoArgumentPooler); + var m = { + _enabled: !0, + _handleTopLevel: null, + WINDOW_HANDLE: s.canUseDOM ? window : null, + setHandleTopLevel: function (e) { + m._handleTopLevel = e; + }, + setEnabled: function (e) { + m._enabled = !!e; + }, + isEnabled: function () { + return m._enabled; + }, + trapBubbledEvent: function (e, t, n) { + var r = n; + return r ? i.listen(r, t, m.dispatchEvent.bind(null, e)) : void 0; + }, + trapCapturedEvent: function (e, t, n) { + var r = n; + return r + ? i.capture(r, t, m.dispatchEvent.bind(null, e)) + : void 0; + }, + monitorScrollValue: function (e) { + var t = a.bind(null, e); + i.listen(window, "scroll", t), i.listen(window, "resize", t); + }, + dispatchEvent: function (e, t) { + if (m._enabled) { + var n = r.getPooled(e, t); + try { + p.batchedUpdates(o, n); + } finally { + r.release(n); + } + } + }, + }; + t.exports = m; + }, + { + "./EventListener": 17, + "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./PooledClass": 28, + "./ReactInstanceHandles": 58, + "./ReactMount": 61, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + "./getEventTarget": 115, + "./getUnboundedScrollPosition": 120, + }, + ], + 56: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./DOMProperty"), + r = e("./EventPluginHub"), + o = e("./ReactComponent"), + a = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + i = e("./ReactEmptyComponent"), + s = e("./ReactBrowserEventEmitter"), + u = e("./ReactNativeComponent"), + c = e("./ReactPerf"), + l = e("./ReactRootIndex"), + p = e("./ReactUpdates"), + d = { + Component: o.injection, + CompositeComponent: a.injection, + DOMProperty: n.injection, + EmptyComponent: i.injection, + EventPluginHub: r.injection, + EventEmitter: s.injection, + NativeComponent: u.injection, + Perf: c.injection, + RootIndex: l.injection, + Updates: p.injection, + }; + t.exports = d; + }, + { + "./DOMProperty": 11, + "./EventPluginHub": 18, + "./ReactBrowserEventEmitter": 30, + "./ReactComponent": 32, + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactEmptyComponent": 52, + "./ReactNativeComponent": 64, + "./ReactPerf": 66, + "./ReactRootIndex": 73, + "./ReactUpdates": 77, + }, + ], + 57: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return o(document.documentElement, e); + } + var r = e("./ReactDOMSelection"), + o = e("./containsNode"), + a = e("./focusNode"), + i = e("./getActiveElement"), + s = { + hasSelectionCapabilities: function (e) { + return ( + e && + (("INPUT" === e.nodeName && "text" === e.type) || + "TEXTAREA" === e.nodeName || + "true" === e.contentEditable) + ); + }, + getSelectionInformation: function () { + var e = i(); + return { + focusedElem: e, + selectionRange: s.hasSelectionCapabilities(e) + ? s.getSelection(e) + : null, + }; + }, + restoreSelection: function (e) { + var t = i(), + r = e.focusedElem, + o = e.selectionRange; + t !== r && + n(r) && + (s.hasSelectionCapabilities(r) && s.setSelection(r, o), a(r)); + }, + getSelection: function (e) { + var t; + if ("selectionStart" in e) + t = { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd }; + else if (document.selection && "INPUT" === e.nodeName) { + var n = document.selection.createRange(); + n.parentElement() === e && + (t = { + start: -n.moveStart("character", -e.value.length), + end: -n.moveEnd("character", -e.value.length), + }); + } else t = r.getOffsets(e); + return t || { start: 0, end: 0 }; + }, + setSelection: function (e, t) { + var n = t.start, + o = t.end; + if (("undefined" == typeof o && (o = n), "selectionStart" in e)) + (e.selectionStart = n), + (e.selectionEnd = Math.min(o, e.value.length)); + else if (document.selection && "INPUT" === e.nodeName) { + var a = e.createTextRange(); + a.collapse(!0), + a.moveStart("character", n), + a.moveEnd("character", o - n), + a.select(); + } else r.setOffsets(e, t); + }, + }; + t.exports = s; + }, + { + "./ReactDOMSelection": 46, + "./containsNode": 99, + "./focusNode": 109, + "./getActiveElement": 111, + }, + ], + 58: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return d + e.toString(36); + } + function r(e, t) { + return e.charAt(t) === d || t === e.length; + } + function o(e) { + return ( + "" === e || (e.charAt(0) === d && e.charAt(e.length - 1) !== d) + ); + } + function a(e, t) { + return 0 === t.indexOf(e) && r(t, e.length); + } + function i(e) { + return e ? e.substr(0, e.lastIndexOf(d)) : ""; + } + function s(e, t) { + if ((p(o(e) && o(t)), p(a(e, t)), e === t)) return e; + for (var n = e.length + f, i = n; i < t.length && !r(t, i); i++); + return t.substr(0, i); + } + function u(e, t) { + var n = Math.min(e.length, t.length); + if (0 === n) return ""; + for (var a = 0, i = 0; n >= i; i++) + if (r(e, i) && r(t, i)) a = i; + else if (e.charAt(i) !== t.charAt(i)) break; + var s = e.substr(0, a); + return p(o(s)), s; + } + function c(e, t, n, r, o, u) { + (e = e || ""), (t = t || ""), p(e !== t); + var c = a(t, e); + p(c || a(e, t)); + for (var l = 0, d = c ? i : s, f = e; ; f = d(f, t)) { + var m; + if ( + ((o && f === e) || (u && f === t) || (m = n(f, c, r)), + m === !1 || f === t) + ) + break; + p(l++ < h); + } + } + var l = e("./ReactRootIndex"), + p = e("./invariant"), + d = ".", + f = d.length, + h = 100, + m = { + createReactRootID: function () { + return n(l.createReactRootIndex()); + }, + createReactID: function (e, t) { + return e + t; + }, + getReactRootIDFromNodeID: function (e) { + if (e && e.charAt(0) === d && e.length > 1) { + var t = e.indexOf(d, 1); + return t > -1 ? e.substr(0, t) : e; + } + return null; + }, + traverseEnterLeave: function (e, t, n, r, o) { + var a = u(e, t); + a !== e && c(e, a, n, r, !1, !0), + a !== t && c(a, t, n, o, !0, !1); + }, + traverseTwoPhase: function (e, t, n) { + e && (c("", e, t, n, !0, !1), c(e, "", t, n, !1, !0)); + }, + traverseAncestors: function (e, t, n) { + c("", e, t, n, !0, !1); + }, + _getFirstCommonAncestorID: u, + _getNextDescendantID: s, + isAncestorIDOf: a, + SEPARATOR: d, + }; + t.exports = m; + }, + { "./ReactRootIndex": 73, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 59: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + if ("function" == typeof t) + for (var n in t) + if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { + var r = t[n]; + if ("function" == typeof r) { + var o = r.bind(t); + for (var a in r) r.hasOwnProperty(a) && (o[a] = r[a]); + e[n] = o; + } else e[n] = r; + } + } + var r = (e("./ReactCurrentOwner"), e("./invariant")), + o = (e("./monitorCodeUse"), e("./warning"), {}), + a = {}, + i = {}; + (i.wrapCreateFactory = function (e) { + var t = function (t) { + return "function" != typeof t + ? e(t) + : t.isReactNonLegacyFactory + ? e(t.type) + : t.isReactLegacyFactory + ? e(t.type) + : t; + }; + return t; + }), + (i.wrapCreateElement = function (e) { + var t = function (t) { + if ("function" != typeof t) return e.apply(this, arguments); + var n; + return t.isReactNonLegacyFactory + ? ((n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)), + (n[0] = t.type), + e.apply(this, n)) + : t.isReactLegacyFactory + ? (t._isMockFunction && + (t.type._mockedReactClassConstructor = t), + (n = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0)), + (n[0] = t.type), + e.apply(this, n)) + : t.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)); + }; + return t; + }), + (i.wrapFactory = function (e) { + r("function" == typeof e); + var t = function () { + return e.apply(this, arguments); + }; + return ( + n(t, e.type), (t.isReactLegacyFactory = o), (t.type = e.type), t + ); + }), + (i.markNonLegacyFactory = function (e) { + return (e.isReactNonLegacyFactory = a), e; + }), + (i.isValidFactory = function (e) { + return "function" == typeof e && e.isReactLegacyFactory === o; + }), + (i.isValidClass = function (e) { + return i.isValidFactory(e); + }), + (i._isLegacyCallWarningEnabled = !0), + (t.exports = i); + }, + { + "./ReactCurrentOwner": 36, + "./invariant": 124, + "./monitorCodeUse": 134, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 60: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./adler32"), + r = { + CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME: "data-react-checksum", + addChecksumToMarkup: function (e) { + var t = n(e); + return e.replace( + ">", + " " + r.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME + '="' + t + '">' + ); + }, + canReuseMarkup: function (e, t) { + var o = t.getAttribute(r.CHECKSUM_ATTR_NAME); + o = o && parseInt(o, 10); + var a = n(e); + return a === o; + }, + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./adler32": 96 }, + ], + 61: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + var t = E(e); + return t && S.getID(t); + } + function r(e) { + var t = o(e); + if (t) + if (x.hasOwnProperty(t)) { + var n = x[t]; + n !== e && (R(!s(n, t)), (x[t] = e)); + } else x[t] = e; + return t; + } + function o(e) { + return (e && e.getAttribute && e.getAttribute(D)) || ""; + } + function a(e, t) { + var n = o(e); + n !== t && delete x[n], e.setAttribute(D, t), (x[t] = e); + } + function i(e) { + return ( + (x.hasOwnProperty(e) && s(x[e], e)) || + (x[e] = S.findReactNodeByID(e)), + x[e] + ); + } + function s(e, t) { + if (e) { + R(o(e) === t); + var n = S.findReactContainerForID(t); + if (n && g(n, e)) return !0; + } + return !1; + } + function u(e) { + delete x[e]; + } + function c(e) { + var t = x[e]; + return t && s(t, e) ? void (I = t) : !1; + } + function l(e) { + (I = null), m.traverseAncestors(e, c); + var t = I; + return (I = null), t; + } + var p = e("./DOMProperty"), + d = e("./ReactBrowserEventEmitter"), + f = (e("./ReactCurrentOwner"), e("./ReactElement")), + h = e("./ReactLegacyElement"), + m = e("./ReactInstanceHandles"), + v = e("./ReactPerf"), + g = e("./containsNode"), + y = e("./deprecated"), + E = e("./getReactRootElementInContainer"), + C = e("./instantiateReactComponent"), + R = e("./invariant"), + M = e("./shouldUpdateReactComponent"), + b = (e("./warning"), h.wrapCreateElement(f.createElement)), + O = m.SEPARATOR, + D = p.ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, + x = {}, + P = 1, + _ = 9, + w = {}, + T = {}, + N = [], + I = null, + S = { + _instancesByReactRootID: w, + scrollMonitor: function (e, t) { + t(); + }, + _updateRootComponent: function (e, t, n, r) { + var o = t.props; + return ( + S.scrollMonitor(n, function () { + e.replaceProps(o, r); + }), + e + ); + }, + _registerComponent: function (e, t) { + R(t && (t.nodeType === P || t.nodeType === _)), + d.ensureScrollValueMonitoring(); + var n = S.registerContainer(t); + return (w[n] = e), n; + }, + _renderNewRootComponent: v.measure( + "ReactMount", + "_renderNewRootComponent", + function (e, t, n) { + var r = C(e, null), + o = S._registerComponent(r, t); + return r.mountComponentIntoNode(o, t, n), r; + } + ), + render: function (e, t, r) { + R(f.isValidElement(e)); + var o = w[n(t)]; + if (o) { + var a = o._currentElement; + if (M(a, e)) return S._updateRootComponent(o, e, t, r); + S.unmountComponentAtNode(t); + } + var i = E(t), + s = i && S.isRenderedByReact(i), + u = s && !o, + c = S._renderNewRootComponent(e, t, u); + return r && r.call(c), c; + }, + constructAndRenderComponent: function (e, t, n) { + var r = b(e, t); + return S.render(r, n); + }, + constructAndRenderComponentByID: function (e, t, n) { + var r = document.getElementById(n); + return R(r), S.constructAndRenderComponent(e, t, r); + }, + registerContainer: function (e) { + var t = n(e); + return ( + t && (t = m.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(t)), + t || (t = m.createReactRootID()), + (T[t] = e), + t + ); + }, + unmountComponentAtNode: function (e) { + var t = n(e), + r = w[t]; + return r + ? (S.unmountComponentFromNode(r, e), + delete w[t], + delete T[t], + !0) + : !1; + }, + unmountComponentFromNode: function (e, t) { + for ( + e.unmountComponent(), + t.nodeType === _ && (t = t.documentElement); + t.lastChild; + + ) + t.removeChild(t.lastChild); + }, + findReactContainerForID: function (e) { + var t = m.getReactRootIDFromNodeID(e), + n = T[t]; + return n; + }, + findReactNodeByID: function (e) { + var t = S.findReactContainerForID(e); + return S.findComponentRoot(t, e); + }, + isRenderedByReact: function (e) { + if (1 !== e.nodeType) return !1; + var t = S.getID(e); + return t ? t.charAt(0) === O : !1; + }, + getFirstReactDOM: function (e) { + for (var t = e; t && t.parentNode !== t; ) { + if (S.isRenderedByReact(t)) return t; + t = t.parentNode; + } + return null; + }, + findComponentRoot: function (e, t) { + var n = N, + r = 0, + o = l(t) || e; + for (n[0] = o.firstChild, n.length = 1; r < n.length; ) { + for (var a, i = n[r++]; i; ) { + var s = S.getID(i); + s + ? t === s + ? (a = i) + : m.isAncestorIDOf(s, t) && + ((n.length = r = 0), n.push(i.firstChild)) + : n.push(i.firstChild), + (i = i.nextSibling); + } + if (a) return (n.length = 0), a; + } + (n.length = 0), R(!1); + }, + getReactRootID: n, + getID: r, + setID: a, + getNode: i, + purgeID: u, + }; + (S.renderComponent = y( + "ReactMount", + "renderComponent", + "render", + this, + S.render + )), + (t.exports = S); + }, + { + "./DOMProperty": 11, + "./ReactBrowserEventEmitter": 30, + "./ReactCurrentOwner": 36, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactInstanceHandles": 58, + "./ReactLegacyElement": 59, + "./ReactPerf": 66, + "./containsNode": 99, + "./deprecated": 104, + "./getReactRootElementInContainer": 118, + "./instantiateReactComponent": 123, + "./invariant": 124, + "./shouldUpdateReactComponent": 138, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 62: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + h.push({ + parentID: e, + parentNode: null, + type: c.INSERT_MARKUP, + markupIndex: m.push(t) - 1, + textContent: null, + fromIndex: null, + toIndex: n, + }); + } + function r(e, t, n) { + h.push({ + parentID: e, + parentNode: null, + type: c.MOVE_EXISTING, + markupIndex: null, + textContent: null, + fromIndex: t, + toIndex: n, + }); + } + function o(e, t) { + h.push({ + parentID: e, + parentNode: null, + type: c.REMOVE_NODE, + markupIndex: null, + textContent: null, + fromIndex: t, + toIndex: null, + }); + } + function a(e, t) { + h.push({ + parentID: e, + parentNode: null, + type: c.TEXT_CONTENT, + markupIndex: null, + textContent: t, + fromIndex: null, + toIndex: null, + }); + } + function i() { + h.length && + (u.BackendIDOperations.dangerouslyProcessChildrenUpdates(h, m), + s()); + } + function s() { + (h.length = 0), (m.length = 0); + } + var u = e("./ReactComponent"), + c = e("./ReactMultiChildUpdateTypes"), + l = e("./flattenChildren"), + p = e("./instantiateReactComponent"), + d = e("./shouldUpdateReactComponent"), + f = 0, + h = [], + m = [], + v = { + Mixin: { + mountChildren: function (e, t) { + var n = l(e), + r = [], + o = 0; + this._renderedChildren = n; + for (var a in n) { + var i = n[a]; + if (n.hasOwnProperty(a)) { + var s = p(i, null); + n[a] = s; + var u = this._rootNodeID + a, + c = s.mountComponent(u, t, this._mountDepth + 1); + (s._mountIndex = o), r.push(c), o++; + } + } + return r; + }, + updateTextContent: function (e) { + f++; + var t = !0; + try { + var n = this._renderedChildren; + for (var r in n) + n.hasOwnProperty(r) && this._unmountChildByName(n[r], r); + this.setTextContent(e), (t = !1); + } finally { + f--, f || (t ? s() : i()); + } + }, + updateChildren: function (e, t) { + f++; + var n = !0; + try { + this._updateChildren(e, t), (n = !1); + } finally { + f--, f || (n ? s() : i()); + } + }, + _updateChildren: function (e, t) { + var n = l(e), + r = this._renderedChildren; + if (n || r) { + var o, + a = 0, + i = 0; + for (o in n) + if (n.hasOwnProperty(o)) { + var s = r && r[o], + u = s && s._currentElement, + c = n[o]; + if (d(u, c)) + this.moveChild(s, i, a), + (a = Math.max(s._mountIndex, a)), + s.receiveComponent(c, t), + (s._mountIndex = i); + else { + s && + ((a = Math.max(s._mountIndex, a)), + this._unmountChildByName(s, o)); + var f = p(c, null); + this._mountChildByNameAtIndex(f, o, i, t); + } + i++; + } + for (o in r) + !r.hasOwnProperty(o) || + (n && n[o]) || + this._unmountChildByName(r[o], o); + } + }, + unmountChildren: function () { + var e = this._renderedChildren; + for (var t in e) { + var n = e[t]; + n.unmountComponent && n.unmountComponent(); + } + this._renderedChildren = null; + }, + moveChild: function (e, t, n) { + e._mountIndex < n && r(this._rootNodeID, e._mountIndex, t); + }, + createChild: function (e, t) { + n(this._rootNodeID, t, e._mountIndex); + }, + removeChild: function (e) { + o(this._rootNodeID, e._mountIndex); + }, + setTextContent: function (e) { + a(this._rootNodeID, e); + }, + _mountChildByNameAtIndex: function (e, t, n, r) { + var o = this._rootNodeID + t, + a = e.mountComponent(o, r, this._mountDepth + 1); + (e._mountIndex = n), + this.createChild(e, a), + (this._renderedChildren = this._renderedChildren || {}), + (this._renderedChildren[t] = e); + }, + _unmountChildByName: function (e, t) { + this.removeChild(e), + (e._mountIndex = null), + e.unmountComponent(), + delete this._renderedChildren[t]; + }, + }, + }; + t.exports = v; + }, + { + "./ReactComponent": 32, + "./ReactMultiChildUpdateTypes": 63, + "./flattenChildren": 108, + "./instantiateReactComponent": 123, + "./shouldUpdateReactComponent": 138, + }, + ], + 63: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./keyMirror"), + r = n({ + INSERT_MARKUP: null, + MOVE_EXISTING: null, + REMOVE_NODE: null, + TEXT_CONTENT: null, + }); + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./keyMirror": 130 }, + ], + 64: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + var r = i[e]; + return null == r + ? (o(a), new a(e, t)) + : n === e + ? (o(a), new a(e, t)) + : new r.type(t); + } + var r = e("./Object.assign"), + o = e("./invariant"), + a = null, + i = {}, + s = { + injectGenericComponentClass: function (e) { + a = e; + }, + injectComponentClasses: function (e) { + r(i, e); + }, + }, + u = { createInstanceForTag: n, injection: s }; + t.exports = u; + }, + { "./Object.assign": 27, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 65: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./emptyObject"), + r = e("./invariant"), + o = { + isValidOwner: function (e) { + return !( + !e || + "function" != typeof e.attachRef || + "function" != typeof e.detachRef + ); + }, + addComponentAsRefTo: function (e, t, n) { + r(o.isValidOwner(n)), n.attachRef(t, e); + }, + removeComponentAsRefFrom: function (e, t, n) { + r(o.isValidOwner(n)), n.refs[t] === e && n.detachRef(t); + }, + Mixin: { + construct: function () { + this.refs = n; + }, + attachRef: function (e, t) { + r(t.isOwnedBy(this)); + var o = this.refs === n ? (this.refs = {}) : this.refs; + o[e] = t; + }, + detachRef: function (e) { + delete this.refs[e]; + }, + }, + }; + t.exports = o; + }, + { "./emptyObject": 106, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 66: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + return n; + } + var r = { + enableMeasure: !1, + storedMeasure: n, + measure: function (e, t, n) { + return n; + }, + injection: { + injectMeasure: function (e) { + r.storedMeasure = e; + }, + }, + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + {}, + ], + 67: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return function (t, n, r) { + t[n] = t.hasOwnProperty(n) ? e(t[n], r) : r; + }; + } + function r(e, t) { + for (var n in t) + if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { + var r = c[n]; + r && c.hasOwnProperty(n) + ? r(e, n, t[n]) + : e.hasOwnProperty(n) || (e[n] = t[n]); + } + return e; + } + var o = e("./Object.assign"), + a = e("./emptyFunction"), + i = e("./invariant"), + s = e("./joinClasses"), + u = + (e("./warning"), + n(function (e, t) { + return o({}, t, e); + })), + c = { children: a, className: n(s), style: u }, + l = { + TransferStrategies: c, + mergeProps: function (e, t) { + return r(o({}, e), t); + }, + Mixin: { + transferPropsTo: function (e) { + return i(e._owner === this), r(e.props, this.props), e; + }, + }, + }; + t.exports = l; + }, + { + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./emptyFunction": 105, + "./invariant": 124, + "./joinClasses": 129, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 68: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = {}; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 69: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./keyMirror"), + r = n({ prop: null, context: null, childContext: null }); + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./keyMirror": 130 }, + ], + 70: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + function t(t, n, r, o, a) { + if (((o = o || C), null != n[r])) return e(n, r, o, a); + var i = g[a]; + return t + ? new Error( + "Required " + + i + + " `" + + r + + "` was not specified in " + + ("`" + o + "`.") + ) + : void 0; + } + var n = t.bind(null, !1); + return (n.isRequired = t.bind(null, !0)), n; + } + function r(e) { + function t(t, n, r, o) { + var a = t[n], + i = h(a); + if (i !== e) { + var s = g[o], + u = m(a); + return new Error( + "Invalid " + + s + + " `" + + n + + "` of type `" + + u + + "` " + + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected `" + e + "`.") + ); + } + } + return n(t); + } + function o() { + return n(E.thatReturns()); + } + function a(e) { + function t(t, n, r, o) { + var a = t[n]; + if (!Array.isArray(a)) { + var i = g[o], + s = h(a); + return new Error( + "Invalid " + + i + + " `" + + n + + "` of type " + + ("`" + s + "` supplied to `" + r + "`, expected an array.") + ); + } + for (var u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { + var c = e(a, u, r, o); + if (c instanceof Error) return c; + } + } + return n(t); + } + function i() { + function e(e, t, n, r) { + if (!v.isValidElement(e[t])) { + var o = g[r]; + return new Error( + "Invalid " + + o + + " `" + + t + + "` supplied to " + + ("`" + n + "`, expected a ReactElement.") + ); + } + } + return n(e); + } + function s(e) { + function t(t, n, r, o) { + if (!(t[n] instanceof e)) { + var a = g[o], + i = e.name || C; + return new Error( + "Invalid " + + a + + " `" + + n + + "` supplied to " + + ("`" + r + "`, expected instance of `" + i + "`.") + ); + } + } + return n(t); + } + function u(e) { + function t(t, n, r, o) { + for (var a = t[n], i = 0; i < e.length; i++) + if (a === e[i]) return; + var s = g[o], + u = JSON.stringify(e); + return new Error( + "Invalid " + + s + + " `" + + n + + "` of value `" + + a + + "` " + + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected one of " + u + ".") + ); + } + return n(t); + } + function c(e) { + function t(t, n, r, o) { + var a = t[n], + i = h(a); + if ("object" !== i) { + var s = g[o]; + return new Error( + "Invalid " + + s + + " `" + + n + + "` of type " + + ("`" + i + "` supplied to `" + r + "`, expected an object.") + ); + } + for (var u in a) + if (a.hasOwnProperty(u)) { + var c = e(a, u, r, o); + if (c instanceof Error) return c; + } + } + return n(t); + } + function l(e) { + function t(t, n, r, o) { + for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++) { + var i = e[a]; + if (null == i(t, n, r, o)) return; + } + var s = g[o]; + return new Error( + "Invalid " + s + " `" + n + "` supplied to " + ("`" + r + "`.") + ); + } + return n(t); + } + function p() { + function e(e, t, n, r) { + if (!f(e[t])) { + var o = g[r]; + return new Error( + "Invalid " + + o + + " `" + + t + + "` supplied to " + + ("`" + n + "`, expected a ReactNode.") + ); + } + } + return n(e); + } + function d(e) { + function t(t, n, r, o) { + var a = t[n], + i = h(a); + if ("object" !== i) { + var s = g[o]; + return new Error( + "Invalid " + + s + + " `" + + n + + "` of type `" + + i + + "` " + + ("supplied to `" + r + "`, expected `object`.") + ); + } + for (var u in e) { + var c = e[u]; + if (c) { + var l = c(a, u, r, o); + if (l) return l; + } + } + } + return n(t, "expected `object`"); + } + function f(e) { + switch (typeof e) { + case "number": + case "string": + return !0; + case "boolean": + return !e; + case "object": + if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.every(f); + if (v.isValidElement(e)) return !0; + for (var t in e) if (!f(e[t])) return !1; + return !0; + default: + return !1; + } + } + function h(e) { + var t = typeof e; + return Array.isArray(e) + ? "array" + : e instanceof RegExp + ? "object" + : t; + } + function m(e) { + var t = h(e); + if ("object" === t) { + if (e instanceof Date) return "date"; + if (e instanceof RegExp) return "regexp"; + } + return t; + } + var v = e("./ReactElement"), + g = e("./ReactPropTypeLocationNames"), + y = e("./deprecated"), + E = e("./emptyFunction"), + C = "<>", + R = i(), + M = p(), + b = { + array: r("array"), + bool: r("boolean"), + func: r("function"), + number: r("number"), + object: r("object"), + string: r("string"), + any: o(), + arrayOf: a, + element: R, + instanceOf: s, + node: M, + objectOf: c, + oneOf: u, + oneOfType: l, + shape: d, + component: y("React.PropTypes", "component", "element", this, R), + renderable: y("React.PropTypes", "renderable", "node", this, M), + }; + t.exports = b; + }, + { + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactPropTypeLocationNames": 68, + "./deprecated": 104, + "./emptyFunction": 105, + }, + ], + 71: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + this.listenersToPut = []; + } + var r = e("./PooledClass"), + o = e("./ReactBrowserEventEmitter"), + a = e("./Object.assign"); + a(n.prototype, { + enqueuePutListener: function (e, t, n) { + this.listenersToPut.push({ + rootNodeID: e, + propKey: t, + propValue: n, + }); + }, + putListeners: function () { + for (var e = 0; e < this.listenersToPut.length; e++) { + var t = this.listenersToPut[e]; + o.putListener(t.rootNodeID, t.propKey, t.propValue); + } + }, + reset: function () { + this.listenersToPut.length = 0; + }, + destructor: function () { + this.reset(); + }, + }), + r.addPoolingTo(n), + (t.exports = n); + }, + { + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./PooledClass": 28, + "./ReactBrowserEventEmitter": 30, + }, + ], + 72: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + this.reinitializeTransaction(), + (this.renderToStaticMarkup = !1), + (this.reactMountReady = r.getPooled(null)), + (this.putListenerQueue = s.getPooled()); + } + var r = e("./CallbackQueue"), + o = e("./PooledClass"), + a = e("./ReactBrowserEventEmitter"), + i = e("./ReactInputSelection"), + s = e("./ReactPutListenerQueue"), + u = e("./Transaction"), + c = e("./Object.assign"), + l = { + initialize: i.getSelectionInformation, + close: i.restoreSelection, + }, + p = { + initialize: function () { + var e = a.isEnabled(); + return a.setEnabled(!1), e; + }, + close: function (e) { + a.setEnabled(e); + }, + }, + d = { + initialize: function () { + this.reactMountReady.reset(); + }, + close: function () { + this.reactMountReady.notifyAll(); + }, + }, + f = { + initialize: function () { + this.putListenerQueue.reset(); + }, + close: function () { + this.putListenerQueue.putListeners(); + }, + }, + h = [f, l, p, d], + m = { + getTransactionWrappers: function () { + return h; + }, + getReactMountReady: function () { + return this.reactMountReady; + }, + getPutListenerQueue: function () { + return this.putListenerQueue; + }, + destructor: function () { + r.release(this.reactMountReady), + (this.reactMountReady = null), + s.release(this.putListenerQueue), + (this.putListenerQueue = null); + }, + }; + c(n.prototype, u.Mixin, m), o.addPoolingTo(n), (t.exports = n); + }, + { + "./CallbackQueue": 6, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./PooledClass": 28, + "./ReactBrowserEventEmitter": 30, + "./ReactInputSelection": 57, + "./ReactPutListenerQueue": 71, + "./Transaction": 93, + }, + ], + 73: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = { + injectCreateReactRootIndex: function (e) { + r.createReactRootIndex = e; + }, + }, + r = { createReactRootIndex: null, injection: n }; + t.exports = r; + }, + {}, + ], + 74: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + c(o.isValidElement(e)); + var t; + try { + var n = a.createReactRootID(); + return ( + (t = s.getPooled(!1)), + t.perform(function () { + var r = u(e, null), + o = r.mountComponent(n, t, 0); + return i.addChecksumToMarkup(o); + }, null) + ); + } finally { + s.release(t); + } + } + function r(e) { + c(o.isValidElement(e)); + var t; + try { + var n = a.createReactRootID(); + return ( + (t = s.getPooled(!0)), + t.perform(function () { + var r = u(e, null); + return r.mountComponent(n, t, 0); + }, null) + ); + } finally { + s.release(t); + } + } + var o = e("./ReactElement"), + a = e("./ReactInstanceHandles"), + i = e("./ReactMarkupChecksum"), + s = e("./ReactServerRenderingTransaction"), + u = e("./instantiateReactComponent"), + c = e("./invariant"); + t.exports = { renderToString: n, renderToStaticMarkup: r }; + }, + { + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactInstanceHandles": 58, + "./ReactMarkupChecksum": 60, + "./ReactServerRenderingTransaction": 75, + "./instantiateReactComponent": 123, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 75: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + this.reinitializeTransaction(), + (this.renderToStaticMarkup = e), + (this.reactMountReady = o.getPooled(null)), + (this.putListenerQueue = a.getPooled()); + } + var r = e("./PooledClass"), + o = e("./CallbackQueue"), + a = e("./ReactPutListenerQueue"), + i = e("./Transaction"), + s = e("./Object.assign"), + u = e("./emptyFunction"), + c = { + initialize: function () { + this.reactMountReady.reset(); + }, + close: u, + }, + l = { + initialize: function () { + this.putListenerQueue.reset(); + }, + close: u, + }, + p = [l, c], + d = { + getTransactionWrappers: function () { + return p; + }, + getReactMountReady: function () { + return this.reactMountReady; + }, + getPutListenerQueue: function () { + return this.putListenerQueue; + }, + destructor: function () { + o.release(this.reactMountReady), + (this.reactMountReady = null), + a.release(this.putListenerQueue), + (this.putListenerQueue = null); + }, + }; + s(n.prototype, i.Mixin, d), r.addPoolingTo(n), (t.exports = n); + }, + { + "./CallbackQueue": 6, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./PooledClass": 28, + "./ReactPutListenerQueue": 71, + "./Transaction": 93, + "./emptyFunction": 105, + }, + ], + 76: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./DOMPropertyOperations"), + r = e("./ReactComponent"), + o = e("./ReactElement"), + a = e("./Object.assign"), + i = e("./escapeTextForBrowser"), + s = function () {}; + a(s.prototype, r.Mixin, { + mountComponent: function (e, t, o) { + r.Mixin.mountComponent.call(this, e, t, o); + var a = i(this.props); + return t.renderToStaticMarkup + ? a + : "" + a + ""; + }, + receiveComponent: function (e) { + var t = e.props; + t !== this.props && + ((this.props = t), + r.BackendIDOperations.updateTextContentByID( + this._rootNodeID, + t + )); + }, + }); + var u = function (e) { + return new o(s, null, null, null, null, e); + }; + (u.type = s), (t.exports = u); + }, + { + "./DOMPropertyOperations": 12, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./ReactComponent": 32, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./escapeTextForBrowser": 107, + }, + ], + 77: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + h(O.ReactReconcileTransaction && y); + } + function r() { + this.reinitializeTransaction(), + (this.dirtyComponentsLength = null), + (this.callbackQueue = c.getPooled()), + (this.reconcileTransaction = + O.ReactReconcileTransaction.getPooled()); + } + function o(e, t, r) { + n(), y.batchedUpdates(e, t, r); + } + function a(e, t) { + return e._mountDepth - t._mountDepth; + } + function i(e) { + var t = e.dirtyComponentsLength; + h(t === m.length), m.sort(a); + for (var n = 0; t > n; n++) { + var r = m[n]; + if (r.isMounted()) { + var o = r._pendingCallbacks; + if ( + ((r._pendingCallbacks = null), + r.performUpdateIfNecessary(e.reconcileTransaction), + o) + ) + for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) + e.callbackQueue.enqueue(o[i], r); + } + } + } + function s(e, t) { + return ( + h(!t || "function" == typeof t), + n(), + y.isBatchingUpdates + ? (m.push(e), + void ( + t && + (e._pendingCallbacks + ? e._pendingCallbacks.push(t) + : (e._pendingCallbacks = [t])) + )) + : void y.batchedUpdates(s, e, t) + ); + } + function u(e, t) { + h(y.isBatchingUpdates), v.enqueue(e, t), (g = !0); + } + var c = e("./CallbackQueue"), + l = e("./PooledClass"), + p = (e("./ReactCurrentOwner"), e("./ReactPerf")), + d = e("./Transaction"), + f = e("./Object.assign"), + h = e("./invariant"), + m = (e("./warning"), []), + v = c.getPooled(), + g = !1, + y = null, + E = { + initialize: function () { + this.dirtyComponentsLength = m.length; + }, + close: function () { + this.dirtyComponentsLength !== m.length + ? (m.splice(0, this.dirtyComponentsLength), M()) + : (m.length = 0); + }, + }, + C = { + initialize: function () { + this.callbackQueue.reset(); + }, + close: function () { + this.callbackQueue.notifyAll(); + }, + }, + R = [E, C]; + f(r.prototype, d.Mixin, { + getTransactionWrappers: function () { + return R; + }, + destructor: function () { + (this.dirtyComponentsLength = null), + c.release(this.callbackQueue), + (this.callbackQueue = null), + O.ReactReconcileTransaction.release(this.reconcileTransaction), + (this.reconcileTransaction = null); + }, + perform: function (e, t, n) { + return d.Mixin.perform.call( + this, + this.reconcileTransaction.perform, + this.reconcileTransaction, + e, + t, + n + ); + }, + }), + l.addPoolingTo(r); + var M = p.measure("ReactUpdates", "flushBatchedUpdates", function () { + for (; m.length || g; ) { + if (m.length) { + var e = r.getPooled(); + e.perform(i, null, e), r.release(e); + } + if (g) { + g = !1; + var t = v; + (v = c.getPooled()), t.notifyAll(), c.release(t); + } + } + }), + b = { + injectReconcileTransaction: function (e) { + h(e), (O.ReactReconcileTransaction = e); + }, + injectBatchingStrategy: function (e) { + h(e), + h("function" == typeof e.batchedUpdates), + h("boolean" == typeof e.isBatchingUpdates), + (y = e); + }, + }, + O = { + ReactReconcileTransaction: null, + batchedUpdates: o, + enqueueUpdate: s, + flushBatchedUpdates: M, + injection: b, + asap: u, + }; + t.exports = O; + }, + { + "./CallbackQueue": 6, + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./PooledClass": 28, + "./ReactCurrentOwner": 36, + "./ReactPerf": 66, + "./Transaction": 93, + "./invariant": 124, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 78: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./DOMProperty"), + r = n.injection.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE, + o = { + Properties: { + cx: r, + cy: r, + d: r, + dx: r, + dy: r, + fill: r, + fillOpacity: r, + fontFamily: r, + fontSize: r, + fx: r, + fy: r, + gradientTransform: r, + gradientUnits: r, + markerEnd: r, + markerMid: r, + markerStart: r, + offset: r, + opacity: r, + patternContentUnits: r, + patternUnits: r, + points: r, + preserveAspectRatio: r, + r: r, + rx: r, + ry: r, + spreadMethod: r, + stopColor: r, + stopOpacity: r, + stroke: r, + strokeDasharray: r, + strokeLinecap: r, + strokeOpacity: r, + strokeWidth: r, + textAnchor: r, + transform: r, + version: r, + viewBox: r, + x1: r, + x2: r, + x: r, + y1: r, + y2: r, + y: r, + }, + DOMAttributeNames: { + fillOpacity: "fill-opacity", + fontFamily: "font-family", + fontSize: "font-size", + gradientTransform: "gradientTransform", + gradientUnits: "gradientUnits", + markerEnd: "marker-end", + markerMid: "marker-mid", + markerStart: "marker-start", + patternContentUnits: "patternContentUnits", + patternUnits: "patternUnits", + preserveAspectRatio: "preserveAspectRatio", + spreadMethod: "spreadMethod", + stopColor: "stop-color", + stopOpacity: "stop-opacity", + strokeDasharray: "stroke-dasharray", + strokeLinecap: "stroke-linecap", + strokeOpacity: "stroke-opacity", + strokeWidth: "stroke-width", + textAnchor: "text-anchor", + viewBox: "viewBox", + }, + }; + t.exports = o; + }, + { "./DOMProperty": 11 }, + ], + 79: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + if ("selectionStart" in e && i.hasSelectionCapabilities(e)) + return { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd }; + if (window.getSelection) { + var t = window.getSelection(); + return { + anchorNode: t.anchorNode, + anchorOffset: t.anchorOffset, + focusNode: t.focusNode, + focusOffset: t.focusOffset, + }; + } + if (document.selection) { + var n = document.selection.createRange(); + return { + parentElement: n.parentElement(), + text: n.text, + top: n.boundingTop, + left: n.boundingLeft, + }; + } + } + function r(e) { + if (!g && null != h && h == u()) { + var t = n(h); + if (!v || !p(v, t)) { + v = t; + var r = s.getPooled(f.select, m, e); + return ( + (r.type = "select"), + (r.target = h), + a.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(r), + r + ); + } + } + } + var o = e("./EventConstants"), + a = e("./EventPropagators"), + i = e("./ReactInputSelection"), + s = e("./SyntheticEvent"), + u = e("./getActiveElement"), + c = e("./isTextInputElement"), + l = e("./keyOf"), + p = e("./shallowEqual"), + d = o.topLevelTypes, + f = { + select: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: l({ onSelect: null }), + captured: l({ onSelectCapture: null }), + }, + dependencies: [ + d.topBlur, + d.topContextMenu, + d.topFocus, + d.topKeyDown, + d.topMouseDown, + d.topMouseUp, + d.topSelectionChange, + ], + }, + }, + h = null, + m = null, + v = null, + g = !1, + y = { + eventTypes: f, + extractEvents: function (e, t, n, o) { + switch (e) { + case d.topFocus: + (c(t) || "true" === t.contentEditable) && + ((h = t), (m = n), (v = null)); + break; + case d.topBlur: + (h = null), (m = null), (v = null); + break; + case d.topMouseDown: + g = !0; + break; + case d.topContextMenu: + case d.topMouseUp: + return (g = !1), r(o); + case d.topSelectionChange: + case d.topKeyDown: + case d.topKeyUp: + return r(o); + } + }, + }; + t.exports = y; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./EventPropagators": 21, + "./ReactInputSelection": 57, + "./SyntheticEvent": 85, + "./getActiveElement": 111, + "./isTextInputElement": 127, + "./keyOf": 131, + "./shallowEqual": 137, + }, + ], + 80: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = Math.pow(2, 53), + r = { + createReactRootIndex: function () { + return Math.ceil(Math.random() * n); + }, + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + {}, + ], + 81: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./EventConstants"), + r = e("./EventPluginUtils"), + o = e("./EventPropagators"), + a = e("./SyntheticClipboardEvent"), + i = e("./SyntheticEvent"), + s = e("./SyntheticFocusEvent"), + u = e("./SyntheticKeyboardEvent"), + c = e("./SyntheticMouseEvent"), + l = e("./SyntheticDragEvent"), + p = e("./SyntheticTouchEvent"), + d = e("./SyntheticUIEvent"), + f = e("./SyntheticWheelEvent"), + h = e("./getEventCharCode"), + m = e("./invariant"), + v = e("./keyOf"), + g = (e("./warning"), n.topLevelTypes), + y = { + blur: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onBlur: !0 }), + captured: v({ onBlurCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + click: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onClick: !0 }), + captured: v({ onClickCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + contextMenu: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onContextMenu: !0 }), + captured: v({ onContextMenuCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + copy: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onCopy: !0 }), + captured: v({ onCopyCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + cut: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onCut: !0 }), + captured: v({ onCutCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + doubleClick: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDoubleClick: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDoubleClickCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + drag: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDrag: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDragCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + dragEnd: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDragEnd: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDragEndCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + dragEnter: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDragEnter: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDragEnterCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + dragExit: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDragExit: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDragExitCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + dragLeave: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDragLeave: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDragLeaveCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + dragOver: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDragOver: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDragOverCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + dragStart: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDragStart: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDragStartCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + drop: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onDrop: !0 }), + captured: v({ onDropCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + focus: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onFocus: !0 }), + captured: v({ onFocusCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + input: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onInput: !0 }), + captured: v({ onInputCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + keyDown: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onKeyDown: !0 }), + captured: v({ onKeyDownCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + keyPress: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onKeyPress: !0 }), + captured: v({ onKeyPressCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + keyUp: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onKeyUp: !0 }), + captured: v({ onKeyUpCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + load: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onLoad: !0 }), + captured: v({ onLoadCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + error: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onError: !0 }), + captured: v({ onErrorCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + mouseDown: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onMouseDown: !0 }), + captured: v({ onMouseDownCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + mouseMove: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onMouseMove: !0 }), + captured: v({ onMouseMoveCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + mouseOut: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onMouseOut: !0 }), + captured: v({ onMouseOutCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + mouseOver: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onMouseOver: !0 }), + captured: v({ onMouseOverCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + mouseUp: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onMouseUp: !0 }), + captured: v({ onMouseUpCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + paste: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onPaste: !0 }), + captured: v({ onPasteCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + reset: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onReset: !0 }), + captured: v({ onResetCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + scroll: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onScroll: !0 }), + captured: v({ onScrollCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + submit: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onSubmit: !0 }), + captured: v({ onSubmitCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + touchCancel: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onTouchCancel: !0 }), + captured: v({ onTouchCancelCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + touchEnd: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onTouchEnd: !0 }), + captured: v({ onTouchEndCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + touchMove: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onTouchMove: !0 }), + captured: v({ onTouchMoveCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + touchStart: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onTouchStart: !0 }), + captured: v({ onTouchStartCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + wheel: { + phasedRegistrationNames: { + bubbled: v({ onWheel: !0 }), + captured: v({ onWheelCapture: !0 }), + }, + }, + }, + E = { + topBlur: y.blur, + topClick: y.click, + topContextMenu: y.contextMenu, + topCopy: y.copy, + topCut: y.cut, + topDoubleClick: y.doubleClick, + topDrag: y.drag, + topDragEnd: y.dragEnd, + topDragEnter: y.dragEnter, + topDragExit: y.dragExit, + topDragLeave: y.dragLeave, + topDragOver: y.dragOver, + topDragStart: y.dragStart, + topDrop: y.drop, + topError: y.error, + topFocus: y.focus, + topInput: y.input, + topKeyDown: y.keyDown, + topKeyPress: y.keyPress, + topKeyUp: y.keyUp, + topLoad: y.load, + topMouseDown: y.mouseDown, + topMouseMove: y.mouseMove, + topMouseOut: y.mouseOut, + topMouseOver: y.mouseOver, + topMouseUp: y.mouseUp, + topPaste: y.paste, + topReset: y.reset, + topScroll: y.scroll, + topSubmit: y.submit, + topTouchCancel: y.touchCancel, + topTouchEnd: y.touchEnd, + topTouchMove: y.touchMove, + topTouchStart: y.touchStart, + topWheel: y.wheel, + }; + for (var C in E) E[C].dependencies = [C]; + var R = { + eventTypes: y, + executeDispatch: function (e, t, n) { + var o = r.executeDispatch(e, t, n); + o === !1 && (e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault()); + }, + extractEvents: function (e, t, n, r) { + var v = E[e]; + if (!v) return null; + var y; + switch (e) { + case g.topInput: + case g.topLoad: + case g.topError: + case g.topReset: + case g.topSubmit: + y = i; + break; + case g.topKeyPress: + if (0 === h(r)) return null; + case g.topKeyDown: + case g.topKeyUp: + y = u; + break; + case g.topBlur: + case g.topFocus: + y = s; + break; + case g.topClick: + if (2 === r.button) return null; + case g.topContextMenu: + case g.topDoubleClick: + case g.topMouseDown: + case g.topMouseMove: + case g.topMouseOut: + case g.topMouseOver: + case g.topMouseUp: + y = c; + break; + case g.topDrag: + case g.topDragEnd: + case g.topDragEnter: + case g.topDragExit: + case g.topDragLeave: + case g.topDragOver: + case g.topDragStart: + case g.topDrop: + y = l; + break; + case g.topTouchCancel: + case g.topTouchEnd: + case g.topTouchMove: + case g.topTouchStart: + y = p; + break; + case g.topScroll: + y = d; + break; + case g.topWheel: + y = f; + break; + case g.topCopy: + case g.topCut: + case g.topPaste: + y = a; + } + m(y); + var C = y.getPooled(v, n, r); + return o.accumulateTwoPhaseDispatches(C), C; + }, + }; + t.exports = R; + }, + { + "./EventConstants": 16, + "./EventPluginUtils": 20, + "./EventPropagators": 21, + "./SyntheticClipboardEvent": 82, + "./SyntheticDragEvent": 84, + "./SyntheticEvent": 85, + "./SyntheticFocusEvent": 86, + "./SyntheticKeyboardEvent": 88, + "./SyntheticMouseEvent": 89, + "./SyntheticTouchEvent": 90, + "./SyntheticUIEvent": 91, + "./SyntheticWheelEvent": 92, + "./getEventCharCode": 112, + "./invariant": 124, + "./keyOf": 131, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 82: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticEvent"), + o = { + clipboardData: function (e) { + return "clipboardData" in e + ? e.clipboardData + : window.clipboardData; + }, + }; + r.augmentClass(n, o), (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./SyntheticEvent": 85 }, + ], + 83: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticEvent"), + o = { data: null }; + r.augmentClass(n, o), (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./SyntheticEvent": 85 }, + ], + 84: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticMouseEvent"), + o = { dataTransfer: null }; + r.augmentClass(n, o), (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./SyntheticMouseEvent": 89 }, + ], + 85: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + (this.dispatchConfig = e), + (this.dispatchMarker = t), + (this.nativeEvent = n); + var r = this.constructor.Interface; + for (var o in r) + if (r.hasOwnProperty(o)) { + var i = r[o]; + this[o] = i ? i(n) : n[o]; + } + var s = + null != n.defaultPrevented + ? n.defaultPrevented + : n.returnValue === !1; + (this.isDefaultPrevented = s + ? a.thatReturnsTrue + : a.thatReturnsFalse), + (this.isPropagationStopped = a.thatReturnsFalse); + } + var r = e("./PooledClass"), + o = e("./Object.assign"), + a = e("./emptyFunction"), + i = e("./getEventTarget"), + s = { + type: null, + target: i, + currentTarget: a.thatReturnsNull, + eventPhase: null, + bubbles: null, + cancelable: null, + timeStamp: function (e) { + return e.timeStamp || Date.now(); + }, + defaultPrevented: null, + isTrusted: null, + }; + o(n.prototype, { + preventDefault: function () { + this.defaultPrevented = !0; + var e = this.nativeEvent; + e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : (e.returnValue = !1), + (this.isDefaultPrevented = a.thatReturnsTrue); + }, + stopPropagation: function () { + var e = this.nativeEvent; + e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : (e.cancelBubble = !0), + (this.isPropagationStopped = a.thatReturnsTrue); + }, + persist: function () { + this.isPersistent = a.thatReturnsTrue; + }, + isPersistent: a.thatReturnsFalse, + destructor: function () { + var e = this.constructor.Interface; + for (var t in e) this[t] = null; + (this.dispatchConfig = null), + (this.dispatchMarker = null), + (this.nativeEvent = null); + }, + }), + (n.Interface = s), + (n.augmentClass = function (e, t) { + var n = this, + a = Object.create(n.prototype); + o(a, e.prototype), + (e.prototype = a), + (e.prototype.constructor = e), + (e.Interface = o({}, n.Interface, t)), + (e.augmentClass = n.augmentClass), + r.addPoolingTo(e, r.threeArgumentPooler); + }), + r.addPoolingTo(n, r.threeArgumentPooler), + (t.exports = n); + }, + { + "./Object.assign": 27, + "./PooledClass": 28, + "./emptyFunction": 105, + "./getEventTarget": 115, + }, + ], + 86: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticUIEvent"), + o = { relatedTarget: null }; + r.augmentClass(n, o), (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./SyntheticUIEvent": 91 }, + ], + 87: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticEvent"), + o = { data: null }; + r.augmentClass(n, o), (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./SyntheticEvent": 85 }, + ], + 88: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticUIEvent"), + o = e("./getEventCharCode"), + a = e("./getEventKey"), + i = e("./getEventModifierState"), + s = { + key: a, + location: null, + ctrlKey: null, + shiftKey: null, + altKey: null, + metaKey: null, + repeat: null, + locale: null, + getModifierState: i, + charCode: function (e) { + return "keypress" === e.type ? o(e) : 0; + }, + keyCode: function (e) { + return "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type + ? e.keyCode + : 0; + }, + which: function (e) { + return "keypress" === e.type + ? o(e) + : "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type + ? e.keyCode + : 0; + }, + }; + r.augmentClass(n, s), (t.exports = n); + }, + { + "./SyntheticUIEvent": 91, + "./getEventCharCode": 112, + "./getEventKey": 113, + "./getEventModifierState": 114, + }, + ], + 89: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticUIEvent"), + o = e("./ViewportMetrics"), + a = e("./getEventModifierState"), + i = { + screenX: null, + screenY: null, + clientX: null, + clientY: null, + ctrlKey: null, + shiftKey: null, + altKey: null, + metaKey: null, + getModifierState: a, + button: function (e) { + var t = e.button; + return "which" in e ? t : 2 === t ? 2 : 4 === t ? 1 : 0; + }, + buttons: null, + relatedTarget: function (e) { + return ( + e.relatedTarget || + (e.fromElement === e.srcElement ? e.toElement : e.fromElement) + ); + }, + pageX: function (e) { + return "pageX" in e ? e.pageX : e.clientX + o.currentScrollLeft; + }, + pageY: function (e) { + return "pageY" in e ? e.pageY : e.clientY + o.currentScrollTop; + }, + }; + r.augmentClass(n, i), (t.exports = n); + }, + { + "./SyntheticUIEvent": 91, + "./ViewportMetrics": 94, + "./getEventModifierState": 114, + }, + ], + 90: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticUIEvent"), + o = e("./getEventModifierState"), + a = { + touches: null, + targetTouches: null, + changedTouches: null, + altKey: null, + metaKey: null, + ctrlKey: null, + shiftKey: null, + getModifierState: o, + }; + r.augmentClass(n, a), (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./SyntheticUIEvent": 91, "./getEventModifierState": 114 }, + ], + 91: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticEvent"), + o = e("./getEventTarget"), + a = { + view: function (e) { + if (e.view) return e.view; + var t = o(e); + if (null != t && t.window === t) return t; + var n = t.ownerDocument; + return n ? n.defaultView || n.parentWindow : window; + }, + detail: function (e) { + return e.detail || 0; + }, + }; + r.augmentClass(n, a), (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./SyntheticEvent": 85, "./getEventTarget": 115 }, + ], + 92: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + r.call(this, e, t, n); + } + var r = e("./SyntheticMouseEvent"), + o = { + deltaX: function (e) { + return "deltaX" in e + ? e.deltaX + : "wheelDeltaX" in e + ? -e.wheelDeltaX + : 0; + }, + deltaY: function (e) { + return "deltaY" in e + ? e.deltaY + : "wheelDeltaY" in e + ? -e.wheelDeltaY + : "wheelDelta" in e + ? -e.wheelDelta + : 0; + }, + deltaZ: null, + deltaMode: null, + }; + r.augmentClass(n, o), (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./SyntheticMouseEvent": 89 }, + ], + 93: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./invariant"), + r = { + reinitializeTransaction: function () { + (this.transactionWrappers = this.getTransactionWrappers()), + this.wrapperInitData + ? (this.wrapperInitData.length = 0) + : (this.wrapperInitData = []), + (this._isInTransaction = !1); + }, + _isInTransaction: !1, + getTransactionWrappers: null, + isInTransaction: function () { + return !!this._isInTransaction; + }, + perform: function (e, t, r, o, a, i, s, u) { + n(!this.isInTransaction()); + var c, l; + try { + (this._isInTransaction = !0), + (c = !0), + this.initializeAll(0), + (l = e.call(t, r, o, a, i, s, u)), + (c = !1); + } finally { + try { + if (c) + try { + this.closeAll(0); + } catch (p) {} + else this.closeAll(0); + } finally { + this._isInTransaction = !1; + } + } + return l; + }, + initializeAll: function (e) { + for ( + var t = this.transactionWrappers, n = e; + n < t.length; + n++ + ) { + var r = t[n]; + try { + (this.wrapperInitData[n] = o.OBSERVED_ERROR), + (this.wrapperInitData[n] = r.initialize + ? r.initialize.call(this) + : null); + } finally { + if (this.wrapperInitData[n] === o.OBSERVED_ERROR) + try { + this.initializeAll(n + 1); + } catch (a) {} + } + } + }, + closeAll: function (e) { + n(this.isInTransaction()); + for ( + var t = this.transactionWrappers, r = e; + r < t.length; + r++ + ) { + var a, + i = t[r], + s = this.wrapperInitData[r]; + try { + (a = !0), + s !== o.OBSERVED_ERROR && + i.close && + i.close.call(this, s), + (a = !1); + } finally { + if (a) + try { + this.closeAll(r + 1); + } catch (u) {} + } + } + this.wrapperInitData.length = 0; + }, + }, + o = { Mixin: r, OBSERVED_ERROR: {} }; + t.exports = o; + }, + { "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 94: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./getUnboundedScrollPosition"), + r = { + currentScrollLeft: 0, + currentScrollTop: 0, + refreshScrollValues: function () { + var e = n(window); + (r.currentScrollLeft = e.x), (r.currentScrollTop = e.y); + }, + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./getUnboundedScrollPosition": 120 }, + ], + 95: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + if ((r(null != t), null == e)) return t; + var n = Array.isArray(e), + o = Array.isArray(t); + return n && o + ? (e.push.apply(e, t), e) + : n + ? (e.push(t), e) + : o + ? [e].concat(t) + : [e, t]; + } + var r = e("./invariant"); + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 96: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + for (var t = 1, n = 0, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) + (t = (t + e.charCodeAt(o)) % r), (n = (n + t) % r); + return t | (n << 16); + } + var r = 65521; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 97: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + return e.replace(r, function (e, t) { + return t.toUpperCase(); + }); + } + var r = /-(.)/g; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 98: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return r(e.replace(o, "ms-")); + } + var r = e("./camelize"), + o = /^-ms-/; + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./camelize": 97 }, + ], + 99: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e, t) { + return e && t + ? e === t + ? !0 + : r(e) + ? !1 + : r(t) + ? n(e, t.parentNode) + : e.contains + ? e.contains(t) + : e.compareDocumentPosition + ? !!(16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(t)) + : !1 + : !1; + } + var r = e("./isTextNode"); + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./isTextNode": 128 }, + ], + 100: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + return ( + !!e && + ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e) && + "length" in e && + !("setInterval" in e) && + "number" != typeof e.nodeType && + (Array.isArray(e) || "callee" in e || "item" in e) + ); + } + function r(e) { + return n(e) ? (Array.isArray(e) ? e.slice() : o(e)) : [e]; + } + var o = e("./toArray"); + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./toArray": 139 }, + ], + 101: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + var t = o.createFactory(e), + n = r.createClass({ + displayName: "ReactFullPageComponent" + e, + componentWillUnmount: function () { + a(!1); + }, + render: function () { + return t(this.props); + }, + }); + return n; + } + var r = e("./ReactCompositeComponent"), + o = e("./ReactElement"), + a = e("./invariant"); + t.exports = n; + }, + { + "./ReactCompositeComponent": 34, + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 102: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + var t = e.match(c); + return t && t[1].toLowerCase(); + } + function r(e, t) { + var r = u; + s(!!u); + var o = n(e), + c = o && i(o); + if (c) { + r.innerHTML = c[1] + e + c[2]; + for (var l = c[0]; l--; ) r = r.lastChild; + } else r.innerHTML = e; + var p = r.getElementsByTagName("script"); + p.length && (s(t), a(p).forEach(t)); + for (var d = a(r.childNodes); r.lastChild; ) + r.removeChild(r.lastChild); + return d; + } + var o = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + a = e("./createArrayFrom"), + i = e("./getMarkupWrap"), + s = e("./invariant"), + u = o.canUseDOM ? document.createElement("div") : null, + c = /^\s*<(\w+)/; + t.exports = r; + }, + { + "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22, + "./createArrayFrom": 100, + "./getMarkupWrap": 116, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 103: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + var n = null == t || "boolean" == typeof t || "" === t; + if (n) return ""; + var r = isNaN(t); + return r || 0 === t || (o.hasOwnProperty(e) && o[e]) + ? "" + t + : ("string" == typeof t && (t = t.trim()), t + "px"); + } + var r = e("./CSSProperty"), + o = r.isUnitlessNumber; + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./CSSProperty": 4 }, + ], + 104: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e, t, n, r, o) { + return o; + } + e("./Object.assign"), e("./warning"); + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./Object.assign": 27, "./warning": 141 }, + ], + 105: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + return function () { + return e; + }; + } + function r() {} + (r.thatReturns = n), + (r.thatReturnsFalse = n(!1)), + (r.thatReturnsTrue = n(!0)), + (r.thatReturnsNull = n(null)), + (r.thatReturnsThis = function () { + return this; + }), + (r.thatReturnsArgument = function (e) { + return e; + }), + (t.exports = r); + }, + {}, + ], + 106: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = {}; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 107: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return o[e]; + } + function r(e) { + return ("" + e).replace(a, n); + } + var o = { + "&": "&", + ">": ">", + "<": "<", + '"': """, + "'": "'", + }, + a = /[&><"']/g; + t.exports = r; + }, + {}, + ], + 108: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + var r = e, + a = !r.hasOwnProperty(n); + if (a && null != t) { + var i, + s = typeof t; + (i = "string" === s ? o(t) : "number" === s ? o("" + t) : t), + (r[n] = i); + } + } + function r(e) { + if (null == e) return e; + var t = {}; + return a(e, n, t), t; + } + { + var o = e("./ReactTextComponent"), + a = e("./traverseAllChildren"); + e("./warning"); + } + t.exports = r; + }, + { + "./ReactTextComponent": 76, + "./traverseAllChildren": 140, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 109: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + try { + e.focus(); + } catch (t) {} + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 110: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = function (e, t, n) { + Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(t, n) : e && t.call(n, e); + }; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 111: [ + function (e, t) { + function n() { + try { + return document.activeElement || document.body; + } catch (e) { + return document.body; + } + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 112: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + var t, + n = e.keyCode; + return ( + "charCode" in e + ? ((t = e.charCode), 0 === t && 13 === n && (t = 13)) + : (t = n), + t >= 32 || 13 === t ? t : 0 + ); + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 113: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + if (e.key) { + var t = o[e.key] || e.key; + if ("Unidentified" !== t) return t; + } + if ("keypress" === e.type) { + var n = r(e); + return 13 === n ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(n); + } + return "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type + ? a[e.keyCode] || "Unidentified" + : ""; + } + var r = e("./getEventCharCode"), + o = { + Esc: "Escape", + Spacebar: " ", + Left: "ArrowLeft", + Up: "ArrowUp", + Right: "ArrowRight", + Down: "ArrowDown", + Del: "Delete", + Win: "OS", + Menu: "ContextMenu", + Apps: "ContextMenu", + Scroll: "ScrollLock", + MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified", + }, + a = { + 8: "Backspace", + 9: "Tab", + 12: "Clear", + 13: "Enter", + 16: "Shift", + 17: "Control", + 18: "Alt", + 19: "Pause", + 20: "CapsLock", + 27: "Escape", + 32: " ", + 33: "PageUp", + 34: "PageDown", + 35: "End", + 36: "Home", + 37: "ArrowLeft", + 38: "ArrowUp", + 39: "ArrowRight", + 40: "ArrowDown", + 45: "Insert", + 46: "Delete", + 112: "F1", + 113: "F2", + 114: "F3", + 115: "F4", + 116: "F5", + 117: "F6", + 118: "F7", + 119: "F8", + 120: "F9", + 121: "F10", + 122: "F11", + 123: "F12", + 144: "NumLock", + 145: "ScrollLock", + 224: "Meta", + }; + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./getEventCharCode": 112 }, + ], + 114: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + var t = this, + n = t.nativeEvent; + if (n.getModifierState) return n.getModifierState(e); + var r = o[e]; + return r ? !!n[r] : !1; + } + function r() { + return n; + } + var o = { + Alt: "altKey", + Control: "ctrlKey", + Meta: "metaKey", + Shift: "shiftKey", + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + {}, + ], + 115: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + var t = e.target || e.srcElement || window; + return 3 === t.nodeType ? t.parentNode : t; + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 116: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + return ( + o(!!a), + p.hasOwnProperty(e) || (e = "*"), + i.hasOwnProperty(e) || + ((a.innerHTML = + "*" === e ? "" : "<" + e + ">"), + (i[e] = !a.firstChild)), + i[e] ? p[e] : null + ); + } + var r = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + o = e("./invariant"), + a = r.canUseDOM ? document.createElement("div") : null, + i = { + circle: !0, + defs: !0, + ellipse: !0, + g: !0, + line: !0, + linearGradient: !0, + path: !0, + polygon: !0, + polyline: !0, + radialGradient: !0, + rect: !0, + stop: !0, + text: !0, + }, + s = [1, '"], + u = [1, "", "
"], + c = [3, "", "
"], + l = [1, "", ""], + p = { + "*": [1, "?
", "
"], + area: [1, "", ""], + col: [ + 2, + "", + "
", + ], + legend: [1, "
", "
"], + param: [1, "", ""], + tr: [2, "", "
"], + optgroup: s, + option: s, + caption: u, + colgroup: u, + tbody: u, + tfoot: u, + thead: u, + td: c, + th: c, + circle: l, + defs: l, + ellipse: l, + g: l, + line: l, + linearGradient: l, + path: l, + polygon: l, + polyline: l, + radialGradient: l, + rect: l, + stop: l, + text: l, + }; + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 117: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + for (; e && e.firstChild; ) e = e.firstChild; + return e; + } + function r(e) { + for (; e; ) { + if (e.nextSibling) return e.nextSibling; + e = e.parentNode; + } + } + function o(e, t) { + for (var o = n(e), a = 0, i = 0; o; ) { + if (3 == o.nodeType) { + if (((i = a + o.textContent.length), t >= a && i >= t)) + return { node: o, offset: t - a }; + a = i; + } + o = n(r(o)); + } + } + t.exports = o; + }, + {}, + ], + 118: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return e + ? e.nodeType === r + ? e.documentElement + : e.firstChild + : null; + } + var r = 9; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 119: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n() { + return ( + !o && + r.canUseDOM && + (o = + "textContent" in document.documentElement + ? "textContent" + : "innerText"), + o + ); + } + var r = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + o = null; + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22 }, + ], + 120: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return e === window + ? { + x: window.pageXOffset || document.documentElement.scrollLeft, + y: window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop, + } + : { x: e.scrollLeft, y: e.scrollTop }; + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 121: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + return e.replace(r, "-$1").toLowerCase(); + } + var r = /([A-Z])/g; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 122: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return r(e).replace(o, "-ms-"); + } + var r = e("./hyphenate"), + o = /^ms-/; + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./hyphenate": 121 }, + ], + 123: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + var n; + return ( + (n = + "string" == typeof e.type + ? r.createInstanceForTag(e.type, e.props, t) + : new e.type(e.props)), + n.construct(e), + n + ); + } + { + var r = + (e("./warning"), + e("./ReactElement"), + e("./ReactLegacyElement"), + e("./ReactNativeComponent")); + e("./ReactEmptyComponent"); + } + t.exports = n; + }, + { + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactEmptyComponent": 52, + "./ReactLegacyElement": 59, + "./ReactNativeComponent": 64, + "./warning": 141, + }, + ], + 124: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = function (e, t, n, r, o, a, i, s) { + if (!e) { + var u; + if (void 0 === t) + u = new Error( + "Minified exception occurred; use the non-minified dev environment for the full error message and additional helpful warnings." + ); + else { + var c = [n, r, o, a, i, s], + l = 0; + u = new Error( + "Invariant Violation: " + + t.replace(/%s/g, function () { + return c[l++]; + }) + ); + } + throw ((u.framesToPop = 1), u); + } + }; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 125: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + if (!o.canUseDOM || (t && !("addEventListener" in document))) + return !1; + var n = "on" + e, + a = n in document; + if (!a) { + var i = document.createElement("div"); + i.setAttribute(n, "return;"), (a = "function" == typeof i[n]); + } + return ( + !a && + r && + "wheel" === e && + (a = document.implementation.hasFeature("Events.wheel", "3.0")), + a + ); + } + var r, + o = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"); + o.canUseDOM && + (r = + document.implementation && + document.implementation.hasFeature && + document.implementation.hasFeature("", "") !== !0), + (t.exports = n); + }, + { "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22 }, + ], + 126: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + return !( + !e || + !("function" == typeof Node + ? e instanceof Node + : "object" == typeof e && + "number" == typeof e.nodeType && + "string" == typeof e.nodeName) + ); + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 127: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return ( + e && + (("INPUT" === e.nodeName && r[e.type]) || + "TEXTAREA" === e.nodeName) + ); + } + var r = { + color: !0, + date: !0, + datetime: !0, + "datetime-local": !0, + email: !0, + month: !0, + number: !0, + password: !0, + range: !0, + search: !0, + tel: !0, + text: !0, + time: !0, + url: !0, + week: !0, + }; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 128: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + return r(e) && 3 == e.nodeType; + } + var r = e("./isNode"); + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./isNode": 126 }, + ], + 129: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + e || (e = ""); + var t, + n = arguments.length; + if (n > 1) + for (var r = 1; n > r; r++) + (t = arguments[r]), t && (e = (e ? e + " " : "") + t); + return e; + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 130: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./invariant"), + r = function (e) { + var t, + r = {}; + n(e instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(e)); + for (t in e) e.hasOwnProperty(t) && (r[t] = t); + return r; + }; + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 131: [ + function (e, t) { + var n = function (e) { + var t; + for (t in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return t; + return null; + }; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 132: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t, n) { + if (!e) return null; + var o = {}; + for (var a in e) r.call(e, a) && (o[a] = t.call(n, e[a], a, e)); + return o; + } + var r = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 133: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + var t = {}; + return function (n) { + return t.hasOwnProperty(n) ? t[n] : (t[n] = e.call(this, n)); + }; + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 134: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + r(e && !/[^a-z0-9_]/.test(e)); + } + var r = e("./invariant"); + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 135: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return o(r.isValidElement(e)), e; + } + var r = e("./ReactElement"), + o = e("./invariant"); + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./ReactElement": 50, "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 136: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./ExecutionEnvironment"), + r = /^[ \r\n\t\f]/, + o = /<(!--|link|noscript|meta|script|style)[ \r\n\t\f\/>]/, + a = function (e, t) { + e.innerHTML = t; + }; + if (n.canUseDOM) { + var i = document.createElement("div"); + (i.innerHTML = " "), + "" === i.innerHTML && + (a = function (e, t) { + if ( + (e.parentNode && e.parentNode.replaceChild(e, e), + r.test(t) || ("<" === t[0] && o.test(t))) + ) { + e.innerHTML = "" + t; + var n = e.firstChild; + 1 === n.data.length ? e.removeChild(n) : n.deleteData(0, 1); + } else e.innerHTML = t; + }); + } + t.exports = a; + }, + { "./ExecutionEnvironment": 22 }, + ], + 137: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + if (e === t) return !0; + var n; + for (n in e) + if ( + e.hasOwnProperty(n) && + (!t.hasOwnProperty(n) || e[n] !== t[n]) + ) + return !1; + for (n in t) + if (t.hasOwnProperty(n) && !e.hasOwnProperty(n)) return !1; + return !0; + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 138: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e, t) { + return e && + t && + e.type === t.type && + e.key === t.key && + e._owner === t._owner + ? !0 + : !1; + } + t.exports = n; + }, + {}, + ], + 139: [ + function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + var t = e.length; + if ( + (r( + !Array.isArray(e) && + ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e) + ), + r("number" == typeof t), + r(0 === t || t - 1 in e), + e.hasOwnProperty) + ) + try { + return Array.prototype.slice.call(e); + } catch (n) {} + for (var o = Array(t), a = 0; t > a; a++) o[a] = e[a]; + return o; + } + var r = e("./invariant"); + t.exports = n; + }, + { "./invariant": 124 }, + ], + 140: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + function n(e) { + return d[e]; + } + function r(e, t) { + return e && null != e.key ? a(e.key) : t.toString(36); + } + function o(e) { + return ("" + e).replace(f, n); + } + function a(e) { + return "$" + o(e); + } + function i(e, t, n) { + return null == e ? 0 : h(e, "", 0, t, n); + } + var s = e("./ReactElement"), + u = e("./ReactInstanceHandles"), + c = e("./invariant"), + l = u.SEPARATOR, + p = ":", + d = { "=": "=0", ".": "=1", ":": "=2" }, + f = /[=.:]/g, + h = function (e, t, n, o, i) { + var u, + d, + f = 0; + if (Array.isArray(e)) + for (var m = 0; m < e.length; m++) { + var v = e[m]; + (u = t + (t ? p : l) + r(v, m)), + (d = n + f), + (f += h(v, u, d, o, i)); + } + else { + var g = typeof e, + y = "" === t, + E = y ? l + r(e, 0) : t; + if (null == e || "boolean" === g) o(i, null, E, n), (f = 1); + else if ( + "string" === g || + "number" === g || + s.isValidElement(e) + ) + o(i, e, E, n), (f = 1); + else if ("object" === g) { + c(!e || 1 !== e.nodeType); + for (var C in e) + e.hasOwnProperty(C) && + ((u = t + (t ? p : l) + a(C) + p + r(e[C], 0)), + (d = n + f), + (f += h(e[C], u, d, o, i))); + } + } + return f; + }; + t.exports = i; + }, + { + "./ReactElement": 50, + "./ReactInstanceHandles": 58, + "./invariant": 124, + }, + ], + 141: [ + function (e, t) { + "use strict"; + var n = e("./emptyFunction"), + r = n; + t.exports = r; + }, + { "./emptyFunction": 105 }, + ], + }, + {}, + [1] + )(1); +});